COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF JUNE 18,1999 PSA#2370NASA/Glenn Research Center, 21000 Brookpark Road, Cleveland, OH 44135 A -- WATER FLOW CONTROL ASSEMBLY SOL RFO3-105742 DUE 070699 POC Jane
M. Cochran, Contracting Officer, Phone (216) 433-2739, Fax (216)
433-2480, Email Jane.M.Cochran@grc.nasa.gov WEB: Click here for the
latest information about this notice,
http://nais.nasa.gov/EPS/GRC/date.html#RFO3-105742. E-MAIL: Jane M.
Cochran, Jane.M.Cochran@grc.nasa.gov. PART I SPECIAL NOTICE: The due
date for proposals is extended by two weeks, from Monday June 21, 1999
to Tuesday July 6, 1999. PART II Responses to RFO Questions 1.
Cleaning requirement is per MIL-STD-1246 and per SSP30573. What
cleaning level and what NVR level is invoked? Can NASA streamline this
and specify only one specification? ANSWER: The valve assembly shall
be capable of operating with cooling water in accordance with
SSP30573B, Table 4.1-2.8 for flight units or Table 4.1-2.17 for
qualification units only. The unit may be tested with gaseous helium in
accordance with SSP30573B, Table 4.1-2.9 or gaseous nitrogen in
accordance with SSP30573B, Table 4.1-2.13, Grade A or better. No
materials shall be used which tend to react with these fluids at any of
the specified operating or ambient temperatures or pressures. This
includes any materials that would come in contact with the fluids after
a credible, single-barrier failure, such as leakage past soft goods or
metal-to-metal (non-welded) joints. Wetted surfaces of the valve
assembly shall be cleaned according to SN-C-0005D, Level 100A. Exterior
surfaces of the assembly shall be Visibly Clean according to
SN-C-0005D. 2. Specification page 6 states that "Each unit (Units A &
B) shall be qualified and acceptance Tested per SSP41172". What
classification is applicable for the testing (refer to Table 4-1 and
Table 5-1 of SSP 41172 Rev. B on page 4-2 and 5-2) ? ANSWER: "Fluid or
Propulsion Equipment" is the applicable classification. 3. Reliability
requirement is to be 250,000 hours operating MTBCF. How are we required
to verify compliance to this requirement (by Analysis or other means)?
Is this requirement applicable to individual components or to the
system? ANSWER: Compliance to the reliability requirement shall be by
Testing and/or Analysis. Accelerated life test techniques shall be used
where practical. The reliability requirement applicable to the WFCA
system. 4. I didn't see any Documentation requirements list. Will there
be any documentation deliverables? ANSWER: An Acceptance Data Package
(ADP) shall be shipped with each contract end item. Each ADP shall
contain the following: a. Top-level assembly drawing(s) and an
interface control drawing. b. All test results/reports and inspection
records for each piece of hardware and/or material manufactured. c.
Material Certifications -- The Seller shall provide a Certificate of
Compliance signed by a responsible Quality representative of the
company to the effect that all materials, processes, and/or finished
items supplied under this Purchase Order (PO) are as specified. The
certificate must be typed and include part number and date code(s). d.
The Seller shall provide in writing (typed) the start date, shelf
life, and expiration date of all life limited shelf items supplied
under this PO. The supplied items must have at least 75% of their
useful shelf life remaining at time of shipment to NASA. e. A copy of
the Quality Requirements. 5. Page 6 of the spec. says "Certification
papers shall be provided." Please explain. ANSWER: See answer to
Question 4. 6. Will there be a requirement for a PDR/CDR and if yes,
will the customer community be participants? ANSWER: There is no
requirement for a PDR/CDR but if the supplier has reviews, NASA would
like to participate. 7. Specification mentions requirements for
qualification testing but delivery schedule does not. Is successful
completion of qualification required before first delivery? Can
qualification units be refurbished and delivered as flight units?
