Loren Data Corp.




U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 600 M.L. King, Jr. Pl., Rm 821, Louisville, KY 40202-2230

F -- PRE-PLACED REMEDIAL ACTION CONTRACT PRIMARILY FOR THE LOUISVILLE DISTRICT MISSION BUT CAN INCLUDE MISSIONS WITHIN AND OUTSIDE THE GREAT LAKES AND OHIO RIVER DIVISION BOUNDARIES SOL DACA27-99-R-0006 POC Contract Specialist, Denise Bush (502) 625-7528, Techical Contact, Gary Meden (502)625-7446 Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite quantity, Cost Reimbursement, Pre-placed Remedial Action Contracts (PRAC), for Environmental Support Services primarily for the Louisville District mission but can include missions within and outside the Great Lakes and Ohio River Division Boundaries. The Government intends to award two -- $25 million small business set-aside contracts. The SIC Code is 8744 with a size standard of 500 employees. The contract period is a two year base period with a three year option, if exercised, for a maximum 5 year period. A mini-proposal submission is required in response to this notice. The purpose of this notice is to advise prospective offerors that the acquisition will be solicited using multi-phase techniques. This announcement represents phase one of this multi-phase acquisition. During this phase (Phase I -- Pre-Solicitation Notice) the Government will use evaluation criteria to provide recommendations to offerors on whether they appear to be a viable competitor for subsequent phases. The second phase (Phase II -- Solicitation) will be the evaluation of the response to the request for proposal (RFP). At the discretion of the Government, a third phase (Phase III -- Oral Presentations) may be incorporated. The type of work to be done could include, but is not limited to, soil remediation; sampling and analyzing the contents of a variety of tanks, drums and transformers; removing tanks, drums, transformers and their contents; disposal of tanks, drums and transformers; emergency spill containment structures or other facilities incidental to the work; sampling and testing of water and soil samples; installing monitoring wells; well abandonment; constructing caps, slurry walls and grout curtains; removing unsafe buildings, or portions of buildings, with and without asbestos; installing soil venting systems, groundwater treatment systems, and thermal extraction systems; incinerating a variety of types of contaminated materials; removing, treating and disposing of wastes from ordnance, explosives and/or radiation; ordnance identification and avoidance; remediation/removal of low level radioactive waste; installing new tanks and new water supply systems; short term operation and maintenance of facilities, and the planning of work efforts required; preparation of completion reports and as-built drawings. The following information is requested: (1) DEPTH AND SIZE OF THE ORGANIZATION: Indicate geographical locations of the Home Office and/or Branch Offices that will be utilized in support of this contract. Delineate the depth and size of organization. This data should be in summary form, indicating numbers of home and branch office personnel by discipline or trade, such as general construction superintendents, quality control personnel, cost engineers, planning and scheduling engineers, safety engineers, operators, etc. (2) ORGANIZATIONAL APPROACH: Describe your organizational approach and whether you propose to use your own resources solely, a joint venture, a teaming arrangement or other subcontract arrangement. Submit the actual organizational charts for the prime and, if the contract is to be a team arrangement, submit organization charts for each team member. Provide mailing addresses and office locations of the corporate headquarters, regional offices and other offices for each team member. The submittal shall also be sufficiently detailed to indicate the size, diversity, and organizational structure of the team as a whole. Personnel on the organizational chart, including support staff and team member/subcontractors, should be identified by name, discipline, task area, company and office location. The organizational chart shall clearly indicate reporting lines. Describe how the proposed project organization team will function under this contract relative to your home office organization. (3) PROJECT EXPERIENCE: Create and complete a table consisting of the following seven (7) columns for up to a total of ten (10) completed projects within the last five (5) years: Column 1 "Project Name and Location", Column 2 "Contractor (You, Team Member, etc.), Column 3 Contractor Role (Include % of Work Accomplished by Contractor in Column 2), Column 4 Contract Type (Fixed Fee, Cost Plus Fixed Fee, etc.), Column 5 Project Description (Type of Work), Column 6 Customer (Name, Address, and Phone Number), and Column 7 Government Officials who Monitored Project (EPA Regulators, etc.) This should represent the proposed team's experience in HTRW, firm-fixed and cost-type contracts. If numerous and similar source/removals/cleanups occurred under one contract, complete one line for the multiple task contract. The form should indicate your firm's role in each of the completed projects (and percentage of work effort the firm was responsible for) and past experience as a prime, joint venture, subcontractor in comparable projects. Emphasize projects that provided remedial action to hazardous waste cleanups. All references shall contain the name, address, and telephone number of the customer, as well as the names and telephone numbers of Federal and State officials who monitored the project. Confidential clients will not be accepted as references. For the purposes of this section, a Completed Project will be defined as cost reimbursable contracts and task orders that are physically complete and for which final payment has been requested or made and fixed price contracts where final payment has been made. Additional information on these projects will be requested in the Request for Proposal (Phase II). (4) EXPERIENCE WITH REGULATORS: Provide information to demonstrate past experience (if any) with state and federal regulators with jurisdiction in Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York, and Tennessee (especially USEPA Regions IV and V). (5) MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM (MIS): Description of the MIS capabilities regarding planning and scheduling, cost estimating, budgeting and accounting reports, technical and regulatory reports, submittals and other relevant data. Describe the specific mechanisms and relationships that will be utilized to track productivity on a real-time basis (daily, weekly, monthly). (6) PROPOSED LABORATORIES: List laboratories by matrix/analyte/location that you proposed to use and indicate your use of them in the past. The numbered criteria above will be evaluated individually and holistically. Failure to submit information in any given area will result in a recommendation of not being a viable competitor. The highest ratings will be given for the following information in each area: 1. The most personnel of the disciplines required to accomplish the work described above especially within the primary area of operation listed. 2. An approach that is efficient and clearly defines reporting lines. 3. Examples of diverse HTRW remediation work of the types listed above with experience in the states listed in "4". 4. Experience with regulators in most of the states listed and USEPA Regions IV and V. 5. A viable MIS that will produce the information listed at minimal cost. 6. A set of laboratories that will allow diverse HTRW testing including solid, soil, liquid, water, and air samples and varied analyses, including explosives, VOCs, SVOCs, PCB, PAHs (PNAs), pesticides, lead-based paint, TOX, metals (total and TCLP), and low level radioactivity. In addition, the information will be viewed in a holistic context to determine if your proposal presents a well-defined organization that has the capabilities to complete the types of work (soil remediation, sampling and analyzing, etc.) listed above in an efficient manner. The above information must be submitted no later than 4:30 PM Local Time, December 31, 1998. Submissions may not be submitted by facsimile. Phase I submittals shall be no more than 15 pages in length, excluding title page and table of contents. Pages will be numbered sequentially. Pages will be 8 " X 11". If a foldout page (11"X17") is used, it will be counted as two pages. Any page after the first 15 will not be evaluated. Phase I submittals will be used in conjunction with RFP (Phase II) proposals. A letter will be provided to each offeror, indicating whether or not the offeror appears to be a viable competitor within 30 days of receipt of Phase I submittal. A PRE-SUBMITTAL CONFERENCE will be held at 0800 local time on December 10, 1998 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, 320 W. Jefferson, Louisville, Kentucky, 40202. Questions pertaining to the acquisition should be faxed to Denise Bush at (502) 582-5266 in advance of the pre-submittal conference, so that they may be answered at the conference. Oral questions will not be accepted at the pre-submittal conference. All questions must be submitted in writing. Posted 12/01/98 (W-SN275986). (0335)

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F - Natural Resources and Conservation Services Index Page