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Concurrent Technologies Corporation, 100 CTC Drive, Johnstown, PA 15904-1935

B -- REQUEST FOR INNOVATIVE METAL FINISHING P2 TECHNOLOGIES FOR GENERIC TECHNOLOGY VERIFICATION SOL Brown-002 DUE 093099 POC Donn Brown, (727) 549-7007 and alternate Alva E. Daniels, (513) 569-7693 Commerce Business Daily (CBD) Announcement Request for Innovative Metal Finishing P2 Technologies for Generic Technology Verification Category B -- -Special Studies and Analyses -- -Not R&D (PROCUREMENTS) Date Published: 9/01/99 Responses Due: 9/30/99 Contact: Donn Brown, (727) 549-7007, browndw@ctc.com, Concurrent Technologies Corporation, 7990 114th Avenue, Largo, Florida 33773 Alternate Contact: Alva E. Daniels, (513) 569-7693, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 26 W. Martin Luther King Drive, Mail Stop 445, Cincinnati, Ohio 45268 Synopsis: Pollution prevention (P2) technology suppliers (developers and manufacturers) are being solicited to participate in the following opportunity. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Concurrent Technologies Corporation (CTC) have entered into a partnership to conduct generic verification testing under the EPA's Environmental Technology Verification Program for Metal Finishing P2 Technologies (ETV-MF) Pilot. The fundamental objective is to conduct third-party performance verifications, under strict EPA quality assurance requirements, of innovative, commercially ready P2 technologies that reduce or eliminate multimedia emissions from operations performed by the metal finishing industry. As defined by EPA, commercial ready technologies are either in use or ready for full-scale production. This does not include technologies at the bench or pilot-scale or those in the research and development stage. It is important to note that this is the second Request for Technologies (RFT) issued by the ETV-MF Pilot. The first RFT, issued in March 1999, was directed to vendors interested in the standard ETV verification process. This second RFT is for vendors interested in participating in the generic technology verification process recently developed. The objective of generic technology verification is to test technology by functions or classes, rather than specific commercial products as is done with the standard ETV verification process. Generic technologyverification is usually conducted on a single type of technology (e.g., ion exchange) in a collaborative effort between two or more equipment suppliers. The overall generic process involves the same general project steps as the standard approach, but there are some differences. With generic technology verification, company names are not linked to test results. However, companies taking part in a generic verification are acknowledged in the test report. Suppliers with innovative P2 technologies are encouraged to participate in this national technology verification program. If your environmental technology is commercially ready or at a sufficient scale and state of development such that performance claims can be established and evaluated, this program may be of interest to you. The ETV-MF Stakeholder Group has identified four main focus areas: (a) acid bath maintenance for mineral acids; (b) electroless nickel bath maintenance; (c) aqueous cleaner solution maintenance; and (d) chromate conversion coating solution maintenance. Manufacturers of other technologies such as rinsewater purification or conservation should also apply to be considered for generic technology verification. The technologies will be grouped and ranked for generic verification testing. The EPA, CTC, and the ETV-MF Stakeholder Group, in concert with the suppliers, will establish criteria for verifying the technology. Verification testing costs in the pilot phase of the program are shared by the ETV Program and the participating equipment supplier. Results of the testing will be documented in reports and made available to interested parties including metal finishers, environmental permitters, and the public. Verification Reports will be posted on the EPA ETV Internet website at www.epa.gov/etv providing potential customers, consulting engineers, and permitters with an independent assessment of technology performance. If you are interested in submitting an innovative P2 technology for generic verification testing, contact Donn Brown for an Abstract Submittal Form. Additional information about the ETV-MF Pilot and the Abstract Submittal Form can be found at the ETV-MF website: www.etv-mf.org. Posted 09/01/99 (W-SN375103). (0244)

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