COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF DECEMBER 21,1998 PSA#2246Federal Emergency Management Agcy, Acquisition Operations Division, 500
C Street, S.W., Room 350, Washington, DC 20472 C -- TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE AND RESEARCH CONTRACT SOL EMW-1999-RP-0014
DUE 020599 POC Contract Specialist: Dao Phan (202) 646-2760 or by email
-- dao.phan@fema.gov E-MAIL: Click here to contact the Contracting
Officer via, dao.phan@fema.gov. The Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA) intends to award an indefinite quantity task order contract.
FEMA requires technical expertise to provide technical assistance,
guidance, and develop reports. These techncial services must be
performed under the supervision of a licensed architect or engineer.
However, an interdisciplinary team is frequently required to address
the engineering, architectural, economic, land management, planning,
environmental and other issues associated with reducing the losses from
natural hazards. Offerors shall be expected to provide expert
engineering knowledge of the loads and damages to the built environment
from natural hazards that include floods, hurricanes and typhoons,
earthquakes, and tsunamis. This expert knowledge is needed for field
investigations, research, and engineering analysis for two separate
types of tasks. Both tasks, as described below, will normally involve
a formal written report, booklet or manual to FEMA. These written
documents are widely distributed and must undergo a stringent quality
control process for both the engineering and the technical editing. The
selected firm shall be required to execute two separate types of tasks
of equal importance. These tasks are: Task 1) Problem-focused studies
and Task 2) Post-disaster forensic engineering investigations. This
contract will be awarded as an indefinite delivery indefinite quantity,
five-year contract. The annual funding for services is expected to vary
based on natural disaster activity and the need for post-disaster
investigations. During the possible 5-year period of this contract,
FEMA expects to procure between $5 million to $10 million in services.
Task 1) Problem Focused Studies. This task will normally result in a
report or publication as part of a continuing effort to reduce disaster
losses. This type of task will normally involve a literature search,
considerable research and the task is completed over a six-month or
longer period. Past efforts include reaching diverse audiences
withtechnical advice. The following are examples of previous work
intended to reach different audiences. Homeowners are the audience for
Homeowner's Guide to Retrofitting, Six Ways To Protect Your House From
Flooding, which explains risk identification, decision-making, and
construction alternatives to homeowners. The general public is the
audience for the one-page fact sheets for mitigation measures, which
are available through the FEMA website and from fax-on-demand.
Publications are also produced that give specific advice to technical
audiences, including design professionals, on natural hazard risks and
how to design and plan to address these risks. In the future, FEMA
expects to continue to reach different audiences with technical
information using different methods of technology transfer. Task 2)
Post-Disaster Forensic Engineering Investigations. This task involves
fielding a forensic engineering team of nationally recognized experts,
local experts, FEMA personnel and State representatives to quickly
identify the causes of disaster damages and recommend how these can be
avoided in the future. These deployments are called Building
Performance Assessment Team (BPAT) deployments. This task requires a
high state of readiness that includes the capability to place a team in
the field with 48 hours following the declaration of a disaster by the
President. In the post-disaster investigation, the engineering, field
visits and the reports must usually be completed in a 3-6 month time.
These findings from these forensic engineering investigations normally
include recommendations that are addressed to public officials, design
professionals and others. These publications frequently affect
reconstruction after a major disaster and can influence public policy
on a national level. These reports are widely distributed and are
subject to intense scrutiny. It is FEMA's intention to continue to use
an existing contract to procure these services until August 1999.
After this date, needed forensic engineering services would be acquired
under this contract. This task also includes annual funding for
maintaining a database of national experts (BPAT database), updating
the FEMA BPAT website, producing a BPAT newsletter on a quarterly
basis, and otherwise maintaining readiness for BPAT deployments.
