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U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Program Contract Service Center (3803R), 401 M Street, SW, Washington, DC 20460-0001

R -- EVALUATION OF ECOLOGICAL STUDIES OF PESTICIDES AND RELATED ACTIVITIES ASSOCIATED WITH ECOLOGICAL RISK ASSESSMENT OF PESTICIDE USE SOL HQ-PR-99-16945 DUE 102599 POC Sharon Hargrove, Contract Specialist, 202-564-4764/John Nanartowicz, Contracting Officer, 202-564-4756 WEB: R -- Evaluation of Ecological Studies of Pesticides and, http://www.epa.gov/oamhpod1/opp_grp/hqpr9916945/index.html. E-MAIL: contract specialist, hargrove.sharon@epamail.epa.gov. THIS REQUIREMENT WILL BE PROCURED UTILIZING FULL AND OPEN COMPETITIVE PROCEDURES!! EPA's Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP) as required by the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) and the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA) as amended by the Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA) of 1996, is responsible for the regulation of pesticides through the registration, registration review and reregistration of pesticides. OPP develops data requirements and guidelines for the conduct of studies by registrants that are used, along with other data and information, to assess the potential impact of the use of the pesticide on human health and the environment. Before EPA can use studies and data in assessing risk, these data must be evaluated to determine their adequacy and validity and to ensure that appropriate quality assurance procedures were carried out. Once data have been evaluated and determined to be acceptable and valid, these data are used to assess risk to human health and ecological resources. OPP also convenes scientific workshops and seminars to discuss and resolve scientific issues associated with the registration, registration review and reregistration of pesticides. This procurement shall provide contractual support to the Ecological Effects Branch of the Environmental Fate and Effects Division of the office of Pesticide Programs for the compilation, review and evaluation of data relative to the ecological risks associated with the use of pesticides. The products to be obtained from this procurement shall consist of documented evaluations of the current knowledge of specific pesticides based on the data requirements referenced in 40 CFR 158. The information resulting from these activities will be used in the formulation of regulatory decisions which will serve as the technical basis for all regulatory actions. This procurement shall also provide occasional support to EPA in the researching of ecological risk science policy issues and the development of science policy optionsfor evaluation and consideration by EPA. The Office of Pesticide Programs requires contractual support to compile, review and evaluate available data relative to the ecological risks associated with the use of pesticides. These data include, but are not limited to, the toxicological hazard to fish and wildlife, the use pattern of the pesticide, and potential for exposure to non-target organisms, specifically fish and wildlife, ecological communities and ecosystems. More specific program goals and objectives will identified in work assignments issued under this proposed contract. The contractor shall perform tasks as specified by individual work assignments. Email the Contract Specialist at "hargrove.sharon@epamail.epa.gov" to express your interest in this procurement action. It should be noted that specific instructions on the submission and contents of proposals will be contained in the solicitation document. No proposals or qualification statements should be submitted for this notice. Due to the anticipated large volume of interest, we will be unable to return phone calls for this procurement. You may be able to retrieve a copy of the solicitation package on or about September 20, 1999. The EPA website is www.epa.gov/oam. Posted 08/19/99 (W-SN370103). (0231)

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