Loren Data Corp.




USACE, Louisville District, Real Estate Division, Attn: CEORL-RE-S, P.O. Box 59, Louisville, KY 40201-0059

SEALED BID SALE OF STANDING MIXED HARDWOOD SAWTIMBER FOR OFFSITE REMOVAL AT RAVENNA ARMY AMMUNITION PLANT, OHIO. A public sealed bid, for the harvest and offsite disposal of an estimated 140,400 board feet of standing mixed hardwood sawtimber will be held in the Louisville District, US Army Corps of Engineers, Real Estate Division Office, Room 137, Mazzoli Federal Building, 600 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Place, Louisville, Ky., at 2:00 PM. local (EDT) time on April 29, 1999. Bid forms for the submission of sealed bids may be obtained from any of the listed POC's. Bids may be mailed in advance to: US ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT LOUISVILLE, ATTN: CELRL-RE-S (Dan Yelch), PO BOX 59, LOUISVILLE KY 40201-0059. Express mail and overnight delivery may be addressed to: US ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT LOUISVILLE, ATTN: CELRL-RE-S (Dan Yelch), ROOM 822-A, 600 DR MARTIN LUTHER KING JR PLACE, LOUISVILLE KY 40202-2232. Mailed bids must be received prior to 4:00 PM., EDT, on April 28, 1999. Additional information may be obtained from Dan Yelch at 502-582-5759. Posted 03/30/99 (W-SN314105). (0089)

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