Submittals will be in conformance with the provisions of PL 92-582
(Brooks Act) and based on the following criteria and evaluation points:
(1) PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS (20 POINTS.) The contractor will need
to provide skills in the following disciplines. These skills will
normally be national experts or senior level. There will be an
occasional need for first and mid-level skills. The number in
parenthesis () next to the skill indicates the estimated maximum number
of personnel per skill which may be required at any one time. The
expected national expert skill usage is estimated at 40 %, senior level
40%, mid level 10% and first level 10%. A national expert shall possess
either a professional registration and a minimum of twelve (12)
yearsexperience in their field of expertise or a Bachelor of Science
(BS) degree or equivalent and twelve (12) years of experience in their
field of expertise. In edition they shall be influential in their
field as indicated by publications in peer-reviewed technical journals
and participation in committees and/or subcommittees of professional
societies. A Senior Level professional shall possess either a
professional registration and a minimum of twelve (12) years experience
in their field of expertise or a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree or
equivalent and twelve (12) years of experience in their field of
expertise. A mid Level professional shall require a BS degree or
equivalent and a minimum of five (5) years of experience in their field
of expertise. A First Level professional shall require a BS degree or
equivalent and a minimum of two (2) years of experience in their field
of expertise. The skills are: Archaeologist (2); Architect (15);
Biologist (2); Building Code Specialists (3); Civil Engineer (20);
Coastal Engineer (4); Computer application developer (1); Computer
Website master (1); Computer database manager (1); Construction
Estimator (20); Draftsman (6); Electrical Engineer, transmission and
distribution, generation, building (3); Construction Inspector (20);
Dam Engineer (3); Earthquake Engineer (5); Economist (5); Engineering
Technician (10); Environmental Engineer (5); Environmental Planner (1);
Facilitator (10); Financial Analyst (3); Flood Insurance Adjuster (12);
Floodplain Management Specialist (5); Geologist (5); General Planner
(1); Geographical Information Systems Specialist (10); Geotechnical
Engineer (10); Graphic Artist (6); Hydrologist (6); Insurance
Specialist (1); Mechanical Engineer (3); Principal (1); Program Manager
(2); Real Property Appraiser (20); Sanitary Engineer (10); Seismologist
(2); Social Scientist (1)Statistician (2); Structural Engineer (15);
Surveyor (6); Surveying Technician (6); Technical Writer
(6);Volcanologist (1); Wind Engineer (5), and Word Processor (6). (2)
addition to having extensive knowledge of natural hazards protective
design and construction practices in hazard-prone areas, the offeror
must demonstrate successful corporate experience or experience which is
similar to the following (tasks are listed in descending order of
importance): a) Successful corporate experience in engineering,
architecture, land-use planning and other disciplines related to hazard
mitigation; b) Provide the necessary technical expertise of nationally
recognized technical experts to evaluate buildings, structures and
infrastructure damaged as a result of a disaster; c) Demonstrate
ability to rapidly mobilize and deploy a hazard-specific and
interdisciplinary team of engineers, planners, scientists and other
professionals well versed in hazard mitigation principles and
practices; d) Demonstrate strong project management skills to monitor
and complete projects on schedule; e) Demonstrate forensic engineering
capabilities related to investigating disaster-damaged buildings. This
includes using visual inspection, photographs, calculations, testing,
and other methods to clearly identify the cause of failure. f) Ability
to identify and categorize the damage to disaster damaged buildings
and other facilities on a wide geographic basis. This includes
identifying field survey methods using aerial overflights and other
wide-area survey techniques. g) Capability to broadly research
engineering, construction and land-use practices to determine current
design and construction practices. h) Adequate resources to handle
multiple disaster related forensic engineering deployments without
interfering with problem-focused hazard mitigation studies i) Knowledge
of all areas in building construction, such as design, construction,
building codes, inspection, maintenance, land-use planning and others,
that contribute to disaster resistant buildings; j) Demonstrate an
understanding of the roles of various groups involved in construction
inhazard-prone areas (e.g., state and local building code and planning
officials, builders, developers and property owners) and demonstrate
an ability to relate the often-opposing concerns to pertinent
mitigation issues, and k) Demonstrate the capability to produce
technical documents for a broad range of audiences that is professional
written, edited, and formatted and which utilizes computer graphics.
