COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF APRIL 8,1999 PSA#2320Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Procurement
Operations Branch, MS2500, 381 Elden Street, Herndon, Virginia
BEAUFORT SEA SOL 30985 DUE 042799 POC Wallace O. Adcox, Contracting
Officer, (703) 787-1362 E-MAIL: Contracting Officer's,
wallace.adcox@mms.gov. This amends the original notice for this
procurement that appeared on CBDNet on March 31, 1999, (SN314932). Only
part of the notice appeared in the CBD because of file size
limitations. This modification is to post the remainder of the notice.
The original notice ended with "2) Spits, Capes and Headlands: ancient
lookouts ". HERE IS THE REMAINDER OF THE NOTICE: points and hauling and
rooking grounds for marine mammals and nesting sites for birds; 3)
Straits, which act to funnel movement of marine mammals; 4) River
mouths or estuaries attrac-tive to anadromous fish; 5) Benches and
terrace escarpments, which at sea level rose following the Late
Wisconsin glacial maximum, would have provided some degree of
horizontal coastal stability; 6) Shipwrecks and other unidentified
sightings. The contractor must map the lateral and vertical extent of
these near surface features that may delineate the presence of ancient
river valleys on the North Slope. BOULDER PATCH: Map the distribution
of the Boulder Patch by: 1) Mapping all historical evidence of the
Boulder Patch from all previous studies in the Beaufort Sea; 2)
Establish a standardized set of criteria for interpretation of
multi-beam sonar records and side scan sonar records and other
geophysical instruments in the identification of Boulder Patch
communities. This standard will be based upon definitions describing a
"significant biological community" and by sonar signatures of the
features of interest; 3) Incorporate any visual confir-mation of the
absence or presence of Boulder Patch habitat; 4) The seabed beneath
each trackline will be classified based upon a prescribed category and
a "target" concentration; 5) Templates will be established using data
from the sonar records to determine uniform standards through the
procedure of analyzing the categories and target concentrations; 6) Map
the distribution of Boul-der Patch communities and their concentrations
on the Beaufort Sea Shelf from the interpretation of all available
seismic records; 7) Identify the densities of Boulder Patch habitat
from all sur-veys; 8) Target concentrations will be placed within a
database for geospatial analysis; ). OP-TIONAL TASKS: OPTIONAL TASKS
BUDGET. OPTIONAL TASK: 5A -- PERMA-FROST: Sub-seabed permafrost
underlies most of the Beaufort Shelf. It is relict from the late
Pleistocene when the seabed was exposed to subaerial Arctic condition
during periods of lower sea level. Offshore permafrost is presently in
thermal disequilibrium as a result of marine trans-gression. The
resulting degradation may cause thermokarst subsidence if the frozen
ground con-tains excess ice. Excess ice occurs when the volume of ice
exceeds the volume of original voids in the sediment (37.5% of the
frozen sediment volume according to Reimnitz et al, 1988). Perma-frost
may have a significant effect on plans to locate a sub-sea pipeline
and the transmission of acoustic noise from oil and gas activities
during exploration and development activities. Perform the following:
1) Identify the distribution(horizontal extent) and thickness of the
permafrost be-neath the shallow shelf areas of the Beaufort Sea; 2)
Locate the depth of occurrence, thickness, and stratigraphic horizon of
the permafrost in the shallow cores and within all exploratory wells;
3) Utilize Velocity profile when available to locate the top of the
high velocity permafrost; 4) Utilize all data from exploratory well log
data on the shelf to map the thickness and distribution of the
permafrost layer; 5) Utilizing isopach maps, map the shallow high
velocity zone's and contour the thickness of the units. If possible,
determine the degree of bonding of the soils pene-trated by shallow
cores. OPTIONAL TASK: 5B -- GAS HYDRATES: Natural gas hydrates may
contribute to both future energy supplies and to increase of
atmos-pheric greenhouse gases. Geophysical evidence suggests that gas
hydrates are trapped in sedi-ments beneath the Beaufort Sea Shelf.
