COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF AUGUST 10,1999 PSA#2406Federal Emergency Management Agcy, Acquisition Operations Division, 500
EMW-2000-RP-0001 DUE 091399 POC Contract Specialist: Cathy A. Green
(202) 646-3044 E-MAIL: Click here to contact contract specialist,
cathy.green@fema.gov. (This announcement is broken down into 3 parts
due to the length. The following is PART 1 OF 3) The Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA) intends to award a Time and Materials type
contract to begin on May 20, 2000. The vendor shall be selected to
allow FEMA greater flexibility and surge capability to respond to the
potential of multiple catastrophic events. It is anticipated that the
contract will consist of a Base Year and Four One (1) Year Options. The
selected firm shall be required to provide Architectural and
Engineering (A&E) technical assistance to the FEMA Mitigation
Directorate (MT) or any of its ten Regional counterparts in the
management of its Hazard Mitigation Technical Assistance Program
(HMTAP), National Earthquake Technical Assistance Program (NETAP), and
Wind and Water Technical Assistance Program (WAWTAP). The authorities
for the HMTAP, NETAP and WAWTAP include the Earthquake Hazards
Reduction Act, as amended, PL 95-124; the Robert T. Stafford Disaster
Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (Stafford Act), as amended, PL
93-288; the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968; and the Flood
Disaster Protection Act of 1973. The ten FEMA Regional Directors and
their respective Mitigation Division Directors administer the HMTAP for
States and local governments. Assistance is necessary to aid MT and its
Regional counterparts in performing their post disaster mitigation
related responsibilities. The contract shall be hereafter referred to
as the "Package". Offerors for the Package shall be expected to provide
response capability for all types of post disaster mitigation
opportunities, such as riverine and coastal flooding, hurricane type
disasters, fire, earthquake, typhoon and tsunami type disasters. The
selected firm shall be required to execute the following tasks: (1)
provide engineering and architectural services, including civil,
structural, electrical/mechanical, geologic, seismic, wind, coastal and
hydrology; (2) in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act
(NEPA), prepareall necessary components of environmental assessments or
environmental impact statements, including historic preservation
reviews and assessments; conduct biological assessments and surveys to
determine existence of and potential impact to endangered species;
conduct water quality, wetlands delineation, sole or principal drinking
aquifers, prime farmlands, and other ecologically significant/
geographically unique areas surveys/assessments; and conduct social
science assessments; (3) conduct post-event assessments to identify
mitigation opportunities and prepare mitigation plan of action; (4)
conduct cost/benefit assessments; (5) conduct implementation of
construction sciences, including time and cost estimating, building
code practices, and construction techniques and site management; (6)
provide services necessary to support community planning processes and
to facilitate a reconstruction strategy that optimizes opportunities
for hazard mitigation, including land use management, site planning,
urban design, energy saving/efficient, ordinance development and
administration, and plan development and writing; (7) establish and
administer "turn-key" programs for the acquisition and relocation of
multiple properties impacted by catastrophic events resulting in a
Presidentially Declared disaster and funded by a combination of
Federal, State and local and insurance funds; (8) provide land
surveying and mapping services, including GIS, and conduct post-event
hazard identification and risk assessment activities to confirm
accuracy and specify actions and methodologies necessary to improve the
identification and assessment of hazards in the disaster area; (9)
review the accuracy of floodplain mapping and specify actions and
methodologies necessary to improve the mapping when appropriate, and
compute estimated flood elevations to guide reconstruction in
floodplain areas; (10) implement facilitation sciences and practices,
including decision management, group processes, and facilitation skills
training; develop and provide training to FEMA Headquarters and
Regional staff, and State and local communities qualified to perform
specific tasks outlined in this CBD; and provide rapid visual
screening, structural and non-structural retrofit, and other ATC
training to local contractors, building officials and other related
local personnel. (11) monitor performance of projects and related
contracts for selected individual applications or categories of work in
accordance with the criteria set forth in the Stafford Act, Section 406
and 44 CFR Part 13. (12) provide information management system
services, including system design for conducting surveys of potential
hazard mitigation projects, tracking and sharing the information among
Federal, State, and local project staff; (13) provide real estate,
insurance, and accounting services and appropriate legal components,
including residential and commercial property of development rights,
conservation easement drafting, and standard audits of public and
commercial fund accounts; (14) conduct public administration
assessments, including public management science, public finance and
accounting, and program implementation techniques; (15) provide
management and administrative assessment services, including whether
policy directives are needed, how the mitigation management system can
be improved, and what knowledge and skills are necessary to fulfill
mitigation program activities among assigned Federal and State staff,
and the fulfillment of such identified needs; and (16) convene panel or
panels of experts to render scientific and technical opinions to
address complex technical, scientific, sociological, program management
or multi-discipline issues. The annual estimated need for services for
the Package is between $5-10 million (END OF PART 1).***** (PART 2 OF
3) Submittals will be in conformance with the provisions of PL 92-582
(Brooks Act) and based on the following criteria and evaluation points
in descending order of importance: (1) SPECIALIZED EXPERIENCE AND
TECHNICAL COMPETENCE (30 POINTS). The offeror must demonstrate
successful corporate experience or experience which is similar to that
necessary to perform the contract tasks identified in Part I.
