Loren Data Corp.




U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Phoenix Area Office, P.O. Box 10, Phoenix, Arizona 85001-0010

Y -- GRADE, DRAIN, CONSTRUCT PCC CURB AND GUTTER; SIDEWALK AND CONCRETE BLOCK RETAINING WALL; PLACE AGGREGATE BASE COURSE; HOT ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT; FINAL FOG SEAL ON 1.457 KM ROADWAY/BIA ROUTE 101, LOVELOCK INDIAN COLONY, PERSHING COUNTY, NEVADA. SOL SB-99-0009 DUE 071399 POC Paul James Robinson, Contract Specialist, (602) 379-4482, Fax (602) 379-6763 This notice is revised to include the following statement: Procurement will be set-aside for Indian-owned firms under the "Buy Indian Act", 25 U.S.C. 47. Section 7(b) of P.L.. 93-638 (25 U.S.C. 450e) requires that preference opportunities in employment and training be given to the Indian/Alaska Native individuals and that preference in award of subcontracts be given to Indian/Alaska Native economic enterprises. Indian firms bidding under this Act must self-certify they are eligible under the "Buy Indian Act". Posted 05/25/99 (W-SN335561). (0145)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0120 19990527\Y-0006.SOL)

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