COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF FEBRUARY 24,1999 PSA#2289Fleet and Industrial Supply Center Norfolk Detachment = Philadelphia,
N00140-99-R-1788 =20 DUE 030199 POC Point of Contact -- M. Capilato,
Contract Negotiator, = 215-697-9645,=20 Contracting Officer, R. D.
SYNOPSIS@PHIL.FISC.NAVY.MIL. This is a combined synopsis/solicitation
for commercial items in=20 accordance with FAR 12.6 and 13.5, as
supplemented with additional = information=20 included in this notice.
This announcement constitutes the only = solicitation. =20 Proposals
are hereby being requested and a written solicitation will = not be=20
issued. Refer to solicitation as RFP N00140-99-R-1788. The =
solicitation=20 document and incorporated provisions and clauses are
those in effect = through=20 Federal Acquisition circular 97-10. A firm
fixed price-type contract = is=20 contemplated. The applicable SIC is
8322. The following CLINs apply = to FAMILY=20 COUNSELING AND
6.5 @=20 $_________ per MONTH $___________ TOTAL; CLIN 0002 -- OPTION
I -- POP 0F = 01 OCT=20 99 THROUGH 31 DEC 99, QTY 3 @ $_________ per
MONTH $___________ TOTAL; = CLIN=20 0003 -- OPTION II -- POP 0F 01 JAN
2000 THROUGH 31 JAN 2000, QTY 1 @ = $_________=20 MONTH $___________
TOTAL; CLIN 0004 -- OPTION III -- POP 0F 01 FEB 2000 = THROUGH=20 29
FEB 2000, QTY 1 @ $_________ MONTH $___________ TOTAL; CLIN 0005 = --
=20 OPTION IV -- POP 0F 01 MAR 2000 THROUGH 31 MAR 2000, QTY 1 @ =
$_________ MONTH=20 $___________ TOTAL. =20 STATEMENT OF WORK =20 C.1
GENERAL. The contractor shall provide family counseling services =
and=20 administrative support services in support of the Transition
Assistance = Management Program (TAMP) which includes the following:
the Transition=20 Assistance Program (TAP), the Relocation Assistance
Program, the Career = Resource Program, the Personal Financial
Management Program, the = Deployment=20 Support Program and the
Retired/Veteran=92s Affairs Program, for the = Navy Family=20 Service
Center (NFSC) Transition Resource Offices located in Saratoga =
Springs=20 and Scotia, New York. =20 C.2 GOVERNMENT FURNISHED PROPERTY.
The Government will provide the = facilities,=20 equipment, and
materials in support of NFSC. NFSC has a location at = Building=20
277(located in Saratoga Springs) and Transition Resource Office located
= at=20 Naval Administrative Unit, Scotia, New York. All materials,
included = but not=20 limited to standard operating procedures,
pamphlets, flyers, leaflets, = program=20 manuals/materials,
videotaped, formats for presentations, training = materials,=20 books,
journals, client records, case records, ancillary material = forms,
curri culum developed/used/or purchased during the course of this
contract, = shall be=20 the property of the Government at the end of
the contract. Any = exceptions to=20 this policy shall be granted only
by the FSC Director and shall never = involve=20 case records or
associated materials. Entrance accessibility to the = offices=20 begins
at 7:30 a.m. and continues to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, =
except=20 federal holidays. C.3 DESCRIPTION OF WORK The contractor
shall provide management, = supervision,=20 administration, and
personnel in support of the Programs listed in = paragraph=20 C.1.=20
C.3.1 The contractor shall coordinate with the Government and community
= agencies to conduct workshops and provide clients separating from the
= service with information on the TAP, pre-separation counseling,
employee and = relocation=20 assistance, and career financial
education. C.4 PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS The contractor is required to
provide one = full-time individual for each of the following categories
and shall = meet, as a=20 minimum, all of the educational and
experience requirements listed = below. =20 Resumes are required and
are to be submitted with your proposal.=20 C.4.1 COUNSELOR/CLINICAL
SUPERVISOR C.4.1.1 Education. Master=92s Degree in social work,
marriage and = family=20 therapy, psychology, counseling or other
behavior behavioral science = related=20 field from accredited
institution. Current state license in to = practice as a=20 Clinical
Psychologist or accreditation to CISW or ASCW or AMFT. C.4.1.2
Experience Minimum five years of supervised experience in = clinical=20
counseling. C.4.1.3 Abilities: Demonstrated knowledge of counseling
services = program=20 coordination, implementation and administration.
