118-99-001 DUE 022299 POC Contact Point: Orion Yeandel, Contracting
Officer, Tel: 7-095-956-4121, Fax: Internet: The U.S. Agency for
International Development (USAID) will issue arequest for proposal
(RFP) in support of the Mission s Business Development program for
client focused business services to small and medium enterprises (SMEs)
and entrepreneurs in the Russian Federation. USAID/Russia s Business
Development program has concentrated on two strategic levels: (1)
helping current and future entrepreneurs create successful businesses;
and (2) building a more stable business environment. To achieve these
objectives, the Business Development program has provided training,
directed technical assistance, small scale financing services, and
firm-level consulting activities. The major elements of the
USAID/Russia private enterprise assistance effort have been to
introduce and replicate successful models of private ownership and
modern management; foster the development of a sustainable network of
Russian business support institutions that can, in turn, render high
quality services (consulting and training) to entrepreneurs and private
enterprises; and increase access to finance for entrepreneurs and
private enterprises. To help build successful Russian businesses and
improve the business environment, USAID has worked with and through a
variety of U.S. and Russian Business Support Organizations (BSOs). The
anticipated result is the advancement of economic reform in specific
regions in Russia through services designed to strengthen the regional
and local capacity to promote investment and create a healthy business
climate. Offerors should also focus on cost-effective ways of further
developing a critical mass of entrepreneurs in support of the
successful development of private enterprise and U.S./Russian business
cooperation overall. USAID is seeking proposals from qualified U.S.
organizations to assist in its program of private sector development by
providing volunteer assistance to selected private sector firms and
business support institutions in the Russian Federation. Currently, in
assignments of up to eight weeks, American business volunteers
undertake activities that help address these constraints and lay the
groundwork for the development of small and medium business. The
benefit from the follow-on business and trade partnerships developed
through continued exchanges between U.S. industry experts and Russian
clients is strengthened linkages between our business communities. This
program is intended to implement the next logical phase of the Client
Focused Business Volunteers Program in the Russian Federation, building
on the investment of the last two years, taking into account
opportunities presented by the financial crisis of August 1998, and
incorporating lessons learned and cost considerations. USAID/Russia's
strategy is to streamline the program by utilizing one strategically
targeted mechanism, by using fewer resources and by maximizing the
benefit of each and every volunteer. Offerors are expected to
demonstrate their ability to implement this program under the following
terms: 1. Subcontracting project development services to local Russian
partner organizations. Under the current program, the implementing
Private Volunteer Organizations are expected to have strengthened and
transferred program management and project development capabilities to
a local partner. In addition, under the current program, each
implementer has established its own regional operations, that in some
cases are unnecessary or redundant; 2. Maximizing the benefit of each
Volunteer assignment, so that the knowledge and skills transferred
benefit the widest possible audience of clients. Offerors will be
expected to present creative ideas for achieving this objective.
Offerors will also be expected to analyze the profile of volunteers and
volunteer assignments that have taken place over the last two years in
Russia; and 3. Offerors will be expected to propose an information
product line as an integrated part of their proposal. Strategies for
the three areas of concentration will contain annual quantifiable and
measurable performance indicators which in total will mark achievement
of the strategy. Illustrative budgets for contributions by partners
and other cost-sharing elements that are realistic and practical will
be provided. Offerors shall demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the
programs and services provided by other organizations assisting the SME
sector in Russia, and will reflect a plan of action to direct both
Business Support Institutions (BSIs) and SMEs to these service
providers in their proposals. Offerors will also demonstrate a specific
strategy to increase access to finance for the BSIs and for their SME
clients. The USAID Mission in Russia may award a single contract to
facilitate the delivery of targeted business services in the Russian
Federation that generate accelerated development and growth of Private
Enterprise based on demand for these services. This CBD notice can be
viewed and downloaded using the USAID Web Site. The RFP will be issued
by being posted on the USAID Web Site. The RFP, once issued, can be
downloaded from the Agency web site. The Worldwide Web address is
http://www.info.usaid.gov. Select Business and Procurement
Opportunities from the home page, then "USAID Procurements." On the
following screen, select "Download Available USAID Solicitations."
Receipt of this RFP through INTERNET should be confirmed by written
notification to the contact person noted above. Parties providing this
confirmation or otherwise expressing interest will be listed as an
attachment to the RFP. It is the responsibility of the recipient of
this solicitation document to ensure that it has been received from
INTERNET in its entirety and USAID bears no responsibility for data
errors resulting from transmission or conversion processes. Any
interested party requesting a hard copy or diskette of the solicitation
must submit a written request (fax or email is acceptable) to the
contact person noted above and must make its own arrangements to get
the solicitation (mail, courier, etc.); USAID/Russia will not bear the
cost for this purpose of courier service or other special pickup or
delivery services. SIC Code 8742. Posted 11/24/98 (I-SN274434). (0328) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0071 19981127\R-0009.SOL)
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