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Commander, Naval Air Warfare Center, Weapons Division, Code 210000D, 1 Administration Circle, China Lake, CA 93555-6100

A -- INTEGRATED HIGH PAYOFF ROCKET PROPULSION TECHNOLOGY (COMPOSITE ROCKET MOTOR CASES) SOL N68936-00-R-0012 DUE 010400 POC Glenda Downing, Contract Specialist, (760) 939-7503 INTEGRATED HIGH PAYOFF ROCKET PROPULSION TECHNOLOGY (COMPOSITE ROCKET MOTOR CASES) The Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division (NAWCWD) Propulsion Technology Office is seeking proposals in support of the Integrated High Payoff Rocket Propulsion Technology (IHPRPT) program. . The Standard Industrial Classification code is 8731 with the small business standard of 1,000 employees. This is an unrestricted solicitation. Responses from all responsible sources will be considered. Although not mandatory, it is highly recommended that a prospective offeror have either a government coordinated Advanced Rocket Propulsion Plan (ARPP), or develop an ARPP) prior to or in conjunction with the proposal submittal, or have a documented working relationship with a company possessing a Government coordinated ARPP to insure IHPRPT relevance of any proposed technology. Information regarding the IHPRPT program in general and the ARPP process is available from NAWCWD. The Navy wishes to identify and explore innovative and new concepts, principles, or processes in the area of tactical solid rocket motor composite case technology. Case technologies proposed do not need to individually meet the IHPRPT performance goals for delivered energy and mass fraction to be considered. Case technologies along with advances in other component technology areas (propellants, combustion and energy conversion, and control systems) that allow for meeting the overall IHPRPT goals are acceptable. Case weight savings and case technology which enable increased propellant volumetric loading, exhibit higher aeroheat capability and / or reduced manufacturing costs (as shown through test articles and analysis) should be demonstrated. Case concepts and designs should be compatible with existing and Phase II IHPRPT propellant technologies, and be capable of withstanding motor chamber pressures in the 4,500-5,000 psi range. Any proposal should offer the eventual delivery of rocket motor cases that could be static test fired with live solid propellant to demonstrate the claimed performance gains. NAWCWD test facilities may be available for static motor testing. Offerors are encouraged to make preliminary inquires on the need for the effort contemplated before expending the time and effort of preparing a proposal. The technical point of contact for this BAA is Mr. Tim Riffel (760) 939-7301, e-mail riffelt@navair.navy.mil. Please reference N68936-00-R-0012 in all correspondence. The proposed effort should have a period of performance of not greater than three (3) years and should be structured in a manner that will facilitate early close-out in the event the projections are not realized, i.e., separate and distinct phases by Government fiscal year, options, etc. Award decisions on proposals will be based on a competitive selection of proposals from a peer/scientific review. This announcement will remain open for 45 days from the date of publication for the receipt of proposals. Offerors may submit multiple proposals. Evaluation and selection of proposals for award will be made on the basis of the potential benefits accruing to the Government when weighted against the cost of the proposal. Additional primary considerations will include an independent Government assessment of the probability of success of the proposed approach and the availability of funding. Proposals not considered to have sufficient scientific merit or relevance to the Navy's needs may be rejected without further review. Proposals may be reviewed and acted on as they arrive. The Government reserves the right to select for award all, some or none of the proposals received in response to this announcement. It is the policy of NAWCWD to treat all proposals as privileged information before award and to disclose the contents only for the purpose of evaluation. Any contract awarded, on the basis of a proposal submitted under this BAA, will control disclosure and use of proprietary information. At a minimum, Government Purpose Rights will be required atthe completion of the contract. DATA REQUIREMENTS: All contracts awarded, as a result of this BAA, will be required to include appropriate data items. Following is a sample Contract Data Requirements List (CDRL). The items listed or other similar items will be incorporated as applicable. The Data Item Descriptions are given as references only. Offerors are encouraged to propose alternates to the standard items shown below for approval. In addition, contractors format and report consolidation are highly encouraged and will also be acceptable upon approval. Alternate or additional data items that would streamline and/or enhance the effectiveness of the program are solicited. Contractor's Progress, Status & Management Report -- DI-MGMT-80227/T -- Monthly -2 copies; Contract Funds Status Report -- DI-F-6004B/T -- Monthly -- 2 copies; Presentation Material -- DI-ADMN-81373 -- As Required; Program Plan -- DI-MGMT-80909/T -- 30 Days After Contract Award -- 2 copies; Still Photo Coverage -- DI-MISC-80169 -- As Required; Data Accession & Internal Data -- DI-A-3027A/T -- As Required; Scientific & Technical Report -- DI-MISC-80711/T -- As Required -2- copies; PROPOSAL PREPARATION GUIDELINES: One (1) original and three (3) copies shall be submitted to the address listed at the end of this announcement. Facsimile transmissions or electronic media (i.e. e-mail) transmissions will