Subsurface gas hydrates may also pose a potential drilling hazard
beneath the shelf. MMS is responsible for assessing such hazards
beneath the shelf. Com-pile all spatial data of gas hydrates from all
digital data, maps and reports beginning with the geohazard reports in
the MMS vault. Include gas hydrate studies from the Mackenzie Delta
re-gion of the Beaufort Sea. From the evaluation of subsurface cores,
geophysical seismic records and geophysical logs, map the occurrence of
gas hydrates beneath the shelf from Point Barrow to the Mackenzie
compile a bibliographic database of articles of all sub sea
environmental features evaluated for the project for the Beaufort Sea.
This bibliographic database will contain all research in the Beaufort
Sea study area on: 1) Boulder Patch (kelp beds); 2) Ice Gouging; 3)
Strudel Scour; 4) Seafloor sediment distribution; 5) Bathymetric data;
6) Seismic stratigraphy of Pleisto-cene/Holocene sedimentation; 7) Sea
level curves of the Pleistocene/Holocene; 8) Surficial and Shallow
Geology including information on faulting/seismic events; 9) Archeology
Site Data Collection; 10) Shorefast and Pack ice in the Beaufort Sea;
11) Permafrost; 12) Gas Hydrates. OPTIONAL TASK: 5D -- OTHER DEPENDENT
DATA SETS: Major Rivers and flow rates: Display detailed coverages and
all major rivers systems which along the Beaufort Sea coast and
determine any historical data of freshwater flow rates into the near
shore, zone of fast ice. YEAR 2 TASKS: TASK 6 -- DEVELOP
be added as an extension to the most current version of ArcView GIS.
This new interface will be used by leasing and environmental personnel
for the interpreta-tion of the database based upon specific analysis
criteria. These specific needs are stated within the objectives of this
study. ICE GOUGING: Ice Gouge Density: Develop tools to determine the
density of ice gouging over any geographic area in the Beaufort Sea by
year or range of years. This tool should be able to determine the
density of ice gouging for any specific range of water depth on the
shelf. Ice Gouge Frequency: Develop tools for the user to easily
determine the fre-quency of ice gouging over any portion of the shelf
Gouge Depth: Develop tools to determine the ice gouge depth and their
distribution by water depth over the shelf. Gouge Orientation:
Deter-mine the orientations of the gouges and evaluate gouge
orientation based upon ice displacement vectors. ICE COVERAGE: 1)
Develop tools to display the known ice displacement vectors and those
areas of fast and pack ice; 2) Query and display the ice thickness,
direction, type for year, month or date to the finest resolution
possible. OCEANOGRAPHIC/METEOROLOGICAL DATA: Develop tools to query the
bathymetric database. STRUDEL SCOUR: 1) Develop tools to display
distribution of strudel scours on the Beaufort Sea Shelf study area; 2)
Develop tools that will display analyze the physical parameters
associated with strudel scour; 3) Develop tools that will determine the
density of strudel scour over any geographic area in the Beaufort Sea
by year, month, date to the finest resolution of the data. Develop
tools that can display strudel scour density by depth range. BOULDER
PATCH: Develop Interface tools to: 1) Display the distribu-tion of
Boulder Patch (based upon the concentration of the Boulder Patch).
