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United States Air Force, Air Force Materiel Command, AFRL -- Eglin Resear ch Site, 101 West Eglin Blvd, Eglin AFB, FL, 32542-6810

A -- FAST REACTION WEAPONS DEMONSTRATION SOL F08630-99-C-0076-2 POC Linda Weisz, Contract Specialist, Phone (850)882-4294 ext. 3206, Fax (8 50)882-9599, Email weisz@eglin.af.mil -- Vicki Keider, Conracting Officer, Phone (850)882-4294 ext. 3404, Fax (850)882-9599, Email WEB: Visit this URL for the latest information about this, http://www.eps.gov/cgi-bin/WebObjects/EPS?ACode=P&;ProjID=F08630-99-C-00 76-2 &LocID=1362. E-MAIL: Linda Weisz, weisz@eglin.af.mil. PART 2 OF 2_C -- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: (1) Anticipated Period of Performan ce: 32 months total. (2) Government Estimate and Type of Contract: Other Transac tion for Prototype (OT for P) with Cost Sharing being highly encouraged. The Gov ernment has estimated funding of approximately $2.7 million. The government enco urages any level of cost sharing. Funding breakout is as follows, FY99 -- 1% FY00 -- 28% FY01 -- 34% FY02 -- 37%. This funding profile is an estimate only and is no t a promise for funding, as all funding is subject to changes or availability an d Government discretion. The U.S. Air Force reserves the right to select for awa rd one, two or none of the proposals received in response to this announcement ( 3) Government Furnished Property: It is the offeror's responsibility to identify any equipment to be used whether contractor-owned and furnished or Government-o wned and furnished. The Government will assist in providing Government-owned pro perty as appropriate and if a! vailable. (4)Government Furnished Information (GFI): The government intends to provide Low Cost Autonomous Attack System (LOCAAS) Generation 2 (GEN 2) and Miniature Munitions Technology Demonstr ation (MMTD) data packages that will include CAD drawings and physical propertie s. Time Critical Target Technology (TCTT) data and final report. Advanced Dispen ser Studies (ADS) data that will include program review presentation material an d final reports. Future Smart Submunition Dispensing (FSSD) data that will inclu de test data, and a final report. This information may be obtained by contacting the Weapon Carriage & Integration IPT Leader, Mr. Jerry Provenza, (850) 882-4651 x3327 after submissio n of the DD Form 2345 to Linda Weisz (850) 882-4294, ext. 3206 (5) Proprietary I tems: It is the offeror's responsibility to identify any proprietary materials, products, software, or processes to be used by the prime contractor and subcontr actors in the performance of this program and address acquisition of data rights or licenses, or expected recoupment of development cost for those proprietary i tems that will be integrated into the weapons system. (6) Security Requirements: Access to or storage of classified materials is not required for this program. (7) Notice to Foreign-Owned Firms: Such firms are asked to immediately notify th e Air Force technical point of contact cited below upon deciding to respond to t his announcement. Foreign Offerors should be aware that restrictions may apply w hich could preclude their participation in this acquisition. (8) Size Status: Th is acquisition is full and op! en competition. However, the appro priate SIC code is 8731 with a small business size standard of 500 employees. (9 ) Estimated Award Date: 30 Sep 99. D -- PROPOSAL PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS: General : Offerors should apply the restrictive notice prescribed in the provision at FA R 52.215-1, "Instructions to Offerors -- Competitive Acquisition", to trade secret s or privileged commercial and financial information contained in their proposal s. Offerors should consider instructions contained in the "Proprietary Informati on" and "When and How to Submit" sections of the AFMC Pamphlet 64-101, "Unsolici ted Proposal Guide," copies of which are available using either of these two sit es: http://afmc.wpafb.af.mil/pdl/afmc/64afmc.htm, http://afmc.wpafb.af.mil/pdl/a fmc/pam/64series/64_101/64-101.pdf. AFMC Form 190, Policy Agreements, does not a pply to Program Research and Development Announcements. Additional proposal ques tions should be directed to one of the points of contact listed elsewhere herein . Offeror's are required to i! nclude in their proposals a summar y of all the benefits that can be attained through the use of an Other Transacti on in lieu of a FAR contract. This will not be included in the page counts. The Government reserves the right to award a FAR contract if it is determined that t he use of an OT will not provide any tangible benefits. Technical and Cost propo sals, submitted in separate volumes, are required, and must reference the above PRDA number. Volume 1 should provide the technical proposal and Volume 2 should address the price/cost portions of the proposal. Volume 1 should be limited to a total of 50 pages, excluding Statement of Work (SOW). Resumes, charts, figures, tables, etc., are included in the 50 page limit. Pages in excess of the specifi ed 50 pages will be removed and returned to the Offeror before evaluation starts . SOW should be limited to 5 pages, and tasks should be suitably detailed for in corporation into the contract. Cost proposals have no limitations. However, Offe rors are requested to keep co! st proposals to 15 pages. A page i s defined to be one side of an 8.5 x 11 inch piece of paper with information on it. Minimum print size is 12 point type, or 12 pitch. Proposals shall be submitt ed in an original and 5 copies. Every proposal shall have at least one copy subm itted on disk or via e-mail. Proposals submitted on disk or sent via e-mail are to be submitted on Microsoft Office 97 format. Note: The preferred format for al l proposals is via electronic means, whether on disk or via e-mail, followed by five hard copies of the proposal for evaluation. The Government intends to work proposals and awards through electronic means. To do business with the Air Force Research Laboratory/Munitions Directorate (AFRL/MN), you must have the Air Forc e standard packages (Microsoft Office 97 and JETFORM/Formflow Filler Version 2.1 5) All responsible sources may submit a proposal which shall be considered again st the criteria set forth herein. Copies of the proposals may be forwarded, if t he Offeror authorizes in writ! ing, to other interested governmen t a gencies for funding consideration. Authorization for limited reproduction and di ssemination within Government Agencies and National Laboratories is requested. O fferors are advised that only the Agreements Officer is legally authorized to bi nd or otherwise obligate the Government. (2) Cost Proposal: Adequate price compe tition is anticipated. The accompanying cost proposal/price breakdown shall incl ude a person-hour breakdown by task, a cost element summary including labor, ove rhead, travel, G&A, equipment, etc. for each phase, and an expenditure schedule for the entire program. Certified cost and pricing data is not required. Section 845 agreements do not require cost accounting standards or Government cost audi ts. Commercial accounting (GAAP) practices are acceptable. The cost of preparing proposals in response to this announcement is not considered an allowable direc t charge to any resulting contract, or any other contract. It is, however, an al lowable expense to the normal! bid and proposal indirect cost sp ecified in FAR 31.205-18. (3) Technical Proposal: The technical proposal shall i nclude as a minimum: (a) detailed technical approach, (b) proposed component des cription, (c) proposed program schedule, (d) description of relevant experience, and (e) personnel data. E -- PROPOSAL EVALUATION: The selection of one or none of the sources for award will be based on an evaluation of an offeror's response ( both technical and cost aspects) to determine the overall merit of the proposal in response to the announcement. The technical aspect, which is ranked as the fi rst order of priority, shall be evaluated based in the following subfactors whic h are of equal importance: (a) new and creative solutions; (b) the offeror's und erstanding of the scope of the technical effort; (c) soundness of offeror's tech nical approach, including proposed statement of work. The proposed cost will be evaluated for reasonableness. F -- POINTS OF CONTACT: (1) Ombudsman: An Ombudsman has been appointed to address! concerns from offerors or potenti al offerors during the proposal development phase of this acquisition. Routine o r administrative questions should be directed to the Contracting Officer or Prog ram Manager. The Ombudsman does not diminish the authority of the program direct or or contracting officer, but communicates contractual concerns, issues, disagr eements, and recommendations to the appropriate Government personnel. When reque sted, the Ombudsman shall maintain strict confidentiality as to the source of th e concern. Potential offerors are invited to contact AFRL/MN's Ombudsman, Lt Col Gary Libell,, (904)882-2872, with serious concerns only. (2) Contracting and Co st: Ms. Vick Keider, Contracting Officer, (850)882-4294, ext 3404, or Ms. Linda Weisz, Contract Negotiator, (850) 882-4294, ext 3206, at AFRL/MNK, 101 W. Eglin Blvd., Suite 337, Eglin AFB, FL 32542-6810, or e-mail to keider@eglin.af.mil or weisz@eglin.af.mil, respectively. The telefax number is (850)882-9599. (3) Progr ammatic and Technical Issues:! Mr. John F. Wolverton, (850) 882- 8877, ext 3373, at AFRL/MNAV, 101 W. Eglin Blvd., Suite 234, Eglin AFB, FL 32542 -6810, or e-mail to wolverton@eglin.af.mil and Lt Terry Bouska (850) 882-8876 ex t.3376, e-mail: bouska@eglin.af.mil . The telefax number is (850)882-4128. Gener al Information: This announcement and other general information is available via the World Wide Web at http://eglinpk.eglin.af.mil/OPS. See Numbered Note 26. Posted 05/10/99 (D-SN329727). (0130)

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