Loren Data Corp.




Department of the Army, Headquarters, Fort Dix, Attn: AFRC-FA-DCC, Building 5418, Fort Dix, New Jersey 08640-6150

G -- CARNIVAL SOL NAFFI2-99-R-0002 DUE 010499 POC Point of Contact -- Rebecca Fowler, Contract Specialist, 609-562-3251, Contracting Officer -- Maureen E Coughlin, 609-562-2703 WEB: Department of the Army, Headquarters Fort Dix, http://www.dix-emh5.army.mil. E-MAIL: Department of the Army, Headquarters Fort Dix, fowlerr@dix-emh6.army.mil. Contractor shall perform all services required to manage and operate a carnival at Fort Dix, New Jersey during one of the following time periods listed in order of priority: 7-9 May 1999, 4-6 June 1999, and 9-11 July 1999. Alternate dates will be considered. The contractor shall pay the activity a minimum flat fee of $25,000.00 and a minimum thirty percent (30%) of all ride revenue over $75,000.00. This solicitation is being issued unrestricted. The closing date is approximate only. Requests for solicitation shall be in writing and faxed to Becky Fowler (609) 562-6933. Requests for solicitation should include the following information: Name of company, address, point of contact, phone number, fax number and business size (large or small). Posted 11/19/98 (D-SN273099). (0323)

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