ANSWER: Yes, successful completion of qualification testing is required
before the first delivery. No, qualification cannot be refurbished and
delivered as flight units. 8. Seems to be no requirements for program
reviews and/ or milestone reports. Is this correct? ANSWER: There are
no requirements for program reviews and/or milestone reports. 9. All
delivery requirements are specified as Months ARO except for (4) unit
B items which have a delivery date of May 1, 2001 (page 6 of
specification). Is this correct? ANSWER: Yes, it is correct that all
delivery requirements are specified as Months ARO except for (4) unit
B items that have a delivery date of May 1, 2001. 10. Will the 6-piece
option be executed at the same time as the 32 pieces? ANSWER: No. The
6-piece option will not be executed at the same time as the 32 pieces.
11. Throttle Capability requirement (page 3 of specification) calls for
+/- 3 lbm/hr. What is the system delta p range? ANSWER: The maximum
operating pressure of the system is 100 psia and the Maximum delta
pressure is 10 psia. 12. Power interface requirement is 28 +/- 10%
(page 4 of specification). Is this the primary power or secondary
power? Is the power connected to chassis ground? ANSWER: 28VDC is the
voltage available to power the unit. Although the 28VDC return line is
connected to the chassis ground, this return line at the valve or
controller must not be connected to chassis and must be isolated from
chassis by a minimum of 1 Megohm. If a "secondary" voltage is developed
within the valve controller unit, and this secondary voltage return is
isolated from the 28 VDC return by greater than 1 Megohm, (by using an
isolated DC/DC converter for example) then the secondary voltage output
from the DC/DC converter must be connected to chassis ground at one
point only. The goal is to prevent any structure from being used as a
current return path, except for fault conditions. 13. Data Interface,
Command Set point is 0 to +10vdc (page 4 of specification). Can current
disable threshold limit and maximum current threshold be specified?
ANSWER: Suggest that the setpoint range be from 0 to 8 volts and the
other Modes be as follows: VALVE OPEN 9.8 to 10V VALVE CLOSED 9.4 to
9.6V HOLD MODE 8.9 to 9.1V This also makes the modes easy to remember
as 9V for hold, 9.5V for closed, and "around 10V" for full open. Also,
the hold mode is between closed mode and the setpoint range for faster
response under normal operating conditions. 14. Soldering specification
MSFC-P09.1-C06 seems incorrect (page 4 of specification). Please
clarify. ANSWER: MSFC-STD-2903, which is the tailoring guide for
NASA-STD-8739.3A, is the appropriate document for soldering. 15. Burn
In/Cycling requirement (page 4 of specification) does not specify
operating temperatures. Please clarify. ANSWER: Burn In/Cycling
operating temperatures are 15 to 50 degrees C. 16. Page 6 of
specification states "Each unit meet all requirements after 5 launch
cycles". Please define "5 launch cycles". ANSWER: "5 launch cycles"
means being exposed 5 times to the vibration and thermal environments
listed. 17. Do EMC requirements (page 5 of the specification) apply to
individual components or to system? ANSWER: The EMI/EMC requirements
on page 5 of the specification apply to "black boxes" or assemblies,
not to individual components. 18. While reviewing the assembly's
requirements I have discovered that the valve is required to fail open
at 25 lbm/hr and must flow 300 lbm/hr at its greatest flow point yet
be able to have full shut-off capability. The controller specification
states that at zero VDC the valve must be flowing 25 lbm/hr and at 10
VDC the valve must be flowing 300 Lbm/hr. At what voltage should the
valve be fully closed? ANSWER: Suggest that the setpoint range be from
0 to 8 volts and the other modes be as follows: VALVE OPEN 9.8 to 10V
VALVE CLOSED 9.4 to 9.6V HOLD MODE 8.9 to 9.1V This also makes the
modes easy to remember as 9V for hold, 9.5V for closed, and "around
10V" for full open. Also, the hold mode is between closed mode and the
setpoint range for faster response under normal operating conditions.
