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Department of the Treasury, Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP), Office of Procurement, 14th & C. Streets, S.W., Washington, DC, 20228

P -- NICKEL PLATE SHRED RECOVERY AND RECYCLE SOL LRH-53 POC Joan Smoot, Contract Specialist, Phone (202) 874-2183, Fax (202) 874-2200, Email joan.smoot@bep.treas.gov -- Loretta Hawley, Contract Specialist, Phone (202) 874-3235, Fax (202) 874-2200, Email WEB: Visit this URL for the latest information about this, http://www.eps.gov/cgi-bin/WebObjects/EPS?ACode=R&;ProjID=LRH-53&LocID= 142. E-MAIL: Joan Smoot, joan.smoot@bep.treas.gov. The Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP) is seeking companies capable of recovering and recycling nickel plate shreds in accordance with the statement of work included in this synopsis. The statement of work is as follows: 1. GENERAL. The Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP), an element of the United States Department of the Treasury, located at 14th and C Streets SW, Washington, D.C. desires to recover and recycle the nickel from which United States Currency Printing Plates are made. Destruction of Currency Printing Plates is a two-fold process: First each currency plate is shredded at the BEP. Second the engraved images on each shred are destroyed, and the Nickel is recovered so that it can be recycled. This effort addresses the second part of the destruction process (i.e. Secure and Conclusive (absolute) Destruction of all engraved images that are on the currency plate shreds, recovery, and recycling of the nickel). The BEP anticipates receiving the fair market value of the nickel, less reasonable recycling costs. The service sought herein MUST be accomplished in full compliance with BEP and Department of the Treasury Security regulations. 2. MATERIALS TO BE DESTROYED. The materials to be destroyed are fully identified on the attached Metal Analysis as provided by the BEP. The materials to be destroyed and recycled are the property of the United States and will remain the property of the United States until such materials are conclusively destroyed, as determined by BEP Security Personnel. Possession of any part, or portion, of the materials to be destroyed, for any purpose other than the destruction process, is a criminal violation of United States Law and will be prosecuted. The materials to be destroyed will be transported to the destruction facility by agents of the BEP and will be accompanied by armed BEP Security Personnel. All destruction activities will take place at a facility that has been approved by BEP Security, using procedures approved by the BEP, and under the direct observation and control of BEP Security Personnel. Failure of the Contractor to adhere all approved destruction procedures, as determined by BEP Security Personnel, may result in immediate termination of any destruction operation, recovery of all U.S. Property, and return of all U.S. Property to the BEP. Any deviation from approved destruction procedures, by the contractor, shall require review of the contract and may result in assessment of sanctions against the contractor, up to and including termination of the contract. 3. REQUIREMENTS. a. Facility Location. The destruction facility must be located within reasonable (one way/250 miles) driving distance of the BEP Facility in Washington, DC (distance from the BEP will be a priority consideration in award of this contract). b. Facility Access. To ensure the security of BEP materials, the BEP will schedule destruction operations at the contractor_s facility in advance and require that access to the facility be restricted to BEP Personnel and Contractor Facility Employees during destruction of BEP materials. c. Destruction Plans. Offerors shall formulate detailed plans for the destruction of BEP materials, in accordance with the following guidelines. These Destruction Plans shall provide for the commencement of the destruction of the currency plate shreds within one hour of their receipt at the contractor_s facility, specifically address the security requirements of the BEP, and specifically describe the method(s) and/or the means proposed for destruction of BEP materials. In addition, the Destruction Plan shall include written instructions, to the Contractor_s employees, which prohibits any Contractor employee contact (hands on) with BEP materials except under the direct and continuous supervision of a BEP Security employee. The plan shall state that any contractor employee finding BEP material(s) shall immediately turn all such materials(s) over to her/his supervisor. The successful offeror shall provide a copy of these written instructions to each and every employee of his (generic) organization. Contractor Destruction Plans shall be