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Department of the Army, Baltimore District, Corps of Engineer, 10 South Howard Street, Room 7000, Baltimore, MD 21201-1715

C -- ARCHITECT-ENGINEERS SERVICES FOR ONE INDEFINITE DELIVERY TYPE MULTI-DISCIPLINE CONTRACT FOR WALTER REED ARMY MEDICAL CENTER, WASHINGTON, DC SOL DACA31-99-R-0006 DUE 120198 POC Susan Sonenthal 410-962-7646 E-MAIL: SUSAN.J.SONENTHAL@NAB02.USACE.ARMY.MIL, SUSAN.J.SONENTHAL@NAB02.USACE.ARMY.MIL. 1. CONTRACT INFORMATION: A-E services required for one indefinite delivery type contract for site investigation, planning, programming, surveys and geotechnical investigation, topographic surveys, preparation of DD Form 1391s, engineering studies, concept design, final design and construction phase services for the use at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, D.C. that may be used by other Government Agencies throughout the Baltimore District. Construction phase services may include preparation of operation and maintenance manuals and shop drawing review. This procurement is unrestricted and therefore is open to all businesses regardless of size. A firm-fixed-price contract will be negotiated. Contract will be for one base period and two option periods. A period will not exceed one year. Cumulative total shall not exceed $1,000,000 per year. The total contract amount is $3,000,000. The con-tract is antici-pated to be awarded in March 1999. When two or more AE Indefinite Deliver-type contract with similar scopes of work exists, the basis for selecting an AE for a particular delivery order will be based on several factors. Among these factors are anticipation of customer needs, timeliness, any unique specialized experience that the AE can offer, performance and quality of deliverables under the AE's current IDTC, along with customer satisfaction. While this process is not necessarily a "subjective" process, the intent of this contract is to satisfy customer needs in an expeditious and cost effective mode. Location of the firm should be in the general geographical area of the Washington, D.C. -- Baltimore, Maryland. SUBCONTRACT-ING PLAN RE-QUIRE-MENTS: If a large business is select-ed, a subcontracting plan with the final fee propos-al will be required, consistent with Section 806 (b) of PL 100-180, PL 95-507, and 99-661. A minimum of 65% of the total planned subcontracting dollars shall be placed with small business concerns. At least 15% of total planned subcontracting dollars shall be placed withsmall disad-vantaged businesses, including Historically Black Colleges and Universities or Minori-ty Institutions, and 8% with women-owned businesses. The plan is not required with this submit-tal. 2. PROJECT INFORMATION: Work may consist of prepara-tion of reports, studies, design criteria, designs and other general A-E services for alterations, renova-tion, maintenance and repair, and limited new con-struction projects. Specific tasks may include but are not limited to HVAC planning and design, kitchen planning and design, facility management/operations related studies, exterior/interior renovation of medical and laboratory facilities, upgrades of electrical systems and repair of roads/parking areas. Work may include preparation of: design criteria documents, economic analyses, preparation of DD Form 1391s, facility condition surveys, hazardous material surveys, concept designs, final designs and construction phase services. Studies may include such work as: surveying existing medical facilities for architectural, structural, utility system, life safety and fire safety code deficiencies; preparation of program for design for new facilities; design efforts may include facility upgrades to meet National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Code and Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) requirements such as: installation of fire sprinklers; interior upgrades to partitions and upgrades to mechanical, electrical, and fire alarm systems. Projects will be designed in accordance with: MIL-HDBK-1191, DOD Medical and Dental Treatment Facilities Design and Construction Criteria; Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards (UFAS), Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG), American Association for Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care (AAALAC), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute of Health (NIH) Laboratory Design Guidelines, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the Installation Design Guide (IDG) for WRAMC, the Installation Master Plan, and requirements of National Capitol Planning Commission (NCPC), the Commission of Fine Arts (CFA), DC Historic Preservation (SHPO) and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP). Concentration of work shall be in Architecture and Interior Design. Work will include asbestos and lead based paint abatement, and other hazardous survey, testing and abatement. The deliverables are not required to be performed using a specific CADD system. However, the firm will be required to provide any digitizing and/or translation services necessary to deliver the final design products in A-UTOCAD Release 14 on compact disks. -Graphic standards and leveling convention for all CADD drawings shall be based on "Tri-service architectural, engineering and construction (AEC) computer-aided design and drafting (CADD) standards." 