COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF JUNE 24,1999 PSA#2374United States Air Force, Air Force Materiel Command, AFRL -- Phillips
Research Site, 2251 Maxwell Ave, Kirtland AFB, NM, 87177 A -- ATMOSPHERIC COMPENSATION ANALYSIS (ACA) SOL 99-DE02 DUE 072699
POC Sanae Yata, Contracting Officer, Phone 505/846-5119, Fax 505 843
3398, Email yatas@plk.af.mil WEB: Visit this URL for the latest
information about this,
=1122. E-MAIL: Sanae Yata, yatas@plk.af.mil. PROGRAM RESEARCH
(ACA). SOL PRDA 99-DE02. POC for contractual issues: Ms. Sanae Yata,
Contracting Officer, (Telephone: 505/846-5119; Telefax: 505/846-1546;
E-mail: yatas@plk.af.mil). POC for technical issues: Capt. Jeffrey D.
Barchers, (Telephone: 505/846-5671; Telefax: 505/846-2213; E-Mail:
barcherj@plk.af.mil). Information concerning this acquisition will be
available on the Electronic Posting System (EPS) at http://www.eps.gov.
The AFRL BAA/PRDA Guide, dated 29 Jun 98, is available at
http://aftech.afrl.af.mil/policy-guides.htm . A _ INTRODUCTION: PRDA
99-DE02. The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Directed Energy
Directorate (DE), Kirtland AFB, NM is seeking innovative proposals for
research to solve scientific and engineering problems on Adaptive and
Atmospheric Optics Compensation. Proposals with new or unique ideas
which enhance the state-of-the-art and scientific knowledge in this
OR NO NOTICE. B -- REQUIREMENTS: The ACA proposals are desired for
development of new and innovative concepts for the following areas: (1)
Analysis of the effects of strong scintillation on the performance of
adaptive optical systems; (2) Techniques for evaluating the performance
of phase-only AO systems in the presence of strong turbulence (phase
and intensity fluctuations); (3) Analytical techniques for determining
anisoplanatic effects on the intensity of laser beams corrected by
adaptive optics and propagated into space; (4) Real-time adaptive
control schemes and algorithms which incorporate multiple measurements
in space or time for optimal compensation in the presence of strong
turbulence; (5) Atmospheric compensation in the presence of strong
scintillation including advanced concepts and technologies for
real-time compensation of the effects of atmospheric turbulence for
laser beam propagation and imaging through turbulence which is
distributed along all or most of the propagation path; (6) Approaches
for mitigation of the effects of scintillation on adaptive optics
reference beacons; and (7) Techniques for tracking of extended targets
in the presence of strong scintillation including technologies for
improving high bandwidth and real-time tracking of extended targets
through atmospheric turbulence which is distributed along the line of
sight. C -- PROPOSAL PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS: (1) General: (a) Offers
are solicited from all sources capable of satisfying the Government_s
requirement and are not limited in technical approach, though the
proposal should consider the goals of the efforts listed above. (b)
Proposals are due thirty (30) days from the date this announcement is
published. The proposals must reference the above PRDA number and
include a unique proposal identification. Proposals shall be valid for
a period of not less than 180 days after the due date. (c) Submit
proposals to Det 8 AFRL/PKDL (Attn: S. Yata), 2251 Maxwell Avenue SE,
Kirtland AFB, NM 87117-5773. Proposals submitted by fax or e-mail will
not be considered for award. (d) Projected total funds are currently
unavailable; however, funding level is estimated at $250K per year
extended over a three-year period of performance for a total of $750K.
(e) Submit Technical and Cost proposals in separate volumes. (f)
Submit an original and three (3) copies of the proposal. (g) In order
that proposals are afforded proper handling, offerors must mark their
proposals with the restrictive language stated in FAR 15.609(a). (h)
The cost of preparing proposals in response to this announcement is not
an allowable direct charge to any resulting contract or any other
contract, but may be an allowable expense to the normal bid and
proposal indirect cost as specified in FAR 31.205-18. (i) A
cost-plus-fixed-fee (CPFF) contract(s) is contemplated; however, other
types may be considered. (2) Technical Proposal: (a) Technical
proposal shall include an Executive Summary, Program Description,
Program Plan, Milestone Chart, Facilities and Equipment Description,
Description of Relevant/Related Prior Work, and Resumes of Key
Personnel. (b) Technical proposal shall also include a Statement of
Work (SOW) detailing the technical tasks to be accomplished under the
proposed effort. (c) Deliverables including data/reports and a final
report shall be proposed, indicating delivery dates, that will
adequately provide the Government with sufficient information to
ascertain the effectiveness of the offeror_s operations. (d) Technical
proposal shall be limited to 25 pages (12 pitch or larger type),
double spaced, single sided, 8.5 by 11 inch pages, with 1-inch margin
on top and bottom of page and 34- inch side margins. The page
limitation includes all information ( i.e., indices, photographs,
foldouts; appendices), however, excludes attachments and resumes. THE
PAGE LIMITATION. (3) Cost Proposal: (a) The cost proposal shall be
limited to 10 pages. The cost information other than cost or pricing
data requested therein is necessary for the Government to perform cost
realism analysis. (b) Cost proposal shall be prepared in accordance
with instructions entitled _AFRL Phillips Research Site BAA/PRDA Cost
Proposal Instructions_ at http://www.plk.af.mil/pk. D _ BASIS FOR
AWARD: (1) Evaluation will be in accordance with AFMC FARS 5335.016-90.
