This is a Request For Information (RFI) issued solely for information
and planning purposes -- it does not constitute a Request For Proposal
(RFP). The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is
requesting information to assess technical and functional attributes of
the various asset management Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) software
packages that are currently available or that will become available in
the next 1-2 years for inclusion in its new Integrated Financial
Management (IFM) system. NASA's IFM system will implement a new
agencywide core financial management capability and related
administrative functions using COTS software. NASA desires to include
agencywide asset management capability in its IFM system. The
information obtained in response to this RFI will be used exclusively
by NASA personnel and their consultants to assist in planning for
acquiring asset management software that is fully integrated with the
IFM system currently being implemented. NASA has reengineered business
processes to provide integration among functional processes within the
scope of integrated asset management to fully support life cycle
management of NASA assets. The COTS software applications for which
NASA is seeking information will be Year 2000 compliant and will
support the planning, acquisition, maintenance, and disposition of
NASA's assets as part of the following functions: (1) Logistics
(supply): inventory management (stock replenishment, management of
shelf life materials, Institute for Electrical and Electronics
Engineers (IEEE) parts management, lot/date tracking of critical
hardware and components, kitting/provisioning, material safety data
sheet (MSDS), customer order entry); furniture management; interfacing
with the Federal Cataloging system, receiving and issuing; equipment
(cataloging, track, transfers, life cycle management, maintenance,
calibration, temporary and long-term storage), disposal (HAZ/MAT
decontamination, sales, donations, reutilization, cannibalization);
warehousing (warehouse management, custodial storage, environmental
storage, control storage); distribution (intracenter distribution,
intercenter shipment); and motor vehicle/fleet management (dispatch and
maintenance); (2) Facilities: facilities project management; design
process management; construction management, tracking, and status
reporting; maintenance management including routine, reliability
centered, predictive, and deferred; space management and facility
utilization; and real property management including asset depreciation
evaluation, and calculation and reporting; (3) Aircraft management:
fleet management, maintenance, crew training/flight time, flight
scheduling, interagency parts requisition, and configuration
management; and (4) Environmental: collecting requirements,
establishing priorities, and identifying resources needed to sustain
environmental compliance through the Federal environmental program
planning (FEDPLAN) process; environmental compliance and restoration
program management; project/budget execution tracking; support of
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)/cultural/historical resource
processes during asset planning and disposal; chemical
tracking/storage/issue/consumption; hazardous waste
characterization/inventory control/tracking/disposal/records retention;
environmental permit planning/development/maintenance/cost tracking;
air and water emissions tracking; compliance inspections for
permitted/regulated assets; storage tank loss measurement/inspection;
energy consumption tracking/usage allocation; and support of
cleanup/closure processes as required by the Resource Conservation and
Recovery Act (RCRA) and the Comprehensive Environmental Response
Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA). The asset management
software shall comply with Federal and agencywide reporting and metrics
requirements. Responses shall state whether or not this capability is
already contained within the COTS. GOALS -- NASA's goal is to implement
an asset management system that is integrated within the IFM system and
among the internal functional modules of asset management. The
contractor will be responsible for working with NASA personnel and the
IFMP contractor for integration of the asset management software into
the IFM system. IFMP uses Oracle 8 as the database and KPMG's
Performance Series software. Implementation of the system will include:
(1) integration and standardization of data and systems across all NASA
Centers, (2) providing management with access to timely and accurate
asset management information on programs and projects, and (3)
implementation of advanced technology to provide the greatest
capability and an extended life cycle. NASA intends to use this RFI to
develop an acquisition strategy for asset management. SCOPE -- These
systems will be used to support NASA's entire civil service population
(approximately 20,000) at all NASA Centers and NASA Headquarters (10
major sites) and the management of NASA's assets of approximately $27.6
billion in estimated book value. ENVIRONMENT -- All 10 NASA Centers are
interconnected via a high speed computer network that is a part of the
worldwide Internet. NASA maintains its own backbone network based on
the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). This wide
area network (WAN) has direct links to local area networks (LANs) at
each field location. Interested parties should assume that any NASA
employee using asset management applications would be equipped with a
web-enabled personal computer (Intel/Windows, Macintosh or UNIX) and a
LAN connection providing connectivity to other NASA locations. NASA
intends to utilize radio frequency technology and bar coding in its
asset management. SURVEY OBJECTIVES -- NASA is collecting data to
enable it to prepare its acquisition strategy for asset management.