Experiences where the offeror can show a direct correlation to those
tasks listed shall also be considered. (2) PAST PERFORMANCE (20
POINTS). Past performance on contracts with Government agencies and
private industry in terms of cost control, quality of work and
compliance with performance schedules. Submittals must include
references' names, affiliations and telephone numbers. The government
reserves the right to use information outside of the response in
evaluating past performance. ). (3) CAPACITY TO ACCOMPLISH WORK WITHIN
REQUIRED TIME (20 POINTS). The offeror must demonstrate the ability to
have personnel on-site within 48 hours of notification; field up to 50
professionals from within the skills listed under Criteria (4),
concurrently, for two months, in support of the project tasks; field up
to 30 professionals from within the skills listed under Criteria (4),
concurrently, for six months, in support of the project tasks. In
addition, the offeror must be able to scope projects thoroughly and in
an efficient and timely manner. (4) PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS (20
POINTS). Expertise in the disciplines listed below. The number in
parenthesis ( ) next to the skill indicates the estimated maximum
number of personnel per skill which may be required at any one time.
There will be a need for First, Senior and Master Levels in many of the
skills listed. The expected Senior Level skill usage is estimated at 80
percent. A Master Level professional shall possess a professional
registration, ten (10) years of experience in their field of expertise,
and should have published or edited articles in reputable journals, or
have presented work at conferences or symposiums of reputable
professional organizations for their respective fields. A Senior Level
professional shall possess either a professional registration and a
minimum of five (5) years experience in theirfield of expertise or a
Bachelor of Science (BS) degree or equivalent and ten (10) years of
experience in their field of expertise. A First Level professional
shall require a BS degree or equivalent and a minimum of two (2) years
of experience in their field of expertise. The Package should consist
of the following skills: Civil Engineer (30); Structural Engineer
(15); Program Manager (2); Sanitary Engineer (6); Coastal Engineer (6);
Construction Inspector (10); Construction Site Manager (2);
Construction Estimator (residential and commercial buildings) (5);
Building Science Specialist (4); Flood Insurance Adjustor (10);
Architect (5); Environmental Planner (10); Engineering Technician (10);
Estimator (6); Soils/ Geotechnical Engineer (6); Geographic Information
Systems (GIS) (4); Electrical Engineer (3); Environmental Engineer (4);
Engineering Economist (2); Financial Analyst (3); Insurance Specialist
(residential and commercial, including actuarial ratings) (3);
Mechanical Engineer (3); Planner, General (5); Planning Specialist
(process, economics, taxation and bonds, transportation, regional,
urban design, zoning and construction codes) (5); Geologist (1);
Principal (1); Landscape Architect (2); Architectural Historian (2);
Historical Architect (2); Arborist (2); Horticulturist (1); Art
Conservator (2); Accountant (2); Appraiser (3); Archaeologist (2);
Biologist (2); Certified Public Accountant (1); Chemical Engineer (1);
Draftsman (2); Graphic Artist (2); Hydrologist (river and coastal
specialties) (4); Technical Writer (4); Surveying Technician (4);
Surveyor (2); Telecommunications Specialist (1); Volcanologist (1);
Wetlands Specialist (2); Health Scientist (1); Word Processor (4);
Group Facilitation Specialist (process, and decision techniques) (4);
Education and training specialist (evaluation and measurement, course
design and development, education and training systems assessment and
delivery of training) (5); Management Information Systems Specialist
(information systems design, computer systems design, programming,
software manipulation and training (2); Statistician (1); Mathematician
(1); Social Science Specialist (evaluation and measurement,
questionnaire design and development, statistical analysis) (1);
Operations Researcher (1 ). (5) LOCATION IN THE GEOGRAPHIC AREA OF THE
order to facilitate the management and minimize travel expenses for the
Package, the offeror shall have an adequately staffed and equipped
office located within the geographic boundaries of the Package. An
adequately staffed office is defined as one that is capable of
performing satisfactorily the necessary operational and administrative
tasks (task order assignment coordination, personnel, finance and
accounting, logistics, communications, etc.) to sustain the
contractor's field representatives for the duration of the contract.