(2) Proposals will be evaluated using the following factors in
descending order of importance, based on scientific or peer review: (a)
The overall scientific and/or technical merit of the proposal; (b) The
potential contributions of the effort to the project_s mission and the
extent to which the research effort will contribute to balancing the
overall mission program. The proposal should be directed toward
advancing the state-of-the-art and should provide for new and creative
research and development solutions for scientific and engineering
problems. (c) The offeror_s capabilities, related experience,
facilities, techniques, or unique combinations of these which are
integral factors for achieving the proposal objectives; (d) The
qualifications, capabilities, and experiences of the proposed key
personnel who are critical to the achievement of the proposed
objectives; (e) Offeror_s record of past and present performance; and
(f) Reasonableness and realism of the proposed costs and fee/profit. No
further evaluation criteria will be used in selecting the proposals.
(3) To be eligible to receive an award, an offeror is required to be
registered in the DoD Central Contractor Registration Database prior to
award of any contract, basic agreement, basic ordering agreement, or
blanket purchase agreement, for awards based on solicitations issued
after 31 May 98. Offerors must register on a one-time basis and
annually confirm accuracy and completeness of registration information.
Either the CAGE code or DUNS number will be used to identify the
contractor to the paying office. E -- EXPORT CONTROL AND FOREIGN
DISCLOSURE: This acquisition may involve technology and/or may require
access to Militarily Critical Technical Data that is subject to Export
Control laws and regulations. Only those offerors who are registered
and certified with the Defense Logistics Information Service (DLIS) may
submit proposals. The offerors are required to submit a certified copy
of the DD Form 2345 before award as a condition for award. Contact the
DLIS, 74 North Washington, Battle Creek, Michigan 49016-4312
(1-800-352-3572) for further information on certification and approval
process. Foreign-owned firms are advised that they may not be able to
receive awards as they are precluded from becoming a prime contractor.
Government does not intend that FFRDCs use privileged information or
access to facilities to compete with the private sector. If an offeror
proposes using an FFRDC as a subcontractor, other than DoD-sponsored
FFRDCs in the capacities discussed in DFARS 235.017, it must provide
rationale in its proposal that supports the unique capability of the
FFRDC. Also, the proposal must demonstrate that the FFRDC can accept
work from other than the sponsor. G -- OMBUDSMAN: An Ombudsman has been
appointed to hear concerns from offerors or potential offerors,
primarily during the proposal development phase of this competitive,
negotiated acquisition. The purpose of the Ombudsman is not to diminish
the authority of the Program Director of Contracting Officer, but to
communicate contractor concerns, issues, disagreements, and
recommendations to the appropriate Government personnel in the
pre-proposal phase of competitive, negotiated acquisitions. Before
contacting the Ombudsman, potential offerors should first communicate
with the Contracting Officer. In those instances where offerors cannot
obtain resolution from the Contracting Officer, they are invited to
contact the DET 8 AFRL Ombudsman, Mr Eugene DeWall, Det 8 AFRL/PK-D, at
(505) 846-4979 or at 2251 Maxwell Avenue SE, Kirtland AFB, NM
87117-5773. When requested, the Ombudsman will maintain strict
confidentiality as to the source of the concern. The Ombudsman does not
participate in the evaluation of proposals or in the source selection
process. H -- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: (1) This CBD announcement in and
of itself constitutes the Program Research and Development
Announcement (PRDA) and is open until rescinded. Any proposal received
after the specified date may be evaluated dependent upon the
availability of funds. (2) Subject to the availability of funds, the
Government reserves the right to select for award any, all, part, or
none of the proposals received. Multiple awards may be made. (3) For
the purposes of this PRDA the SIC code is 8731 and its size standard is
1000 employees. The acquisition is unclassified. It is unrestricted and
solicited based on full and open competition. However, offerors should
indicate whether they are a Small Business, a Socially and
Economically Disadvantaged Business, an 8(a) qualified business, a
Woman-Owned Business, or an HBCU/MI. Socially and Economically
Disadvantaged firms are required to obtain certification through the
SBA (either through offeror_s local SBA office or online at
www.sba.gov). (4) Offerors must have or be able to obtain a SECRET
facility clearance. (5) Discussions with any of the points of contact
shall not constitute a commitment by the Government fund or award any
proposed effort. Only Contracting Officers are legally authorized to
commit the Government. (6) When requested, a debriefing will be
provided in accordance to FAR 15.1005. A copy of each final report of
any resultant contract is available, subject to national disclosure
policy and regulations. Posted 06/22/99 (D-SN345954). (0173) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0012 19990624\A-0012.SOL)
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