3. SELECTION CRITERIA: See Note 24 for general selection process. The criteria for selection in descending order of importance will be a. Special-izedexperience and technical competence of the firm and consul-tants in: (1) Design of health care facilities, familiarity with JCAHO requirements. (2) Specialized experience in design of biomedi-cal/animal research labs, familiarity with AAALAC requirements. (3) Experience in historic preser-vation/rehabilitation in the context of Georgian Revival architecture and in submissions to NCPC, CFA, and SHPO. (4) Experience in design of central chilled water and central boiler plant systems, and energy conservation / energy management systems. (5) Experience with small to medium size renovation projects with average construction cost of $1.0 million. (6) The firm's ability to respond to multiple work orders concurrently, at least two teams shall be shown in the organizational structure. b. Qualified professional person-nel shall be provided in the follow-ing key disciplines: medical/laboratory facility design and planning, architecture, mechanical engineering, construction cost estimat-ing, interior design, landscape architecture, -- electrical engineering, fire protec-tion, struc-tur-al, civil engi-neering, indus-trial hygien-ist, historic architecture and operation and maintenance systems. The historic architect must have experience and knowledge of the National Historic Preservation Act, Section 106 consultation, NEPA, and Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation of Historic Structures. Registered or certified professionals are required in the following disciplines: architecture, mechanical, electrical, fire protection, interior design, industrial hygiene, structural, and civil engineering. The evaluation will consider education, training, registration, certification, overall and relevant experience, and longevity with the firm. c. Experience producing quality designs based on an evaluation of a firm's design quality management plan (DQMP). The DQMP should include an organization chart and briefly address management approach, team organization, quality control procedures, cost control, value engineering, coordination of in-house disciplines and subcontractors, and prior experience of the prime firm and any significant consultants on similar projects. d. Experi-ence of the firm and any consultants in similar size projects, past performance on DOD and other contracts with respect to quality of work, cost control, and compliance with performance schedules, e. The availabili-ty of an adequate number of personnel in key disci-plines. 4. SUBMIS-SION REQUIRE-MENTS: See Note 24 for general submission requirements. Note 24 is written in detail in any Monday issue of the CBD. Interest-ed firms having the capabilities to perform this work must submit SF 255 and SF 254 for the prime and for each consul-tant to the above address not later than close of business on 1 December 1998. The Baltimore District does not retain SF 254's on file. The SF 255 and SF 254 shall clearly indicate the staffing of the offices indicated to do the work. In SF 255, block 3b, provide the prime's ACASS number. The ACASS numbers for consultants should be placed in Block 6. If your firm does not have an ACASS number, it can be obtained from the Portland District Corps of Engineers ACASS database section by calling 503-808-4591. In SF 255, block 10, provide the management plan and the names and telephone numbers of clients as references on three most recent projects of the type relevant to Walter Reed. In SF 255, Block 9, provide contract award dates for all projects listed in that section. Telephone interviews will be conducted with the firms that are short-listed (generally three firms). In order to comply with the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996, all contractors must be registered in the Central Contractor Registration (CCR) to be considered for award of a Federal contract. A paper copy may be obtained from the DOD Electronic Commerce Information Center at 1-800-334-3414 or Contact CCR web site at http://www.acq.osd.mil/ec. Solicita-tion packages are not provided. Mailing address -- ATTN.: Susan Sonenthal, Room 7000, 10 South Howard Street, Baltimore, MD 21201. For questions, Mrs. Sonenthal can be reached on 410-962-7646 and via Internet, susan.j.sonenthal@nab02.usace.army.mil. This is not a request for propos-al. Posted 10/27/98 (W-SN265786). (0300)

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