Demonstrated = knowledge of=20 counseling interviewing techniques,
case management, and clinical = education. =20 Ability to operate with
professional autonomy on all clinical matters = and=20 coordinate as
necessary with the Director for on-going consultation of = clients=20
or caseload. Demonstrated skills in technical and administrative
supervision of = client=20 assessment, treatment planning, provision of
treatment and evaluation,=20 referrals, follow-up services, and
termination of services by = consultation and=20 formal supervisory
sessions. Demonstrated expertise to supervise, = manage, and=20
coordinate clinical staff of three. Ability to assess training needs =
and=20 develop training plans and ensure professional certification of
= counselors is=20 current as required by the Navy. Demonstrated skills
to present = briefs,=20 workshops, and classes to commands for General
Military training and to = community groups. Courses include marriage
enrichment, suicide = prevention,=20 alcohol and drug abuse
prevention, and stress management. Ability to = review=20 staff case
treatment notes/progress reports and other necessary = documentation=20
for all case recordings, ability to maintain documentation for own =
caseload,=20 and gather and maintain statistical data. Demonstrated
knowledge of = Navy/DOD=20 requirements/instructions for prudent
medical and business = decision-making. =20 Demonstrated skills to
communicate effectively orally and in writing = and the=20 ability to
meet and relate with diversified groups/organizations. =20 C.4.2 FAMILY
COUNSELOR C.4.2.1 Education. Master's degree in social work in a school
= accredited by=20 the Council on Social Work Education. Current state
license to practice = as a=20 Clinical Psychologist or accreditation
to CISW or ASCW or AMFT. C.4.2.2 Abilities: Demonstrated knowledge of
counseling services = program=20 coordination, implementation and
administration. Demonstrated knowledge = of=20 counseling interviewing
techniques, case management, and clinical = education. =20
Demonstrated expertise to provide a full range of =
counseling/psychological=20 services to individuals, couples, and
families. Demonstrated skills=20 interviewing clients to determine
presenting problem, develop social = history,=20 and identify
pathology: substance abuse, depression, violent behavior, = borderlin
e personality, situational distress, and dysfunction in marital and =
family=20 system. Ability to develop comprehensive treatment plan as
appropriate = to=20 initiate counseling or therapy and to
facilitate/co-facilitate therapy = groups.=20 Demonstrated skills to
develop/deliver briefs related to stress, = marriage=20 enrichment,
suicide prevention, and substance abuse. Ability to = maintain=20
complete and thorough documentation for all case recordings, ability to
= maintain file documentation relative to individual cases, and gather
= and=20 maintain statistical data. Demonstrated knowledge of
Navy/DOD=20 requirements/instructions. Demonstrated skills to
communicate = effectively=20 orally and in writing. C.4.3 FAMILY
ADVOCACY REPRESENTATIVE C.4.3.1 Education. Master's degree in social
work in a school = accredited by=20 the Council on Social Work
Education. Current state license to practice = as a=20 Clinical
Psychologist or accreditation to CISW or ASCW or AMFT. C.4.3.2
Abilities Demonstrated skill to effectively counsel abuse = victims
and=20 their family members. Demonstrated knowledge of crisis
intervention=20 techniques/procedures. Demonstrated knowledge of
instruction methods = and=20 techniques and ability to present briefs,
workshops and provide = training. =20 Ability to be a primary
facilitator and point of contact for all spouse = and=20 child abuse
prevention programs, as well as clinical counselor and = treatment=20
specialist for members identified as high risk for family violence. =
Ability t o process reports of suspected or known cases of abuse and
neglect. =20 Demonstrated skill for coordination of removing a military
member from = home in=20 cases of imminent danger. Ability to initiate
an investigation into = all=20 reported cases of abuse or neglect.
