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USAID/Kyiv, 19 Nyzhniy Val St., 254071 Kiev, Ukraine

G -- UKRAINE SOCIAL SECTOR RESTRUCTURING PROJECT SOL USAID/Kyiv RFP 99-06 DUE 073199 POC Winifred J. Mulligan, wmulligan@usaid.gov, Tel: 380-44-462-5678, Fax 380-44-462-5834, Contracting Officer: Catherine A. Mallay, E-mail: cmallay@usaid.gov WEB: http://www.info.usaid.gov, http://www.info.usaid.gov/procurement_bus_opp/procurement/announce/cbd. E-MAIL: http://www.info.usaid.gov, wmulligan@usaid.gov or cmallay@usaid.gov. The U.S.Agency for International Development plans to modify an existing contract, No. 121- C-00-98-09000-00, with PADCO to extend the completion date by 12 months from January 31, 2000 to January 30,2001 and to add additional tasks. The new tasks are essential technical assistance related to reforming the pension system in Ukraine and will include Regulatory and Administrative Capability Building, pension reform legislation analysis and development, public education and training. The modified contract will provide training and tools for developing private pension schemes and improving the public pension scheme. Since March 1997, USAID/Kyiv, through the contract with PADCO, has provided limited pension reform assistance to the GOU. Now, in response to a formal request by the GOU, USAID/Kyiv seeks to add complementary and related activities targeting reform of the pension system. In the interests of cost- and time-efficiency, USAID/Kyiv wishes to maintain current working relationships with PADCO and between PADCO and its Ukrainian counterparts. Therefore, USAID/Kyiv plans to proceed with this modification under the authority of 40 U.S.C.474 which stipulates that full and open competiton need not be obtained when it would impair or otherwise have an adverse effect on programs conducted for the purpose of foreign aid and rehabilation. This CBD notice can be viewed and downloaded using the USAID Web Site, www.info.usaid.gov. Posted 06/22/99 (W-SN345905). (0173)

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