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Department of Veterans Affairs Central Office, Office of Facilities Management, (182C), 810 Vermont Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20420

Y -- AMBULATORY CARE ADDITION SOL 541-039B/9903-AE DUE 091599 POC Contact: Amelia McLellan (Contracting Officer), 202/565-7001, William Lasley (Project Manager), 202/565-6280 VA Medical Center, Cleveland Ohio-The work includes a two story addition to the existing hospital building, a pedestrian bridge, renovation of existing space, including asbestos abatement, within the hospital and site work. The new structure will consist of cast in place concrete frame and floor slabs. The exterior will be of limestone and brick with aluminum windows. Work includes all interior walls and finishes for both new and renovated areas. Mechanical, electrical, plumbing, fire protection systems and elevators are included in new addition and renovation areas -- Cost Range; Between $20 and $50 million. Bid Documents will be available August 13, 1999. Request for bid documents shall be forwarded to Spice Costantino Architects, 7550 Lucerne Drive, Cleveland, Ohio 44130-6592-Telephone 440-243-2000. A refundable deposit of $200 per set will be made for bid documents.-when requesting bid documents, state name, address and solicitation number.-All responsible sources may submit an offer which shallbe considered by the Department of Veterans Affairs. Posted 07/21/99 (W-SN357164). (0202)

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