Offeror shall also have knowledge of the locality of the projects, and
political, social and hazard related issues relative to the project
area. The offeror must also demonstrate in-house expertise with
riverine and coastal flooding, hurricane type disasters, fire,
earthquake, typhoon and tsunami type disasters. (END OF EVALUATION
offeror shall provide copies of agreements that specify the terms of
any prime/subcontractor relationships or joint venture arrangements.
The evaluation and selection of the firm will be in accordance with the
procedures for acquisition of A&E services, set forth in Part 36 of the
Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR). Firms interested in performing
this work are to submit one (1) original and seven (7) copies of their
Standard Forms (Sfs) 254 and 255 showing project experience and
personnel which will perform the work. Offerors are forewarned that
strict adherence to the submission instructions shall be enforced.
Engineering firms that are interested in performing the work must
submit Sfs 254 and 255. Firms which will not perform all work in-house
must identify subcontractors in their submittal. The portion of the
submittal relating to the "prime" firm must not exceed fifty (50)
pages, front side only. It is recommended that all submittals, to
include portions from subcontractors, use a type pitch that is twelve
characters per inch for ease of reading and evaluation. All pages
following the first fifty (50) pages will be discarded upon receipt.
The portion of the submittal relating to subcontractors must not exceed
twelve (12) pages per subcontractor, front side only. All pages
following the first twelve (12) pages for each subcontractor will be
discarded upon receipt. All other material such as brochures or samples
of work will be discarded upon receipt. Joint ventures must include a
copy of the legal joint venture agreement signed by an authorized
officer from each of the firms comprising the joint venture with the
chief executive officer of each entity identified. Copies of agreements
between firms participating in a prime/subcontractor relationship must
also be included in the submittal. The joint venture and the
prime/subcontractor documents will not be subject to the page
limitation set forth for the Sfs 254 and 255. All interested large
firms are reminded that the successful firm will be expected to place
subcontracts to the maximum practicable extent with small and
disadvantaged firms in accordance with Public Law 95-507. If a large
business firm is selected, a small business subcontracting plan,
describing how it will manage their subcontractors and ensure quality
control, will be required prior to award. All firms interested in
applying for work must submit new Sfs 254 and 255 regardless of prior
submittal. Firms using subcontractors must submit separate Sfs 254 and
255 for each subcontractor. Qualifications of subcontractors will be
considered in the evaluation for rating criteria #1 and 2 as
appropriate. The government intends to enter into a voluntary
partnership arrangement with the awardees and its subcontractors on
this procurement. Our objective is to identify and achieve reciprocal
goals, insure effective and efficient contract performance, and resolve
disputes in a timely, professional and non-adversarial manner through
the use of voluntary Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
methodologies. Responses must reference Synopsis # -- -- -- on the face
of all forms. No other announcement is anticipated in FY 1999. To
assure consideration, all information must be received by the FEMA
Contracting Office (ATTENTION: Cathy A. Green) no later than 3:00 p.m.
local time at FEMA, 500 C Street, SW, Room 350, Washington, DC 20472,
on DATE. Late submission will be subject to the provisions of Part
14.304 of the FAR. This is not a Request for Proposal (END OF PART
3).***** Posted 08/06/99 (W-SN364508). (0218) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0025 19990810\C-0009.SOL)
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