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AFCEA FALL '98 INTELLIGENCE SYMPOSIUM -- FINAL PROGRAM On October 28 -- 29, 1998, AFCEA International will host its annual Fall Intelligence Symposium at the Defense Intelligence Analysis Center (DIAC), Washington, DC. This year's theme is "Information Superiority: The Road to Joint Vision 2010." A detailed agenda, an "Exhibitor Gallery," featuring the 40 companies who will be exhibiting in the DIAC, and online registration are available at http://www.afcea.org. Attendees must be U.S. citizens and have a Top Secret SI/TK clearance. KEYNOTE SPEAKER: ADM David E. Jeremiah, USN (Ret.), Partner and President, Technology Strategies and Alliances Corporation. While on active duty, Admiral Jeremiah served as Vice Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff for Generals Powell and Shalikashvili. Since his military retirement, he has chaired two special DOD panels, one that reviewed the future of the NRO and one that evaluated US Intelligence support during the India-Pakistan nuclear crisis. SYMPOSIUM CONTEXT: This Top Secret SI/TK symposium will begin by focusing on the requirements needed for information superiority as envisioned by key members of the Joint Staff (J-2, J-6, J-7, and J-8). In session two, the focal point will shift to what is being done by OSD/C3I and the national-level agencies to provide the organization, policy, and coordination to satisfy JV 2010 requirements. The third session will examine the work being done by the Service battle labs to develop and test new and visionary technologies that can provide information superiority. The final session will explore the future of information technology and the investments strategies likely to support it. This program has been designed to provide Intelligence professionals with the continuing education they need to stay current in their profession and to facilitate dialogue between and among the Intelligence Community components and Industry. DOD APPROVAL: "The Department of Defense finds this event meets the minimum regulatory standards for attendance by DoD employees. This finding does not constitute a blanket approval or endorsement for attendance. Individual DoD component commands or organizations are responsible for approving attendance of its DoD employees based on mission requirements and DoD regulations." PROGRAM-AT-A-GLANCE. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1998. SESSION ONE: In Joint Vision 2010, the Joint Staff has laid out a new direction for achieving information superiority in the 21st century. It is a vision which capitalizes on the United States' leadership in information technology. In the first session, the J-2, 6, 7, and 8 will discuss the requirement for information superiority and the implementation plan for achieving it. In these presentations, the role intelligence plays in supporting information superiority will be emphasized. Session Chairman: Col Jeffrey R. Hackman, USAF (Ret.), Senior Manager, Special Programs, Sprint. SESSION TWO: "OSD/C3I and the National Agencies: The Achievement of Information Superiority." The need to gain and achieve information superiority is becoming the driver in how the Department of Defense and the national intelligence agencies organize for and execute their missions. This session will explore what is being done by OSD/C3I to provide the organization, policy and coordination to achieve and maintain information superiority. In addition, intelligence agency representatives will discuss what they are doing to ensure the information they gather and provide directly supports information superiority. Session Chairman: Dr. Linton Well, II, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for C3I, Department of Defense. TECHNOLOGY RECEPTION. Enjoy great food and drink, view the latest intelligence-related technology, and network with other Intelligence Community professionals. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1998. SESSION THREE: "The Service Battle Labs: The Solutions for Information Superiority." The rapid evolution of information technology trends plays a dominant role in guiding the Service battle labs as they address the requirements to satisfy information superiority. This session will look at what each of the battle labs is doing, how their approaches differ and where there are opportunities for Industry. In addition, the labs will report on how they are using commercially available hardware and software to meet their needs. Session Chairman: Mr. Christopher Haakon, CEO, Autometric, Inc. SESSION FOUR: "Industry: Technology Trends." Technology is a tremendous catalyst in creating and implementing new capabilities and products. This capstone session will explore the future of information technology and the investment strategies likely to support it. In doing, so, the discussion will address those technologies which are essential to the Intelligence Community as it copes with the revolution in military affairs, the world's geopolitical environment, the nature of information, and relatively austere resource levels. Session Chairman: Dr. William M. Nolte, Director, Outreach and Strategic Planning, National Intelligence Council. CONFIRMED SPEAKERS (in alphabetical order): Lt Gen Frank B. Campbell, USAF, Director, Force Structure, Resource and Assessment Directorate (J8), The Joint Staff; MG George F. Close, Jr., USA, Director, Operational Plans and Interoperability (J7), The Joint Staff; Dr. Ruth A. David, CEO, ANSER; Brig Gen Carol Elliot, USAF, Vice Director for Intelligence (J2), The Joint Staff/Defense Intelligence Agency; Dr. Frank Fernandez, Director, DARPA; Mr. John J. Garstka, Scientific Technical Advisor (J-6), The Joint Staff; Col Ron Kurjanowicz, USAF, Chief, Air Force Battle Lab Integration Division, Headquarters, USAF; ADM David E. Jeremiah, USN (Ret.), Partner and President, Technology Strategies and Alliances Corporation; Dr. Marvin J. Langston, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, CIO Policy and Implementation, Office of the Secretary of Defense (C3); Ms. Bobbi Lenczowski, Deputy Director, Operations, National Imagery and Mapping Agency; COL William E. Marshall, USA, Commander, Joint C4ISR Battle Center; Mr. William J. Marshall, Deputy Associate Deputy Director Operations, Military Support, National Security Agency; Mr. Edwin W. Mazzanti, Technology Advisor, US Army TRADOC Battle Lab Integration, US Army Headquarters, TRADOC; CAPT Robert N. Nestlerode, USN, Director, Doctrine Development, Navy Warfare Development Command; Ms. Cheryl J. Roby, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Intelligence) Office of the Secretary of Defense (C3); LtGen Paul K. VanRiper, USMC (Ret.), Senior Fellow, Center for Naval Analysis; Dr. Linton Wells, II, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for C3I, Department of Defense; Dr. John J. Yurechko, Defense Intelligence Senior Level Expert for Information Operations, Defense Intelligence Agency. FEES, REGISTRATION, AND QUESTIONS: Government/Military: $150. Industry AFCEA Member: $300. Industry Non-AFCEA Member: $375. After October 12, 1998, the rates increase $25 for government/military attendees and $50 for all others. SYMPOSIUM FEES INLCUDE ALL PROGRAM SESSIONS, THE EXHIBIT GALLERY, TWO CONTINENTAL BREAKFASTS, TWO LUNCHES, AND THE TECHNOLOGY RECEPTION. REGISTRATION OR QUESTIONS: Register online: "http://www.afcea.org" For questions: E-mail "intelligence@afcea.org" or call (800) 336-4583, ext. 6238 or (703) 631-6238. EXHIBITORS: For information about exhibiting opportunities at this or future AFCEA intelligence events, please call AFCEA at (800) 336-4583, ext. 6238 or (703) 631-6238. SPECIAL NEEDS: AFCEA supports the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Attendees with special needs should call (703) 631-6250. OUR LAST SYMPOSIUM SOLD OUT; PLEASE REGISTER EARLY! WEB: Click here (and then on Events) to get more details, http://www.afcea.org. E-MAIL: Click here if you wish to contact AFCEA, intelligence@afcea.org. Posted 10/01/98 (W-SN257682).

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