Loren Data Corp.




Director, USAMC Acquisition Center, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Attn: STEAA-AE, 4118 Susquehanna Ave., Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005-5002

65 -- PRESCRIPTION/CORRECTIVE VISION EYEWEAR SOL no solicitation DUE 013099 POC Point of Contact -- Linda C. White, contract Specialist, 410-278-2998/FAX: 410-278-2980 The RD&A Office, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland is seeking to identify potential sources who can provide prescription/corrective vision eyeware for medical applications. The requirement is for commercial off-the-shelf-eyewear that can provide protection against fluid and other foreign material without the wearer viewing through multi-lens(i.e. Rx glasses and a goggle or face shield. The Rx eyewear shall be anti-fog, anti-moisture retaining, lightweight and must also support visual acuity. Safety features shall insure surgical personnel have eye protection to preclude patient/casualty fluids, bllood, or foreign material entry into the surgeon's/EMT eyes. The Rx/corrective eyewear shall be a single piece and replacement lenses are desired. This notice is not to be considered a solicitation; no solicitation exists; however all responses received by the government by the response deadline will be reviewed to determine what firms have eyewear that meet or exceeds the foregoing requirement. Interestedfirms may communicate their interest IN WRITING to Linda White, Contract Specialist, ATTN: STEAA-CD-R, Research, Development and Acquisition Center, 4118 Susquehanna Avenue, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland 21005-5001. Responses should be submitted in two copies and shall include (1) a brief description of corporate capability, including past experience with the related effort; (2) Company name, address, point of contact phone number, specifications/literature/brochure of your product and production capability; (3) Whether your firm is a large, small, or small disadvantaged business; and (4) Any other pertinent information. This synopsis is for obtaining potential sources for planning purposes and does not cconstitute a promise to contract or a commitment of any kind. This is not a request for proposals and the Government assumes no liability for costs incurred by respondees inn providing information in response to this cources sought synopsis. Posted 12/31/98 (W-SN284502). (0365)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0087 19990105\65-0001.SOL)

65 - Medical, Dental and Veterinary Equipment and Supplies Index Page