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National Park Service, Midwest Regional Office, 1709 Jackson Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68102

B -- HISTORIC RESOURCE STUDY, HARRY S TRUMAN NATIONAL HISTORIC SITE, MISSOURI SOL RQ606899076 POC Tonya Bradley, Contracting Officer, 402-221-3561 Historic Resource Study for Harry S Truman National Historic Site, Missouri. Solicitation number RQ606899076, SIC Code 8733, due on or about August 25, POC Tonya Bradley Contracting Officer 402-221-3561. The National Park Service seeks professional historical research services to prepare a Historic Resource Study (HSR) for two geographical segments of the Harry S Truman National Historic Site with park headquarters in Independence, Missouri. The HRS will provide a historical overview for properties added to the original park consisting of the Truman Home. Properties that are to be the focus of the HRS are the Truman Farm in Grandview, and the Noland and two Wallace properties in Independence, Missouri. The HRS will evaluate these properties within their immediate geographical region, and identify and evaluate cultural resources within historic contexts. It will include the collection, evaluation, synthesis, and presentation of data and research findings concerning the area's historic resources (including but not limited to structures, sites, objects, districts, cultural landscapes, complexes, and historic functions). Included within the HRS will be the preparation of cultural resources base maps and National Register of Historic Places nominations. The project will be in two phases, with phase 2 contingent on satisfactory completion of phase 1 and the availability of funding. Selection will be based on criteria published in the solicitation. Solicitation will be issued on or about August 2 and close on or about August 25. Solicitation packages may be acquired in person, by mail or fax. Telephone request will not be accepted. Request for solicitation packages must be in writing stating solicitation number, complete company name, point of contact, address, phone number and fax number and whether bidding as a prime/subcontractor or supplier. Mail request to the National Park Service, Midwest Region, Attention Tonya Bradley, 1709 Jackson Street, Omaha, NE 68102 or fax request to 402-221-4251. Solicitation packages will not be expressed mailed. The price range of this project (the total of phase 1 and 2) is between $45,000 and $80,000. Posted 07/15/99 (W-SN354979). (0196)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0025 19990719\B-0002.SOL)

B - Special Studies and Analyses - Not R&D Index Page