Assessment procedures include the=20 following: notification to the
member's Commanding Officer in all cases = of=20 suspected child and
spouse abuse involving suspected major criminal = offenses,=20 severe
physical abuse, and in all cases of child physical abuse, child =
neglect,=20 and/or child sexual abuse the appropriate office of the New
York State = Child=20 Protective Services. Demonstrated skill to
provide counseling for = individuals,=20 couples, and families in
individual or group counseling sessions. = Ability to=20 coordinate all
aspects of case management to include notification to = member's=20
command of Case Review Committee determination, ensure a shelter home
= is=20 provided for abuses spouses and children when appropriate,
liaison with = Child=20 Protective Services in each child abuse case,
consult with civilian = therapists=20 to provide services and present
cases for review, transfer, and/or = closure to=20 Case Review
Committee according to instructional mandates. Ability to = maintain=20
individual case records in accordance with prescribed Navy and DOD =
guidelines. =20 Demonstrated expertise to provide crisis intervention,
counseling = consultation,=20 and referrals. Demonstrated skill to
evaluate existing programs and = develop new=20 initiatives based on
need assessment. Ability to address proactive and = preventative
education programs. Specific titles include Healthy = Families=20
workshops, Parenting Skills, Communication, Conflict Management, Safe
= Touch for=20 Children, and Effects of Violence on Children. Ability
to gather, = analyze and=20 report all statistical data. Demonstrated
expertise to establish clear = working=20 relationship with local
protective services, and other agencies as = required by=20 Navy
instruction and New York state law. Demonstrated skill to assist =
with=20 development, review and evaluation of Memorandums of
Understanding with = agencies. Ability to effectively communicate both
orally and in = writing. C.4.4 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT C.4.4.1
Education. High School Diploma C.4.4.2 Abilities. Demonstrated skill in
providing prompt, = professional=20 reception services. Demonstrated
expertise to manage office functions = such as=20 responding to routine
and non-technical requests for information, = advise when=20 the
information can be furnished and provide it from files and records, =
scheduling appointments and meetings, providing accurate messaging for
= TAMP=20 staff, sorting and distributing mail, purchasing office
supplies, = monitoring=20 TAMP resource materials to include books,
videos, electronic equipment = and Loan=20 Locker items and check
in/out per TAMP policy, issuing Scotia Welcome = Aboard=20 Packets to
newcomers, allow customer access to Welcome Aboard Packets = from=20
other installations and prepare and distribute SITES booklets. Ability
= to=20 input/monitor data collection and reporting of quantitative
data and to = generate correspondence, reports, and documents from
rough drafts to = final=20 forms to ensure 100% grammatical and
procedural accuracy and compliance = with=20 Navy policy, regulations
and instructions. Demonstrated skill to = maintain=20 files/reports and
tickler log to ensure a timely reply and/or action. = Ability=20 to
search for, compile and summarize information from files for =
reports,=20 meetings and correspondence as required by the TAMP Manager
and TAMP = staff. =20 Demonstrated expertise to provide computer
training and assistance to = TAMP=20 staff and clients on the use of
computers, software and programs. = Demonstrated=20 skill to operate
and assist clients with DOD computerized employment = assistance=20 to
include the following: Transition Bulletin Board (TBB), Defense=20
Out-Placement Referral System (DORS), mini resume programs, Standard=20
Installation Topic Exchange System (SITES), Microsoft Office, Quality
= of Life=20 Management Information System (QOLMISNET), Windows
Operating System and = the=20 Internet. Demonstrated skill to maintain
and update an automated = information=20 database on TAMP programs.
Demonstrated expertise to coordinate with = TAMP=20 Manager/staff and
guest facilitators on all TAMP seminars and workshops = to=20 include
all monthly classes taught by TAMP staff and the five day TAP =
Workshop=20 held eight times per year with ability to register
participants, = provides=20 workshop information to participants,
prepares workshop handouts, = assists with=20 workshop set-up, prepares
audiovisuals and facilitates, and assists = with=20 wrap-up, evaluation
and reports. The following FAR clauses/provisions are incorporated by
reference: = FAR=20 52.212-1, NOTE: Offeror's attention is specifically
directed to = paragraph=20 (b)(11) of this provision. OFFERORS THAT
CONSIDERATION. 52.212-2, FILL-IN: = paragraph=20 (a) Past Performance
and Price; FILL-IN (second paragraph) Past = Performance and=20 Price
are considered of equal importance. 52.212-3, 52.212-4, 52.212-5=20
including the following additional FAR clauses/provisions 52.203-6, =
52.219-8,=20 52.222-26, 52.222-36, 52.222-37 and DFARS
252.212-7001including the = following=20 additional DFARS
clauses/provisions 252.225-7001, 252.225-7012, and=20 252.225-7036.
Additionally, FAR 52-217-9, FILL-IN: paragraph (a) 30 = days=20
FILL-IN: paragraph (c) 12.5 months, and FAR 52.245-2 are incorporated
= by=20 reference. Offerors are advised to include a completed copy of
= provisions at=20 FAR 52.212-3 and DFARS 252.212-7000 with their
proposal. All = responsible=20 sources are encouraged to submit a
proposal in response to the = solicitation. =20 Responses are due no
later 4:00 p.m., local time, on 01 March 1999. Facsimile responses
shall also be accepted at (215) 697-9739 and should = be=20 marked with
RFP number N00140-99-R-1788 and directed to the attention = of=20
Michael Capilato, Code 02P21D. =20 Posted 02/22/99 (D-SN300838).
(0053) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0041 19990224\G-0001.SOL)
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