Summary: The United States Department of Transportation announces its
intention to develop and showcase a transit bus equipped with
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) displays. The development and
demonstration of the transit bus and associated ITS equipment is known
as the Advanced Public Transportation Systems (APTS) Mobile Showcase
Program (the Mobile Showcase or the Program). The Program is a
partnership between the government and the transit industry. Transit
vehicle and ITS/APTS equipment manufacturers, suppliers, and vendors
interested in becoming partners in the Program, by providing vehicles,
equipment, and technical assistance, are invited to submit letters of
interest and proposals as described under Instructions to Potential
Partners, below. The Program, which is pla nned to continue from two to
five years, is explained in detail in the attached APTS Mobile Showcase
Program Plan (Program Plan). The vehicle and technologies making up the
Mobile Showcase will be exhibited at major transportation conferences,
at transit agencies, and at other transportation venues around the
country. -- - The Mobile Showcase will demonstrate equipment designed
to improve transit safety, service, and cost effectiveness. ITS/APTS
technology may be designed for use on a transit vehicle or at stops or
other off-bus locations. Equipment that cannot be included in the
display bus may be demonstrated in kiosks or by means of videotapes or
computer displays. -- -Goals of the Program: -- -The overall goals of
the Mobile Showcase Program are to promote research, development and
depl oyment of APTS technologies and to support the continued
development of transit industry integration standards. In furtherance
of these goals, the Mobile Showcase will provide an opportunity to
demonstrate to the transit community, particularly transit operators,
elected officials, transit board members, senior management, and
operation and maintenance management and staff, the applicability of
advanced ITS technologies, how thetechnologies can work together, and
what benefits can be derived once they have been installed and are
fully operational -- -The Mobile Showcase Program will also create a
collaborative research and development opportunity for the Government
and transit vehicle, equipment and technology manufacturers, suppliers,
and vendors to identify barriers to integration of equ ipment, and
evaluate ways to overcome those barriers. -- -CRADA Partnership The
Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (Volpe Center) of the
Research and Special Programs Administration, in support of the Federal
Transit Administration (FTA), will enter into a Cooperative Research
and Development Agreement (CRADA) with each entity selected for
participation in the Mobile Showcase Program. The CRADA will define
roles and responsibilities for both the Government and private sector
partners. A sample CRADA is included in Appendix Three of the APTS
Mobile Showcase Program Plan (Program Plan) found at Attachment A. Note
that under a CRADA,the Government is prohibited from providing funds to
a non-federal party participating in the project. -- -PRE-PROPOSAL
INFORMATION MEETING -- - A Pre-P roposal Informational Meeting will be
held on Wednesday, February 17, 1999, at 1:00 PM, at: -- - Holiday Inn
Capital, 550 C Street, SW, Washington, DC 20024 -- - 202-479-4000 --
-The purpose of the meeting is to allow potential participants to ask
questions of the government regarding the APTS Mobile Showcase Program.
The Government will accept written questions submitted by 5:00 PM EST,
Friday, February 12, 1999, which will allow time for the Government to
formulate its responses. Oral questions will be addressed at the
meeting after responses to the written questions are provided. Written
questions should be e-mailed or faxed to: -- -Matthew Rabkin, APTS
Mobile Showcase Program Manager, rabkin@volpe.dot.gov-617-494-3260
(fax) -- -Relevant information from the meeting will be provided to all
re cipients of the invitation to participate in the APTS Mobile
partners in this project, transit vehicle and equipment manufacturers
and vendors will provide equipment and technical assistance for the
Mobile Showcase. Manufacturers and vendors interested in participating
are asked to identify the vehicle or technology to be demonstrated, to
provide complete technical specifications, as well as information
regarding installation and maintenance of the equipment, and to state
how Mobile Showcase staff will be trained in the operation and routine
maintenance of the equipment. Interested manufacturers and vendors
should also provide information on additional resources and support
that may be available to the project. -- -Submissio n of proposals --
-Those persons interested in participating as partners in the Mobile
Showcase Program should send six hard copies of their proposal and one
electronic copy in IBM compatible/Windows versions of MS Word or
WordPerfect format on a 3.5 diskette (technical specifications, and
brochures need not be submitted in electronic format) to the following:
-- -Matthew Rabkin, APTS Mobile Showcase Program Manager, US DOT/ Volpe
Center, DTS-49, 55 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02142-(617) 494-2151 -- -
Any proprietary and confidential data submitted to the Government with
your proposal should be clearly identified as such. Properly labeled
proprietary and confidential data will be held in confidence and used
only for the purposes for which it is provided. -- - To be considered
for the initial round of CRADAs, letters of interest must be received
by the above on or before 4:00 p.m. EST on Friday, March 12, 1999.
