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NASA/Glenn Research Center, 21000 Brookpark Road, Cleveland, OH 44135

A -- SYSTEMS ANALYSIS AND MODELING OF A DIESEL ENGINE SOL RFQ120875 DUE 062499 POC Alice J. Wilson, Contract Specialist, Phone (216) 433-2552, Fax (216) 433-5489, Email Alice.J.Wilson@grc.nasa.gov WEB: Click here for the latest information about this notice, http://nais.nasa.gov/EPS/GRC/date.html#RFQ120875. E-MAIL: Alice J. Wilson, Alice.J.Wilson@grc.nasa.gov. NASA/GRC hereby issues a Request for Quotation (RFQ) for The Performing of Systems Analysis and Modeling of a Diesel Engine. 1) Specify test data to be collected during runs of the TCM GAP engine in order to calibrate the VIPRE model. This will require discussions with TCM engineers to give them an understanding of the fidelity of the VIPRE model. This will provide them with the insight necessary to determine what test data could be used to make the model more accurately for the GAP engine operation. 2) Use the GAP engine test data as it becomes available, to update the VIPRE model (2 updates). This will entail modifying the engine model and making runs to verify the correlation of test results with model results. 3) Run parametrics to determine the optimum engine using the tuned code (one selected case from Task 2.0). Work with TCM engineers to develop a test matrix that will systematically determine the optimum design parameters for the engine. Rather than fixing one parameter at a time, a test matrix should be developed that will provide a better method for finding the optimum design point. 4) Perform the necessary iterations of the VIPRE code to complete the test matrix. Provide information to TCM on which parameters will improve the performance of the engine. 5) Perform altitude surveys on optimized engine (hot, cold, and standard days). 6) Perform an analysis to determine the effect of adding a second turbocharger to the engine. Turbocharger maps will be supplied by TCM. 7)Write a final report. This procurement is being conducted under the Simplified Acquisition Procedures (SAP). NASA/GRC intends to purchase the items from Power Computing Solutions, Inc., 4672 Bellerive Court, Avon, OH. THE AUTHORITY FOR OTHER THAN FULL AND OPEN COMPETITION is 10 USC 2304(c)(1). The proposed contractor, Power Computing Solutions (PSC), has been working on modeling and analysis of aero powerplants using the VIPRE and NEPP computer codes. PSC has extensive experience integrating the VIPRE code with the NASA NEPP computer code to accurately simulate aero powerplants. It is critial that the modeling and analysis be completed by end of FY00. Completion of this effort is required in this time frame to successfully complete the General Aviation Propulsion Program critical milestones. PCS qualifications in conjunction with the extreme time constraint for this service require this to be a sole source procurement. AND A STATEMENT JUSTIFYING LACK OF COMPETITION]. The Government does not intend to acquire a commercial item using FAR Part 12. See Note 26. Interested firms have 15 days from the publication of this synopsis to submit in writing to the identified point of contact, their qualifications/capabilities. Such qualifications/capabilities will be used solely for the purpose of determining whether or not to conduct this procurement on a competitive basis. Responses received after the 15 days or without the required information will be considered nonresponsive to the synopsis and will not be considered. A determination by the Government to not compete this proposed effort on a full and open competitive basis, based upon responses to this notice is solely within the discretion of the Government. Oral communications are acceptable in response to this notice. All responsible sources may submit an offer which shall be considered by the agency. OMBUDSMAN STATEMENT REQUIRED] An Ombudsman has been appointed. See Internet Note "B". Any referenced notes can be viewed at the following URL: http://genesis.gsfc.nasa.gov/nasanote.html Posted 06/10/99 (D-SN341465). (0161)

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