not be accepted. All offerors will prepare and submit a full proposal that consists of two (2) volumes, a Technical / Management Volume and a Cost Volume. The technical/management volume shall contain the technical approach, a statement of work (SoW), the management approach, a Small Disadvantaged Business (SDB) participation / target plan and, if required a sub-contracting plan. The cost volume shall contain the cost proposal, which will include cost and /or pricing data. The proposal submitted by an offeror in response to this BAA is the only vehicle available to the offeror for receiving consideration for award. The proposal must stand on its own merit; only information provided through the proposal can be used in the evaluation process leading to an award. The proposal should be prepared simply and economically, providing a straightforward concise delineation of the offeror's approach and capabilities necessary to perform the proposed work. The technical/management portion of the proposal is required to contain a technical description of the proposed idea including the following: (1) Major tasks to be performed. (2) A list of deliverables, if any. (3) A description of the project's relevance to the achievement of the IHPRPT goals and the stated objectives of this BAA. (4) A description of the feasibility of the proposed effort. (5) Identification of the major risks with a brief description of how they will be mitigated. (6) A description of any required Government Furnished Material, Equipment or Testing. (7) A Statement of Work (SoW). (8) A program schedule. (9) A written description of any proposed alternatives to the data items listed above. (10) The resumes of key technical and management personnel. (11) Relevant past/present performance data. (12) Each offeror shall prepare a SDB Participation Target plan. (13) If the value of the proposal is over $500,000 and the offeror is not considered a small business, the offeror will prepare a subcontracting plan. It is the intent of NAWCWD to incorporate the offeror's SoW, as written, into the applicable resulting contract. The SoW must accurately describe the work to be performed and be void of inconsistencies. The proposed SoW must contain a summary description of the technical methodology as well as the task description, but not in so much detail as to make the contract inflexible. The SoW shall contain the following sections: Objective, Scope, Applicable Documents/Background, Task/Technical Requirements broken down by phase and/or Government fiscal year, and Management. If subcontracting is involved, level of effort, roles, key individuals and qualifications should be included. The cost volume shall contain the following information on cover page. (a) Name, Address, CAGE Code, DUNS Number, Tax Identification Number, and type of entity. (b) Type of business select from the following categories; Large Business, Small Business, Small Disadvantaged Business, Other Small Business, HBCU, MI Other Educational, or Non Profit. (c) Title and date of proposal. (d) Statement that this proposal is submitted pursuant to N68936-00-R-0012. (e) Government funding requested. (f) Duration of proposed effort. (The proposed work should have a period of performance of not greater then three (3) years and should be structured in a manner that will facilitate early close-out in the event the projections are not realized, i.e., separate and distinct phases by Government fiscal year, options, etc.). (g) Names, telephone numbers facsimile and e-mail addresses of the technical and business personnel who may be contacted for more information or for negotiation purposes. (h) Dates of submission and signature(s) of official(s) authorized to obligate to the institution contractually. (i) Identification of any proprietary information to be used for evaluation purposes only. The cost proposal must contain a summary cost breakdown and a detailed cost element breakdown of each major task set forth in the SOW and should include information supporting the offeror's estimating process. The summary breakdown should be to the level of major tasks and should indicate manpower levels of effort, equipment and supplies, travel, and miscellaneous expenses for the tasks of the entire program broken out by performer and time. Proposed funding projections should be provided by phase and/or Government fiscal year. A breakdown of cost data is required under this BAA. If "cost or pricing data" are required the offeror shall provide the cost or pricing data in accordance with FAR 15.403-4 "Requiring Cost or PricingData," and the offeror shall provide the information identified in FAR 15.408, "Solicitation Provisions and Contract Clauses/Price Proposals When Cost or Pricing Data are Required." When Cost of Money is being proposed, the offeror shall submit a DD Form 1861. One copy (1) of the proposal shall be provided to the offerors local Defense Contract Management Office (DCMC) and one (1) copy to the local Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA). Prospective offerors are encouraged to submit a copy of their technical/management, and cost proposals on electronic media using Microsoft Excel 97 and Microsoft Word 97. The cost proposal, including individual breakouts and all corresponding summaries, up to and including total program cost breakout shall be submitted using Microsoft Excel 97. Each spreadsheet shall contain all formula or equations used to compute individual line items, as appropriate, as well as total cost (i.e. sell price). Spread sheets, for the basic program effort as well as any proposed options must also be submitted. Total dollar spread sheeting without a breakout of the individual elements of expense and associated calculation formula is not