Identify kelp associa-tions if known; 2) Display the distribution of
Kelp based upon known concentrations; 3) Display representative video
images of Boulder Patch communities from past studies (e.g. Liberty
geo-hazard work, 1997, 1998); 4) Link point and line features to
geo-referenced video images of Boulder Patch Communities. SHALLOW
STRUCTURE, FAULTS AND SEISMICITY: De-velop application tools than can:
1) Map the distribution of faults beneath the Beaufort Sea Shelf; 2)
Map the distribution of faults by horizon mapped; 3) Map the
distribution of seismic activity by depth and magnitude. OPTIONAL
PREDICTION ANALYSIS TOOLS: Establish criteria to map fea-tures beneath
the shallow shelf that may assist in the prediction of archeological
sites. Predicting where submerged archaeological sites might occur on
the continental shelf can be assisted using the 20,000 to 18,000
chronohorizon of the late Wisconsinan glacial maximum. Tools should be
developed to spatially view the four shallow structural horizons and
the sub sea features associ-ated with those horizons. A separate set of
interface tools will be developed so analysts can: 1) Create a set of
base maps specifically for the investigation and evaluation of
archaeological re-sources on the shelf; 2) A program will identify the
site of any proposed exploration, develop-ment operation or proposed
lease sale area; 3) The program will then identify those
archaeologi-cal sites or other bottom or sub bottom feature within a
user specific distance. OPTIONAL TASK: 6B -- PERMAFROST: Develop
application tools that can: 1) Map the depth and thickness of the
interpreted zones of permafrost beneath the Beaufort Shelf; 2) Analyze
the depth to per-mafrost based upon the variables of sediment
thickness, sediment type; 3) Analyze the thickness of permafrost based
upon the variables of sediment thickness, sediment type, and distance
from shoreline. TASK 7 -- USERS MANUAL: Provide a user-friendly manual
that describes how to install the components and explains the database
structure (flow charts of relational tables and table linkages), and
database components (a data dictionary). The manual should also
describe the analysis routines, and provide ArcView shapefiles
illustrating the spatial and temporal query and analysis capabilities
of the system that link the data to the ArcView/Spatial Analyst
Inter-face. Illustrate, with specific samples from the database how the
query and analysis tools are used. The users-manual should be on-line
access incorporated into the ArcView interface. TASK 7A -- REFERENCE
MANUAL: The reference manual must contain a section that discusses the
analysis of all of the data for this project. The analysis should be
supported by ArcView figures inserted within the body of the text. The
reference manual will contain an introduction that ex-plains the
significance of all features that have been mapped. After an
explanation of the inter-preted data is examined, a more detailed
explanation of each set of sub-sea features including the seismic
stratigraphy should be thoroughly explained. ArcView figures should be
incorporated with the text to provide a thorough geospatial reference
to these sub sea features. The following section should allow for a
discussion of the results. The final section will contain a
bibliography. A camera-ready hard copy report will be delivered to MMS
with full color illustrations. Twenty-five (25) paper copies will be
delivered to MMS at the time of the camera-ready copy. ARCVIEW MAPS:
BASE MAPS: The contractor will include at least two base maps and
asso-ciated geospatial coverages for all illustrations. The regional
base map should be at a resolution of 1:4000,000, and a additional
higher resolution scale of 1:250:000. The base maps should have
coverages of coastline, bathymetry, land cover, hydrography, and
cities. A Gazetteer will be in-corporated for the purpose of naming
these features. The following maps and illustrations should be included
within the Reference Manual: surface and subsurface geology,
bathymetry, seismic navigation, geologic sample locations, seismic
stratigraphy, sediment isopachs, acoustic anomalies, ice gouging,
strudel scour, boulder patch, paleo-subsurface channeling and other
features, references. OPTIONAL TASK 7A -- Text and illustrations
describing the area of perma-frost and gas hydrates will be described
and figures presented to illustrate permafrost and gas hy-drates in the
sub sea sediments of the Beaufort Sea. TASK 8 -- PROVIDE A WEB-ENABLED
full content of the reference manual shall be converted into a
web-enabled document that is easily incorporated into the Alaska OCS
Region's web site. This document can be easily updated and then used to
print on paper, publish on CD-ROM or the World Wide Web (WWW). The text
and figures will be formatted in either SGML, XML, or HTML code.
ArcView figures will be converted to either GIF or JPEG formats and
placed within the body of the text as static maps. Maps displayed on
the Internet must not include point locations of proprietary or
sensitive in-formation such as locations of shipwrecks. OPTIONAL
ARCVIEW INTERNET MAP SERVER: Key words and static maps will link to
interactive coverages and GIS maps using ESRI's Internet Map Server.
