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Department of the Army, Headquarters, Military Traffic Management Office, ATTN: MTTM-T Room 629, 5611 Columbia Pike, Falls Church, VA 22041-5050

81 -- 681 ISO CSC TRICON-CONFIGURED INTERMODAL CONTAINERS SOL 99-9007 DUE 061799 POC Allen F. Reed, Contract Specialist, 703/681-1420, 703/681-9112 (facsimile), 7003 E-MAIL: reeda@MTMC.army.mil, reeda@MTMC.army.mil. 17. (i) THIS IS A COMBINED SYNOPSIS/SOLICITATION for the purchase of commercial items prepared in accordance with (IAW) the format in Subpart 12.6, as supplemented with additional information included in this notice. This announcement constitutes the only solicitation; proposals are being requested and a written solicitation will not be issued. (ii) This SOLICITATION NUMBER DAMTO1-99-R-9007 is issued as a request for proposals (RFP). (iii) The solicitation document and incorporated provisions and clauses are those in effect through FEDERAL ACQUISITION CIRCULAR (FAC) #97-18 and DFARS CHANGE NOTICE (DFCN) 19990525. (iv) This solicitation is unrestricted. The SIC code is 3799. (v) CLIN 0001 -- NEW AND UNUSED DRY ISO CSC TRICON CONFIGURED CONTAINERS. CLIN 0001AA-Production Unit, Type 9-1-533, Qty: 226. CLIN 0001AB-Production Unit, Type 9-1-0534, Qty: 455. CLIN 0002-Delivery of CLINs 0001AA and 0001AB to Albany, GA. (vi) Description of Requirement: 1. The Government will procure 681 TRICON configured newand unused ISO CSC containers. The unit prices for CLIN 0001 are for the individual TRICON units, three of which when coupled together equal the dimensions of a standard 20' ISO dry container. New and Unused means that the container is sealed at the factory and shipped without cargo. 2. All construction shall be IAW with the Commercial Item Description (CID), A-A-65422B, dated 22 Mar 99, General Purpose Configuration Drawing Number 9-1-0533 and Shelf Configuration Drawing Number 9-1-0534, and as specified within this Synopsis/Solicitation. 3. The CID and General Purpose Configuration and Shelf Drawings are available from Allen F. Reed, (703) 681-1420. 4. Special Requirements: a. Prototype. The contractor shall present one certified ISO CSC 20' TRICON configuration for Government review within 30 days after contract award, unless specifically waived by the Government. If multiple manufacturing firms are used, each firm is required to produce a prototype for Government review. The Government reserves the rightto waive the prototype requirement if the successful offeror has produced TRICON configured units in accordance with required specifications. b. Duty-Free Customs Information. All shipping documents submitted to Customs, covering foreign end products for which duty-free entry certificates are to be issued IAW DFAR Clause 252.225-7009 -- Qualifying Country End Products and Supplies (JAN 1997) shall be annotated with the contract number and marked as follows: "UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Duty-Free Entry to be claimed pursuant to section XXII, Chapter 98, Subchapter VIII, Item 9808.00.30 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States. Upon arrival of shipment at the appropriate port of entry, District Director of Customs, please release shipment under 19 CFR part 142 and notify Commander, Defense Contract Management Area Operations (DCMAO)-New York, ATTN: Customs Team (DCMDN-GNIC) 207 New York Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10305-5013, Phone (718) 390-1065, Facsimile (718) 390-1093." (vii) Delivery. 1. Delivery shall be completed IAW the following schedule: Type 9-1-533, Qty: 77, not later than 30 September 1999; Type 9-1-533, Qty: 149 and Type 9-1-534, Qty: 455, not later than 1 Nov 99. Units may be delivered earlier, provided storage space is available at destination. 2. Deliveries are to be made to the following location: Defense Distribution Depot (DODAAC -- SW3121), BLDG 1221, 814 Radford Blvd, Marine Corps Logistics Base, Albany, GA 31704-1128. Delivery documentation to include DD Form 250, Materiel Inspection and Receiving Report shall be marked as follows: a. Type 9-1-533, Qty: 77: Marked For: Force Provider (DODAAC SB3110) Bldg. 1261 Door 10 Project Code DG1 b. Type 9-1-533, Qty: 99 and Type 9-1-534, Qty: 303: Marked For: Force Provider (DODAAC SB3110) Bldg. 1261 Door 10 Project Code DF5 c. Type 9-1-533, Qty: 50 and Type 9-1-534, Qty: 152: Marked For: Force Provider (DODAAC SB3110) Bldg. 1261 Door 10 Project Code DF6 3. It is critical that the correct project code be marked on deliveries to assure quantities for each project are received correctly. 4. POC: Raleigh Bleums (912) 439-5923. Alternate POC: William Oliver (912) 439-5923. 5. Facility hours of operation: 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. (EST), Monday through Friday. 