However, the Government reserves the right to solicit and accept
additional participants at later dates for purposes of enhancing or
updating the Mobile Showcase. -- -General -- -The Evaluation Criteria
which the Government will use in determining which equipment and
technology are to be included in the Mobile Showcase are detailed in
Attachment B. In preparing your proposal, you should provide sufficient
information to enable the evaluators to make an informed decision based
on these criteria. -- -Your letter of interest should provide the
required detail, but legibility, conciseness, clarity and brevity are
important since they will facilitate the Government s evaluation. --
-Sig natories and Points of Contact Letters of interest shall be signed
on the first page by an individual with power to bind the offeror. --
-A Point of Contact (POC) with authority to answer questions and
negotiate with the Government shall be identified on the first page,
together with an address, telephone number and FAX number, and email
address (where available), at which the POC can be reached. -- -Page
Limits -- -Your response should be prepared on standard 8.5 x 11 inch
paper, numbered and printed single-sided, with font no smaller than 12
point. The page limit for your proposal in response to this invitation
is 11 pages total including a one page transmittal letter/summary of
your proposal. The material addressing the evaluation criteria shall be
clearly related to the specific criterion being addressed by using the
evaluation criterion number (e.g., 3.1 for the Training criterion
under 3.0, In-Kind Contribution to Program.). Technical specifications
and descriptive brochures are not subject to the page limit. --
-EQUIPMENT AND TECHNOLOGIES SOUGHT -- - The Mobile Showcase Platform --
-The Government is seeking proposals offering use of at least one
40-foot, low-floor diesel-electric hybrid transit bus as a platform for
the Mobile Showcase. The bus will be converted to be an interactive,
participatory learning environment. Buses using other fuels and
configurations will also be considered. Provisions must be made to
enable disabled persons to access the vehicle when in display mode.
Because the vehicle may sometimes be driven from site to site, and will
likely be driven in demonstration mode, the fuel it uses should be
readily available across the country and should not impose serious
restrictions on where it can be driven and displayed. The desired
features of the vehicle and its proposed use are described in detail in
Appendix One to the Program Plan. -- -Mobile Showcase Technology
Displays -- - The Government is seeking proposals from equipment
manufacturers and vendors for various APTS technologies, to be
exhibited both in operation and in non-operational displays. Integrated
equipment and exhibits will be changed on a regular basis to ensure
that the latest technologies are being exhibited and to demonstrate
offerings from a broad spectrum of participants. -- -A non-exclusive
list of technologies that may be demonstrated and displayed in the
Mobile Showcas e is included in Appendix Two of the Program Plan. The
desired technologies cover service, safety and security, fare
collection and passenger counting, operation and passenger information,
and communications. One of the most important elements of the program
is demonstrating how these different technologies, coming from
different vendors, can be integrated into a single system. Since the
Mobile Showcase will serve to both show the industry that technologies
can be integrated and to identify barriers and issues related to
integration and interoperability, proposals should describe what will
be required to integrate the proposed equipment with that of other
vendors. This is particularly important because the Government intends
to rotate equipment on and off the bus to enable many manufac turers
to participate. -- -Operation and Maintenance -- -Partners providing
equipment for display on the Mobile Showcase will be expected to
provide training to the Mobile Showcase staff in operation and general
maintenance of their equipment. Manufacturers and vendors interested
in participating are asked to provide technical information regarding
installation and maintenance of the equipment, and state how Mobile
Showcase staff will be trained in operation and routine maintenance. --
-CONTENTS OF THE PROPOSAL -- -A. Letter of Interest. At a minimum, the
letter will identify the name of the company(ies) submitting the
proposal and summarize the proposal contents. -- -B. Technical
Information -- -Transit Bus Platform -- -Identify and describe each bus
proposed as a platform for the Mobile Showcase op erational
demonstrations and the extent to which it will meet the needs of the
program. -- -Provide complete technical specifications for the proposed
vehicle. Describe any modifications necessary to enable the bus to meet
the goals of the program and indicate whether such modifications will
be provided and how long they are anticipated to take. -- -State
whether the bus conforms to the requirements of the Americans with
Disabilities Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C. ''12101 et seq.. -- - How soon
will the bus be available? Will the bus remain available for the
five-year maximum period of the program? -- -Equipment and Technology
-- -Identify the equipment and technology proposed forinclusion in the
Mobile Showcase. Explain how it will meet the goals of the program: to
promote and demonstrate cuttin g-edge APTS technologies; to research
and demonstrate technology integration issues; and to evaluate the need
for transit industry integration standards. -- -Provide detailed
technical specifications. Include descriptive brochures if available.
