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8. REQUEST FOR INFORMATION, GLOBAL MULTI-MISSION SERVICE PLATFORM ADVANCED CONCEPT PLANNING USAF Space and Missile Systems Center (SMC) is interested in studying the conceptual architectures to satisfy multiple Mid-Earth Orbit (MEO) missions. The catalyst for this effort is the strategic planning for the next generation Global Positioning System (GPS). By taking advantage of the need for a next generation GPS, SMC is exploring other mission capabilities that could be integrated within the same platform to yield increased mission efficiencies and significant overall cost savings. The DoD Joint Vision 2010 requires enhanced military situation awareness through information dominance, position reporting, protection against interference, and connectivity of mobile platforms to global Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence (C4I) grids. Other potential needs include detection of nuclear detonations, and communication infrastructure for seamless connectivity in space, global search and rescue, satellite anomaly resolution, and other missions. SMC is also interested in exploring the commercial market for potential synergy. The architecture concept is being called the Global Multi-Mission Service Platform (GMSP). The GPS Joint Program Office (http://www.laafb.af.mil/SMC/CZ/homepage/), US Coast Guard (http://www.navcen.uscg.mil/gps/), and SMC Developmental Planning (http://www.afbmd.laafb.af.mil/org/xrd/) web sites contain a wealth of background information. SMC is seeking industry concepts for this multi-mission approach to meeting current and anticipated radio-navigation deficiencies as well as exploring what other civil, military, and/or commercial-sector MEO capabilities could be synergistically integrated on the same platform or architecture with first launch in the 2007-2009 timeframe. The civil radio-navigation needs include signal-in-space for air-traffic management, dispatch of mobile assets, precision exploitation of earth resources, and precision and global navigation. Increased efficiencies and cost savings are anticipated from mission synergy (e.g., navigation, mobile communication, and space link integration for information superiority in Joint Vision 2010), functional synergy (e.g., position reporting for increased situation awareness accomplished through integration of navigation and communication functions), hardware synergy (e.g. antenna design, high-power satellite, flexible on-board processor, flexible beam forming, crosslinks, hand-held receivers), and by utilizing innovative acquisition methods. The baseline constraints include: MEO orbit, EELV-M launch vehicle, RF type payload. Reasonable excursions will be considered. Classified information may be submitted by obtaining approval of the sponsoring organization. Please coordinate with the point of contact before submitting classified information. This industry input will assist Government program and technical planning and support budgetary planning. Information gleaned from the multi-mission concept descriptions will be used to refine government analyses on how well various concepts show increased integrated mission capability and reduce life cycle cost. Architecture and concept study efforts may be awarded in the future, but no awards are planned as a result of responses to this RFI. Responses will be reviewed by Government personnel and its technical support contractors (The Aerospace Corporation, GRC, SAIC, and MITRE). All Industry sources who may be impacted or can contribute to this effort are encouraged to respond. Responses should be in the form of a technical paper (no more than 100 pages) with a no more than 5 page executive summary, and a no more than 20 slide Powerpoint presentation. Responses should be submitted in electronic format compatible with Microsoft Office 97, and one hard copy. Responses are requested no later than 30 Jan 99. Suggested response format and SMC plans for future communications with Industry will be posted on the GMSP homepage at http://www.afbmd.laafb.af.mil/projects/gmsp. SMC will continue to update the GMSP homepage with additional questions or clarifications pertaining to this RFI. This notice is not a formal solicitation. This synopsis is for information and planning purposes only and does not constitute a solicitation. The Government will not award a contract on the basis of this RFI, responses to the RFI, nor will otherwise pay for the information requested herein. Proprietary information should be marked accordingly. Please direct questions to Captain Bainum, at (310) 363-1168; e-mail: Gregory.Bainum@losangeles.af.mil; address: SMC/XR, 180 Skynet Way, Suite 2234, Los Angeles AFB, El Segundo, CA 90245-4687 WEB: click here for suggested response format and plans, http://www.afbmd.laafb.af.mil/projects/gmsp. E-MAIL: click here to e-mail questions, Gregory.Bainum@losangeles.af.mil. Posted 12/18/98 (W-SN281946).

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