6. The facility may accept up to 78 TRICONS per day, unless prior approval is granted from the receiving activity. (viii) FAR 52.212-1 Instructions to Offerors, Commercial Items (AUG 1998) apply and are incorporated by reference. (ix) FAR 52.212-2, Evaluation -- Commercial Items (JAN 1999) is incorporated by reference and applies to this acquisition. In accordance with ADDENDUM 52.212-2 Para (a), the Government will award the contract to the responsible offeror whose offer represents the best overall value. The Government will determine each offeror's overall value on the basis of an integrated assessment of three evaluation factors: Technical Capability, Past Performance and Price. Subfactors under Technical Capability are: (1) Ability to Meet Specifications IAW CID A-A-65422B, Dated 22 Mar 99 and Synopsis/Solicitation, and (2) Delivery Schedule. For the "Ability to Meet Specifications IAW CID A-A-65422B, Dated 22 Mar 99 and Synopsis/Solicitation" subfactor category, the offeror shall submit approved drawings and demonstrate its ability to: (a) comply with all ISO standards and requirements IAW the CID and Synopsis/Solicitation; (b) provide a production plan which identifies start date, completion date, estimated unit production by week, and timelines for prototype; (c) comply with all approval and certificate requirements to include Classification, TIR, Immunization, UIC and CSC; and (d) provide warranties for paint, structure, and decals. Factors (a) through (d) are listed in descending order of importance. For the "Delivery Schedule" subfactor category, proposals will be evaluated based on the delivery schedule submitted by the offeror and the demonstrated ability of the offeror to meet the required delivery date (RDD). The delivery schedule shall include the following information, as applicable: For the "Ocean Transportation Segment," the offeror shall provide a statement that a U.S Flag vessel shall be used, indicate estimated dates of sailing and arrival, and identify port(s) of embarkation, and port(s) of debarkation. For the "Non-Ocean Transportation Segment," the offeror shall provide the mode of shipment (i.e., truck or rail), estimated number of units delivered to specified delivery location by day/week to meet RDD, and a statement that delivery will be made to the designated locations NLT 1530 hours, local time, unless prior approval for different delivery times has been given by the receiving government activity. Information for the "Non-Ocean Transportation" segment is also required when ocean transportation is required (i.e., from factory to POE and from POD to delivery location). For the "Past Performance" evaluation factor the offeror shall submit as part of their proposal the last three (3) contracts for the purchase of the same or similar items completedduring the past two years using the Past Performance Reference Sheet and completed in accordance with specified instructions. Contracts listed may include those entered into by the Federal Government, agencies of state or local governments and commercial customers. Offerors that are newly formed entities without prior contracts must list contracts as required above for all key personnel. The Government reserves the right to consult other sources of information concerning your past performance, including, but not limited to, past and present customers and subcontractors or other financial sources. All offerors shall indicate their DUNS number and provide a recent Dun & Bradstreet Report in their response. This performance information will be used to determine the offeror's: (1) ISO production experience for the same or similar items, (2) ability to produce units which meet technical and ISO specifications, (3) ability to meet delivery schedules, (4) capability to identify and resolve technical issues, and(5) determine offeror's commitment to customer service. The Dun & Bradstreet or other financial resources may be used to determine the financial soundness of the offeror. Within the "Technical Capability" evaluation factor, subfactor (1), "Ability to Meet Specifications IAW CID A-A-65422B, Dated 22 Mar 99 and Synopsis/Solicitation" is of greater weight than subfactor (2), "Delivery Schedule". The two subfactors when combined equal the "Technical Capability" evaluation factor, and are significantly more important than "Past Performance." "Technical Capability" and "Past Performance", when combined, are more important than price. Award will be based upon the best value to the Government, price and non-price factors considered. (x) Offerors shall include completed copies of the provisions at FAR 52.212-3 Offeror Representations and Certifications -- Commercial Items (MAY 1999) and DFAR 252.212-7000 Offeror Representations and Certifications -- Commercial Items (NOV 1995), with its offer. (xi) FAR 52.212-4 Contract Terms and Conditions -- Commercial Items (MAY 1999) is incorporated by reference and applies to this acquisition. Contract Type: Firm Fixed Price (FFP). (xii) FAR 52.212-5 Contract Terms and Conditions Required to Implement Statutes -- Commercial Items (MAY 1999), is incorporated by reference; however, for paragraph (b) only the following provisions apply to this acquisition: 52.212-5(b), 52.203-6 Restrictions on Subcontractor Sales to the Government with ALT 1 (JULY 1995). 52.203-10 Price or Fee Adjustment for Illegal or Improper Activity (JAN 1997), (41 USC 423). 52.219-8 Utilization of Small Disadvantaged and Women Owned Small Business Concerns (JAN 1999), (15 USC 4212). 