Objectives of this RFI include obtaining an understanding of and making
assessments about appropriate COTS application software with respect to
the following: (1) Currently available and planned future functional
capabilities in the near term (1-2 years) in the asset management areas
consisting of business processes supported, application capabilities,
and human engineering and usability testing applied. (2) Will current
application software capabilities pass independent third party testing
for compliance with Joint Financial Management Improvement Program
(JFMIP) and Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board (FASAB)
requirements? (3) Currently available technology and planned technology
capabilities in the near term (1-3 years) including but not limited to:
(a) Fundamental technologies employed, including but not limited to:
client/server architecture; graphical user interface (GUI) and
development tools; electronic data interchange (EDI), including the use
of X12 transaction sets; electronic commerce (EC); digital signatures;
security (data and system); and object capabilities (language,
database, architecture (Common Object Request Broker Architecture
(CORBA)). (b) Support for and compliance with standards: X/Open
Portability Guide, Issue 4; Structured Query Language (SQL); CORBA;
TCP/IP; and any others utilized. (c) Scalability: the degree to which
the systems support workgroup operations and how they scale to support
enterprise wide data integration and retrieval. (d) Implementation
environment: computer platform requirements; operating system
requirements; database requirements (vendors, types, structure, etc.);
application language(s); application structure, integration, etc.;
data query, download/upload capabilities. (e) Architecture: What
architecture options are available for implementing your application in
the NASA environment? Does it support a distributed environment? If
multiple architectures are offered, provide information on functional
application differences (for instance, between vendor's mainframe and
client/server-based systems). (f) Geographical information system
(GIS): GIS capabilities to capture and report data and information
using spatial reference and coordinates. (4) Business/Other: (a)
Identify potential for on-line Internet access to application software
and a test database at vendor's own facility. (b) Identify status and
readiness of software or planned readiness dates for future
capabilities. NASA is seeking comprehensive information for planning
purposes. Responses are requested if you can provide any components of
the relevant application. If you cannot provide all necessary
components of the asset management application, you should identify the
aspects you can provide. Information should be submitted in the form of
a "white paper," limited to no more than 50 pages in length. Additional
informational brochures or user manuals are welcome. Any material
submitted, including the white paper, will not be returned. Interested
parties shall submit responses (excluding brochures) electronically
via 3.5" diskette in either IBM PC or Macintosh readable form. The
preferred word processor format is Microsoft Word 6.0, Word Perfect, or
ASCII file. If brochures or manuals are to be submitted, respondents
shall provide 30 copies of any materials that are not available
electronically. NASA intends to distribute the responses to this RFI
widely within the Agency for review purposes. Accordingly, respondents
shall clearly identify sensitive or proprietary material. NASA
reserves the right to contact vendors to provide clarifications on
capabilities or to ask questions. Individual respondents should
indicate whether they are a large, small, small disadvantaged or
women-owned business. NASA shall not assume any expenses incurred by
any of the respondents to this RFI. For additional information
concerning this request, contact Mel Potts at (256) 544-6114 or at the
following email address: mel.potts@msfc.nasa.gov. Responses should be
sent to Cynthia J. Stoltz, Contracting Officer, Mail Code 401.2,
Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt Road, Greenbelt MD 20771. WEB:
Click here for the latest information about this notice,
http://nais.nasa.gov/EPS/GSFC/date.html#AIM-IFMP. E-MAIL: Rebecca L.
Barth, Rebecca.L.Barth.1@gsfc.nasa.gov. Posted 09/30/98 (D-SN256927). Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0812 19981002\SP-0013.MSC)
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