All components must be compatible with MMS standards. The linkage to
GIS maps on the WEB using ESRI's Internet Map Server technology will
occur only if MMS purchases a copy of ESRI's Internet Map Server and
provides access to the contractor and to the data in this study at the
AND DATABASE FOR UP TO 12 PEOPLE: Provide training on the use of the
database and enhanced ArcView interface and analysis tools for two
days. The training will take place in the Alaska Region office of MMS
or other local office identified by the Contractor. The training will
consist of two parts: 1) A half day session seminar which discusses a
general overview of the database, interface tools and the capabilities
of the database system to evaluate sub-sea environ-mental data. The
information from this session will illustrate the conclusions based
upon com-piling all of the data; 2) A one and a half day technical
session that will describe the database structure, query tools working
through the analysis capabilities of the system. DATA AVAIL-ABILITY AT
MMS ALASKA OCS REGIONAL OFFICE: The following are the locations and
accessibility of some needed data sets that are within the MMS Alaska
Region Office: High Resolution Seismic And Geohazard Reports -- The MMS
Security Vault has navigation tapes, paper copies of shot point
navigation maps, interpreted geohazard reports, and seismic records for
most pre drilling surveys in the Beaufort OCS. It is the responsibility
of the Contractor to re-view the tapes and the paper copies of the
navigation in the geohazard reports and determine the most accurate
data to include for the shotpoint navigation file. The prospective
contractor will be provided with access to specific data sets collected
under the ongoing study titled AReference Manual and GIS Geospatial
Database of Oil -Industry and Other Human Activity (1979-1998) in the
Beaufort Sea (Contract # 30915). In addition, we have inventoried most
of the available U.S.G.S high-resolution records for the Beaufort Sea.
The records for these data sets are found within our vault and are
available on microfiche. High-Resolution seismic and geologic data
un-der permit are restricted data. The high-resolution seismic and
geologic data under permit by ei-ther the State of Alaska and the
Federal Government must be obtained by requesting for its re-lease.
This request must be made in the form of a written letter drafted by
the contractor, re-viewed by MMS and signed by the Regional Director of
the Alaska OCS. HOW TO RESPOND: In order to compete for this contract
interested parties MUST demonstrate that they are qualified to perform
the work by providing, BY FOUR O'CLOCK EASTERN TIME ON April 27, 1999,
an original and five (5) copies of a Capabilities Statement detailing:
(1) your key personnel (those who would have primary responsibility
for performing and/or managing the study) with their qualifications and
specific experience; (2) your organizational experience and facilities;
and (3) specific references (including contract number & project
description, period of performance, dollar amount, client
identification with the point of contact & telephone number) for
previous work of this nature that your key personnel or organization
has performed within the last four years (references will be checked).
If you believe the Government will find derogatory informa-tion as a
result of checking your past performance record, please provide an
explanation and any remedial action taken by your company to address
the problem. Following review of all Capa-bilities Statements, we will
establish a list of those deemed most qualified to perform the work.
Offerors will then be contacted and told their evaluation. We will
provide additional proposal instructions at that time. Proposals will
essentially consist of an oral technical presentation and written
cost/business proposal. Further details of proposal requirements and
logistical considera-tions will be provided at a later date. Your
Capabilities Statement will be evaluated based on your key persons'
skills, abilities and experience; your organization's experience and
past per-formance (including number, size, and complexity of similar
projects, adherence to schedules and budgets, effectiveness of program
management, willingness to cooperate when difficulties arise, general
compliance with the terms of the contracts, and acceptability of
delivered prod-ucts.) Please send the original and two copies to
Minerals Management Service, 381 Elden Street, MS2500, Herndon, VA
20170-4817, Attn: Wallace O. Adcox. Send the remaining three (3) copies
to Minerals Management Service, Alaska OCS, 949 East 36th Ave. -- Suite
300, MS8300, Anchorage, AK 99508-4302, Attn: Dr. Warren Horowitz.
Questions regarding this procurement should be faxed or E-mailed as
soon as possible to fax (703)787-1387 or E-mail
"wallace.adcox@mms.gov". Please include with your question(s) your full
name, the RFP number & title, your organization, complete address, and
phone and fax numbers. Posted 04/06/99 (W-SN316918). (0096) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0024 19990408\B-0003.SOL)
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