52.219-9 Small Business, Small Disadvantaged and Women Owned Small Business Subcontracting Plan (JAN 1999). 52.222-26 Equal Opportunity (FEB 19999), 52.222-35 Affirmative Action for Special Disabled and Vietnam Era Veterans (APRIL 1998), (38 USC 4212). 52.222-36 Affirmative Action for Workers With Disabilities (APRIL 1984), (29 USC 793). 52.222-37 Employment Reports on Disabled Veterans and Veterans of the Vietnam Era (JAN 1999), (38 USC 4212). 52.225-9 Buy American Act -- Trade Agreements -- Balance of Payments Program (JAN 1996), (41 USC 10, 19 USC 2501-2582). 52.247-64 Preference for Privately Owned U.S.-Flag Commercial Vessels (JUN 1997), (46 USC 1241). DFARS clauses 252.225-7001 Buy American Act and Balance of Payments Program (MAR 1998), 252.212-7001 Contract Terms and Conditions Required to Implement Statutes or Executives Orders Applicable to the Defense Acquisition of Commercial Items (JAN 1999), and 252.225-7006 Buy American Act -- Trade Agreements Act -- Balance of Payments Program Certificate (MAR 1998). (xiii) DFARS clauses 252.225-7008 Supplies To Be Accorded Duty-Free Entry (MAR 1998), 252.225-7009 Duty-Free Entry-Qualifying Country End Products and Supplies (MAR 1998), and 252.225-7010 Duty-Free Entry -- Additional Provisions (MAR 1998) are incorporated by reference and apply to this acquisition. (xiv) Additional Requirements: Warranty. The Contractor shall extend to the Government full coverage of any standard commercial warranty normally offered to a similar commercial customer, provided such warranty is available at no additional cost to the Government. Acceptance of the standard commercial warranty does not waive the Government's rights under the "Inspection Clause" nor does it limit the Government's rights with regard to the other terms and conditions of this acquisition. In the event of a conflict, the terms and conditions of this contract shall take precedence over the standard commercial warranty. The standard commercial warranty period shall begin upon final acceptance of the applicable material listed in the schedule. (xv) DPAS Rating: N/A (xvi) CBD number notes: N/A (xvii) Two (2) copies of your proposal are due not later than 1500 hours EDT, June 17, 1999 at Headquarters, Military Traffic Management Command, JTMO, ATTN: MTAQ-J, Nassif Building, Room 108, 5611 Columbia Pike, Falls Church, VA 22041-5050. Offerors have the option of submitting the past performance reference information sheets prior to proposal due date. Early submission will afford the Government the opportunity to begin the past performance evaluation immediately. To ensure your offer is considered, please telephone Allen F. Reed at (703) 681-1420 to confirm that your offer has been received. The evaluation will begin immediately upon receipt of the offers. Offerors must acquaint themselves with the new regulations concerning commercial items acquisition contained at FAR subpart 12 and must ensure that all Certifications and Representations are executed and returned as called for in this solicitation. (xviii) The offeror's proposal shall be submitted IAW the following format: (1) Transmittal letter addressing the requirements of FAR 52.212-1, (2) CLIN pricing information, (3) Representations and Certifications, (4) Technical submission which addresses all areas as specified in this Synopsis/Solicitation to include ProductionPlan and Delivery Schedule, (5) Approved Drawings, (6) Past Performance Reference Information Sheets (if not submitted prior as specified in paragraph (xvii) above, your most recent Dun and Bradstreet Report, and (7) DUNS number. (xix) Offerors are notified that the Government reserves the right to perform a plant survey at any time prior to the award of contract. The purpose of this plant survey is to examine the offerors technical production capability as it relates to the requirements of this Synopsis/Solicitation. (xx) You must complete registration in the Central Contractor Registration database to be eligible for DOD contracts awarded after 31 May 1998. The CCR allows DOD vendors to provide basic business information one time to the government. Updates occur annually. The CCR provides worldwide visibility of sources to negotiators and finance officers. You may register by following the procedures below: 1. Access the World Wide Web home page address: http://ccr.edi.disa.mil/ 2. Complete the registration form by following the instructions on the screen. Instructions to FAX the CCR registration form to the appropriate Registration Assistance Center (RAC) are also included on the screen. The RAC number can be obtained by calling (888) 227-2423. 3. Before contract award, the contracting officer MUST verify registration of prospective awardees. If you intend to participate in this procurement and require copies of the CID, A-A-65422B, dated 22 Mar 99, General Purpose Configuration Drawing Number 9-1-0533 and Shelf Configuration Drawing Number 9-1-0534, and the Past Performance Reference Information Sheet, please contact Allen F. Reed at (703) 681-1420. Posted 06/03/99 (W-SN338715). (0154)

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