-- -State whether or not the product meets national architecture
standards. State whether the equipment meets the Buy America
requirements of 49 C.F.R. Part 661 for equipment produced in the United
States. -- -Discuss the probable ease of integration of the equipment
or technology proposed with equipment from other manufacturers and
vendors and estimate how much effort will be required to effect such
integration. -- -State the current availability of the proposed
products. If the proposed equipment is other than proven off-the-shelf
technology, describ e what support will be available to ensure its
reliability. -- -Describe any proposalfor technology refreshment or
change-out during the term of the Mobile Showcase. -- -Describe any
limitations such as type of use, or length of time, that may apply to
any equipment or technology proposed for the program. -- -C. Other
Terms -- - In-Kind Contributions -- -Describe the extent of your
commitment to provide training, support, or staff assistance to the
Mobile Showcase. -- -Describe any educational or descriptive materials
or exhibits you will provide for use in the Mobile Showcase. -- -
Describe any other in-kind contributions you are willing to provide. --
-Financial Contributions -- -Describe the extent of any financial
contributions you are prepared to commit for the support of the Mobile
Showcase over t he three to five year project life. -- - Background,
Business History and Financial Capability -- -Please provide sufficient
background and financial information to allow the Government to
determine whether your firm has the capability to fulfill its proposed
commitment to the program for three to five years. The amount of
information necessary will depend on the nature of the equipment or
technology proposed. -- -Acceptance of the CRADA -- -Are there any
terms of the draft CRADA which you would be unwilling to accept? If so,
please explain your objection. -- -The Volpe Center is using electronic
commerce to issue this Invitation and amendments to this Invitation.
These documents will be available on a WWW server which may be accessed
using Web browsers. The WWW address, or URL, of the Volpe Ce nter
Acquisition Division home page is:
http://www.volpe.dot.gov/procure/current.html. Potential Partners
desiring to receive electronic notification of the solicitation's
posting and availability for downloading may register at the Volpe
Center site. Potential Partners are warned that when they register to
receive solicitations, amendments and other notices, the responsibility
for providing the Government with an accurate and complete e-mail
address lies with the contractor. The Government will make no
additional efforts to deliver information when the system indicates
that transmissions cannot be delivered to the e-mail address provided.
-- - The contents of the two attachments to this invitation will be
posted on the Volpe Center s acquisition Web page at
http://www.volpe.dot.gov/procur e/current.html as well as FTA s Web
page http://www.fta.dot.gov/new. If you do not have access to the Web,
please submit to Matthew Rabkin a written request via fax ((617)
494-3260) or letter at: Matthew Rabkin, US DOT/ Volpe Center, DTS-49,
55 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02142 -- -Attachment A APTS Mobile Showcase
Program Plan -- -Attachment B APTS Mobile Showcase Program Evaluation
Criteria WEB: Volpe Center Acquisition Division home page,
http://www.volpe.dot.gov/procure/index.html. E-MAIL: APTS Mobile
Showcase Program Manager, rabkin@volpe.dot.gov. Posted 02/03/99
(D-SN294199). Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0446 19990205\SP-0002.MSC)
SP - Special Notices Index Page