submitted together with bids for BEP approval. The successful offeror_s APPROVED Destruction Plan shall be incorporated into the contract. Should the successful bidder decide to change the destruction method and/or means, after award of the contract, the contractor shall submit a new destruction plan to the BEP for approval prior to implementation. Execution of the contract will be suspended pending BEP evaluation and acceptance of the new destruction plan. d. Destruction Equipment. Destruction equipment shall be operated in conformance with applicable State and Federal Environmental, OSHA, and Safety Regulations and Laws. e. Co-Mingling of Materials. The BEP poses no objection to the simultaneous destruction of materials, other than those of the BEP; however, the contractor shall not co-mingle any BEP materials with any other materials prior to injection of BEP materials into the destruction equipment. This requirement does not preclude injection of other materials into destruction equipment immediately prior to, or immediately after, injection of BEP materials when such methods facilitate or enhance operation of the destruction equipment. (NOTE: Contractors proposing to co-mingle BEP and other materials, should be very specific in this area of his (generic) Destruction Plan) f. Equipment Purging. Subsequent to all destruction operations, the contractor shall provide the method(s), means, and personnel to purge all equipment and areas involved in the destruction of all undestroyed residual BEP materials. All such residual materials shall be recovered and be conclusively destroyed. g. Facility and Equipment Inspections. The successful offeror shall be subjected to a Pre-Award Inspection of his (generic) Facility and Equipment by BEP Security and Technical Personnel. The successful offeror shall verbally certify to the BEP Security Official in charge of each and every destruction operation, prior to beginning destruction operations, that all of the equipment to be used in the destruction of BEP materials is fully operational, as described in the Contractors approved Destruction Plan. In addition, the successful offeror shall agree to the conduct of both Pre-Destruction and Post-Destruction Inspections of all equipment, and area(s) of his (generic) facility, used to destroy BEP materials, by BEP Security Personnel. h. Labor Support. The contractor shall provide the equipment and personnel necessary for safe and expeditious removal of the materials to be destroyed from BEP Transport Vehicle(s) and into, the actual destruction equipment. In the event the destruction operation is prematurely terminated, the contractor shall also provide the equipment and personnel necessary to re-load BEP materials onto the transport vehicles for return to the BEP. I. Billing. In addition to fully describing the remuneration paid to the BEP, all billing statements, submitted to the BEP in conjunction with this contract, shall Itemize and specifically describe each and every cost charged to the Bureau (e.g.: 1) date of the destruction operation; 2) total charge for materials destroyed, including the charge per pound, and the total weight of the materials ACTUALLY destroyed, and 3) total labor charge, including the number of laborers and the hourly cost). 4. SECURITY CONTROLS. a. Destruction of Nickel Currency Plates shreds SHALL be conducted, verified, and documented, in accordance with BEP and Treasury Department regulatory guidance, at a facility approved by BEP Security. b. All Currency Plate Shreds shall remain under the exclusive custody and control of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing until such time as they are conclusively destroyed through a BEP approved destruction process. c. Nickel Currency Plates shall be shredded at the BEP facility. All resulting Currency Plate Shreds are, and shall remain, the property of the United States Government. d. Transport of Nickel Currency Plate Shreds from the BEP Facility to the destruction facility shall take place under the direct observation, supervision, and control of properly certified BEP Security Officials. e. Conclusive destruction of BEP currency Plate Shreds shall occur under the supervision of properly certified BEP Security Officials. NOTE: The security requirements for these services are not negotiable. The nickel must be destroyed immediately after delivery to the contractor_s facility. It cannot be held at the contractor_s facility for destruction at a later date. Responses should be addressed to Loretta R. Hawley or Joan Smoot on or before July 20, 1999 at the address above or e-mailed to joan.smoot@bep.treas.gov or faxed to (202) 874-2200. Telephone requests will not be honored.***** Posted 07/02/99 (D-SN349996). (0183)

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