acceptable. Submission of electronic cost data does not relieve the offeror from their responsibility for submission of an original signed hard copy of the cost proposal along with all supporting rational. Offerors must prepare a cross reference identifying the data on disk to that contained in the hard copy and include it as part of both the hard copy submission and the diskette. It must contain the following data: the disk name under which the file is stored: file name of the data file; hard copy reference (volume and page number): a brief description of the data e.g. labor rates, bill of material, etc.). Pursuant to FAR 19.1202.4 and FAR 52.219-24 In order to receive credit under the source selection factor or subfactor, the offeror must provide, with its offer, targets, expressed as dollars and percentages of total contract value, for SDB participation in any of the SIC major groups as determined by the Department of Commerce. The targets may provide for participation by a prime contractor, joint venture partner, teaming arrangement member, or subcontractor; however, the targets for subcontractors must be listed separately. In accordance with the requirements of FAR 19.702 and 52.219-9, DFARS 226.7006 and DFARS 252.219-7000, if the total amount of the proposal exceeds $500,000, and there are subcontracting possibilities, offerors are to prepare and submit a subcontracting plan for Small Business, Small Disadvantaged Business, and Woman Owned Small Business concerns or historical Black Colleges and Universities and Minority Institutions (HBCUs/MIs) as part of their proposal submission. The subcontracting plan shall be included in the technical/management portion of the proposal. (Small business offerors do not have to submit the plan.) Offerors are cautioned that the Government will not execute a contract unless the ContractingOfficer determines that the plan provides the maximum practicable opportunity for SB, SDB, and WOSB concerns or HBCUs/MIs to participate in the performance of the contract. Offerors should note that DFARS 219.705-4 and 226.700 have provided for a goal of 5% for SDB concerns or HBCUs/MIs. Subcontracting plans that provide for less than the aforementioned goal must be accompanied by sufficient evidence that all reasonable attempts to meet the 5% goal have been made. Acceptable plans will be included in resultant contracts. PROPOSAL EVALUATION: Proposals will not be evaluated against each other since they are not submitted in accordance with a common work statement. Evaluation of proposals will be accomplished through a technical review of each proposal using the following criteria, which are listed, in descending order of importance. (1) Soundness of the offeror's technical approach with regards to feasibility of the project; probability of the technology being a viable candidate for selection/application into an operational system; and understanding the scope of the technical effort. (2) Relevance of the proposed effort to the achievement/demonstration of the goals of the IHPRPT program. (3) Innovation and creativity of the proposed solution to meeting the technical objectives as stated. (4) Capability of the offeror to successfully accomplish the proposed effort, which includes demonstrated relevant past/present performance; subcontracting plan, SDB Participation plan and past performance of offerors in complying with subcontracting plan goals for SDB concerns and monetary targets for SDB participation; the availability of the necessary resources such as experienced and competent technical and management personnel; and the availability, from any source, of required laboratory; shop, and test facilities. (5) The reasonableness and realism of proposed costs, and the availability of funds. All proposals submitted to NAWCWD shall be considered Government property. Proposals will not be returned This announcement constitutes the technical requirements in full text. No other solicitation or Request for Proposal will be issued. Any contract awarded as a result of this BAA will have a maximum length of 3 years. The Standard Industrial Classification code is 8731 with the small business standard of 1,000 employees. Approximately $1,000,000 of exploratory development (6.2) funds are anticipated to be available over a three-year period beginning Fiscal Year 2000 to conduct these research and development efforts. This announcement solicits the participation of all offerors capable of satisfying the Government's needs. The Government will not cover any costs associated with proposal preparation, nor pay, as a direct expense preparation cost on awarded contracts. This is an unrestricted solicitation. All responsible sources capable of satisfying the Government's needs may submit proposals that will be evaluated if received by the closing date. Because of the technical breadth implied in this solicitation and hardware demonstration required, no portion of this BAA will be set aside for HBCU and MI participation. However, these organizations are encouraged to apply and or team with other proposes. POINT OF CONTACT: For contracting questions Ms. Glenda Downing, (760) 939-7503, e-mail downinggo@navair.navy.mil. Technical questions should be addressed to Mr. Tim Riffel (760) 939-7301, e-mail riffelt@navair.navy.mil. Proposals are due by 4:00 PM, Pacific Time 4 January 2000. Early submission of proposals is strongly encouraged. Selections for awards will be made at any time during the evaluation process. Proposals should be submitted to Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division, Attention: Code 210000D (Glenda Downing), 1 Administration Circle, China Lake, CA 93555-6100. ***** Posted 11/04/99 (W-SN398205). (0308)

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