Infrared Systems (SBIRS) Program Office has awarded two Program
Definition and Risk Reduction (PDRR) contracts and is seeking other
potential SBIRS Low system industry stakeholders to become candidate
prime contractors. This synopsis is for information and planning
purposes only and does not constitute a solicitation, nor is it to be
construed as a commitment by the Government. The Government will not
pay for any effort expended in responding to this notice. A Request for
Proposal (RFP) for SBIRS Low Engineering and Manufacturing Development
(EMD) is intended to be released in 2QFY02. To facilitate full and
open competition for this EMD Source Selection, the SBIRS Program
Office is soliciting inputs from potential SBIRS Low system primes
together with their principal sub-contractors (at least 25% of total
contract effort as measured in contract dollars) as potential industry
stakeholders during the current SBIRS Low PDRR phase. This phase will
take place during 4QFY99 through 4QFY02 and will include program
definition activities, preliminary design activities, risk reduction
activities, and a government technology improvement program. Following
PDRR, the EMD effort will result in the final design, development,
deployment, and sustainment of the SBIRS Low system. The PDRR through
EMD schedule is accessible through the SBIRS Program Office web site
listed below. A Statement of Capabilities (SOC) should be submitted by
those contractors interested in participating during PDRR as an
industry stakeholder and submitting a bid to the EMD RFP. Contractors
submitting an SOC should describe their capabilities to design,
produce, deploy and sustain a SBIRS Low constellation comprised of, but
not limited to the following: 1) Design capabilities, encompassing
appropriate tools such as simulation evaluation and cost estimating; 2)
System software development capabilities, including a description of
any certifications; 3) Program management capabilities, to include
systems engineering and risk management, andletters of intent for any
planned teaming arrangements; 4) Test capabilities from factory test
(including IR payload testing) to Developmental and Operational Test
and Evaluation ; 5) Production capabilities; 6) Deployment and
sustainment capabilities; 7) A description of their ability to meet the
preliminary SBIRS Low EMD Statement Of Objectives (SOO). A preliminary
EMD SOO can be accessed via the SBIRS Low website listed below.
Additionally, the SOC should include a plan to accomplish radio
frequency allocation filing and a letter of commitment to describe the
implementation of Organizational Conflict of Interest (OCI) firewalls
involving any interactions (prime and subs) with SBIRS High/SoS
contractors and with contractors for SBIRS interfaces, i.e. Theater
Missile Defense (TMD), National Missile Defense (NMD), etc. Optional
items to be included are: a plan to accommodate a Government Software
Development Capability Evaluation and a plan to conduct a Preliminary
Design Review (PDR) (including a technical presentation package). The
PDRR Contract Data Requirements List (CDRL) listed on the SBIRS Low
website will serve as guidance. Total page count of the SOC should not
exceed 50 pages and should be submitted no later then 31 Dec 00.
Contractors found to be capable will be declared an industry
stakeholder and will be given access to various entitlements including
access to the SBIRS Low Technical Library and access to the SBIRS Low
PDRR Rolling Evaluation Plan. It is envisioned that industry
stakeholders will also be given the opportunity for one proprietary
technical interchange meeting with the Government PDRR Team every six
months at a minimum, but not to exceed one every three months. Industry
stakeholders will be given access to the SBIRS High/Low Interface
Control Working Group and SBIRS High design reviews pending the
completion of the required NonDisclosure Agreements. Failure to respond
to this announcement does not exclude any interested parties from
bidding for the SBIRS Low EMD contract. The Government will notify
contractors submitting a SOC of their status as an established industry
stakeholder. All written responses shall be submitted to SMC/MTKP, 2420
Vela Way Suite 1467, El Segundo, CA 90245-4695, _Attn: Ms Linda S.
Barnard, Contracting Officer_. Paper copies of SBIRS program
requirements documents are located in the SBIRS Program Office document
library. Visits to this library will be by request only and will be
restricted to three visitors per firm per visit due to space
limitations. A catalogue of documents included in the SBIRS Low Bidders
Library is accessible through the SBIRS Program Office web site.
Unclassified and non-proprietary documents will also be available
through the web site. Authorized parties may request CD ROMs of
classified documents. Contact Ms. Linda Jeter at (310) 363-6610 or
e-mail linda.jeter@losangeles.af.mil for all library inquiries and
authorization. All visitor clearances should be faxed to the Visitor
Control fax at (310) 363-6882. Visitor requests should specify _Attn
Tommy Le: SBIRS Low Technical Document Library_. Since access to
classified and critical technologies will be required for this effort,
we expect that foreign contractors will be authorized only for
non-restricted portions of the acquisition. Direct technical questions
to Capt Stephanie Chavez, and contractual questions to Ms Linda S.
Barnard. All future announcements, updates, and unclassified
information for this program will be available on the SBIRS Program
Office home page of the World Wide Web
(http://www.laafb.af.mil/SMC/MT/Sbirs.htm). This process is subject to
WEB: Visit this URL for the latest information about this,
ber-Reference-87&LocID=901. E-MAIL: Linda Barnard,
linda.barnard@losangeles.af.mil. Posted 09/21/99 (D-SN382834). Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0546 19990923\SP-0009.MSC)
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