19. Is an instance of decreasing flow upon impending full shut-off
acceptable? ANSWER: An instance of decreasing flow upon impending full
shut-off is acceptable. 20. Is a design that requires only a
relatively simple controller acceptable? ANSWER: A simple design is
acceptable. 21. Do you have any additional information regarding
Fluoroloy G seals? I am unfamiliar with this terminology. ANSWER:
Fluoroloy G is a virgin unfilled PTFE (a UHMW polymer), which is good
from minus 65 to 275 degrees F. The company name is now the Furon
Company. A good contact is Ed Hillery at 1-800-544-0080 22. How many
copies of the proposal should be submitted? ANSWER: The Government
requires 4 copies of the proposal. Please mail them to the following
address: NASA Glenn Research Center, Attn: Jane M. Cochran, Mail Stop
500-319, 21000 Brookpark Road, Cleveland, OH 44135 23. What type of
contract will be awarded? ANSWER: The Government expects to award a
fixed-price contract as a result of this solicitation. PART III SPECIAL
NOTICE: The RFO is changed in three places as indicated by the
reprinted text, below: The following is a description of the
CONTROL SUBSYSTEM (WTCS) that will control and monitor water that flows
through the racks. The Government will make a selection from Option #1
or Option #2, as described below, or combination of Options 1 and 2
which the Government deems in its best interest. OPTION #1 The WFCA
shall consist of the following subassemblies: 1. Subassembly #1 (UNITS
A & B): 7 FLOW CONTROL VALVE (changed from "VALVE -- Solenoid Flow
Control Valve") 7 FLOW SENSOR (changed to delete reference to
"Differential Flow Pressure Transducer") 2. Subassembly #2 (UNITS A &
B): 7 Valve Controller 7 Cable The two subassemblies shall be separate
from each other and be able to be mounted at different areas of the
Rack. The two subassemblies shall be connected together with the cable.
See attached drawing #1 for details. Subassembly #1 envelope & mounting
provisions shall be per attached drawing #2A Subassembly #2 envelope &
mounting provisions shall be per attached drawing #3 The Fluid Quick
Disconnects (QDs) shall be procured and installed by NASA. (Drawings #1
& #2 include QDs). The water interface with the WFCA shall be either a
1/2 inch (-08) and/or a 3/8 inch (-06) boss per MS33649 or MS16142.
The Fluid Quick Disconnects shall be provided for assembly testing if
needed. OPTION #2 The WFCA shall consist of the following: 1.
Subassembly #1 (UNITS A & B): 7 FLOW CONTROL VALVE (changed from "VALVE
-- Solenoid Flow Control Valve") 2. Subassembly #2 (UNITS A & B): 7
Valve Controller 7 Cable The two subassemblies shall be separate from
each other and be able to be mounted at different areas of the Rack.
The two subassemblies shall be connected together with the cable. See
attached drawing #1 for details. Subassembly #1 envelope & mounting
provisions shall be per attached drawing #2B, as a KIT to be integrated
by customer. Subassembly #2 envelope & mounting provisions shall be per
attached drawing #3 The FLOW SENSOR (changed to delete the following
phrase -- "Differential Flow Pressure Transducer") shall be procured
and installed by NASA. All testing of subassemblies #1 & #2 will be
done with the FLOW SENSOR provided by NASA as Government Furnished
Equipment (GFE). The Fluid Quick Disconnects (QDs) shall be procured
and installed by NASA. (Drawings #1 & #2 include QDs). The water
interface with the WFCA shall be either a 1/2 inch (-08) and/or a 3/8
inch (-06) boss per MS33649 or MS16142. The Fluid Quick Disconnects
shall be provided for assembly testing if needed. Posted 06/16/99
(D-SN343826). (0167) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0002 19990618\A-0002.SOL)
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