Task 2, Post-disaster, forensic engineering investigations, the offeror
must demonstrate the ability to deploy a team or group of teams after
multiple disasters or disasters that impact large areas. These
deployments will begin within 48 hours of notification and may require
fielding up to 50 professionals from within the skills listed under
Criteria (1), concurrently, for two months. Readiness for this
deployment by maintaining an up-to-date roster of qualified contractor
personnel as well as maintaining an up-to-date roster of national
experts who can be deployed to the field. In support of Task 1, the
offerer must demonstrate the capability to produce technical
publications with established deadlines that are technically adequate,
well edited and contain illustrative graphics. (4) PAST PERFORMANCE
(15 POINTS). Past performance on contracts with Government agencies and
private industry in terms of cost control, quality work and compliance
with performance schedules. Submittals must include references' names,
affiliations and telephone numbers. The government reserves the right
to use information outside of the response in evaluating past
performance. (5) GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION (10 POINTS). In order to
facilitate the management and minimize travel expenses, the offeror
shall have an adequately staffed and equipped office located within the
Washington, DC Metropolitan area. An adequately staffed office is
defined as one that is capable of performing satisfactorily the
necessary operational and administrative tasks (task order assignment
coordination, personnel, finance and accounting, logistics,
communications, etc.) to sustain the contractor's field representatives
for the duration of the contract. (6) CAPACITY TO PRODUCE TECHNICAL
REPORTS. (10 Points) The offeror shall demonstrate the ability to
produce high-quality technical reports for technical audiences as well
as for non-technical audiences, that includes public officials and
other decision-makers. This shall include producing reports (text,
graphics, photographs and other materials) in an electronic format that
meets Government Printing Office requirements. The offeror shall
demonstrate an appropriate quality control process for both the
technical contents as well as the editing of these technical reports.
The offeror shall provide copies of agreements that specify the terms
of any prime/subcontractor relationships or joint venture arrangements.
The evaluation and selection of firms will be in accordance with the
procedures for acquisition of A&E services, set forth in Part 36 ofthe
Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR). Firms interested in performing
this work are to submit one (1) original and six (6) copies of their
Standard Forms (SFs) 254 and 255 showing project experience and
personnel who will perform the work. Offerors are forewarned that
strict adherence to the submission instructions shall be enforced.
Engineering firms that are interested in performing the work must
submit SFs 254 and 255. Firms that will not perform all work in-house
must identify subcontractors in their submittal. The portion of the
submittal relating to the "prime" firm must not exceed sixty pages,
front side only. It is recommended that all submittals, to include
portions from subcontractors, use a type pitch that is twelve
characters per inch for ease of reading and evaluation. All pages
following the first sixty pages will be discarded upon receipt. The
portion of the submittal relating to subcontractors must not exceed
fourteen pages per subcontractor, front side only. All pages following
the first fourteen pages for each subcontractor will be discarded upon
receipt. All other material such as brochures or samples of work will
be discarded upon receipt. Joint ventures must include a copy of the
legal joint venture agreement signed by an authorized officer from each
of the firms comprising the joint venture with the chief executive
officer of each entity identified. Copies of agreements between firms
participating in a prime/subcontractor relationship must also be
included in the submittal. The joint venture and the
prime/subcontractor documents will not be subject to the page
limitation set forth for the SFs 254 and 255. All interested large
firms are reminded that the successful firm will be expected to place
subcontracts to the maximum practicable extent with small and
disadvantaged firms in accordance with Public Law 95-507. If a large
business firm is selected, a small business subcontracting plan,
describing how it will manage their subcontractors and ensure quality
control, will be required prior to award. All firms interested in
applying for work must submit new SFs 254 and 255 regardless of prior
submittal. Firms using subcontractors must submit separate SFs 254 and
255 for each subcontractor. Qualifications of subcontractors will be
considered only in the evaluation for rating criteria #1,#2, and #3 as
appropriate. The government intends to enter into a voluntary
partnership arrangement with the awardees and its subcontractors on
this procurement. Our objective is to identify and achieve reciprocal
goals, ensure effective and efficient contract performance, and resolve
disputes in a timely, professional and non-adversarial manner through
the use of voluntary Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
methodologies. Responses must reference # EMW-1999-RP-0014 on the face
of all forms. No other announcement is anticipated in FY 1999. To
assure consideration, all information must be received by the
Contracting Office (ATTENTION: Dao Phan no later than 3:00 p.m. local
time at FEMA, 500 C Street, SW, Room 350, Washington, DC 20472, on
02/05/1999. Late submission will be subject to the provisions of Part
14.304 of the FAR. This is not a Request for Proposal. Posted 12/17/98
(W-SN281583). (0351) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0017 19981221\C-0007.SOL)
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