COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF DECEMBER 14,1999 PSA#2495National Park Service, Columbia Cascades Support Office, 909 First
Avenue, Seattle, Washington 98104-1060 T -- VEGETATION MAPPING SOL 1443-RP9000-00-003 DUE 020700 POC Philip
Pantoja, Contract Specialist (206)220-4045, or Beth A. Faudree,
Contracting Officer (206)220-4041 WEB: National Park Service,
http:www.nps.gov. E-MAIL: National Park Service,
philip-pantoja@nps.gov. The National Park Service (NPS) is seeking a
multidisciplinary team to provide services for projects involving
vegetation mapping at the plant association level, as specified by the
NPS vegetation mapping standards, and digital spatial database
development for the lands under its jurisdiction, and adjacent
environs, within the Pacific West Region. The Pacific West Region
includes NPS areas in the states of Nevada, California, Washington,
Oregon, Idaho, and Hawaii, as well as areas in Guam, American Samoa,
and Northern Mariana Islands (Saipan), and parts of NPS areas in
Arizona and Montana. Contract work will be provided under an Indefinite
Delivery/Indefinite Quantities (ID/IQ) contract and Task Orders will be
issued defining the Scope of Services for each aspect or phase of the
project as the work proceeds and funding becomes available. The term of
this Contract shall be one year with four (4) additional one-year
options. The work involves developing digital vegetation data and other
spatial data setsfor more than seven million acres of NPS lands in the
Pacific West Region. Final products must comply with standards and
accepted practices established by the Pacific West Region, the National
Park Service (see the USGS-NPS Vegetation Mapping Website at
www.nbs.gov/npsveg/ for details), the Federal Geographic Data Committee
(FGDC), and the professional scientific community. Uses of these
products will include long-term inventory and monitoring, research,
natural and cultural resource management, fire management, planning,
interpretation, and operations. We anticipate mapping at large scales
approximately from 1:1,000 for the smallest parks to 1:24,000 for
larger areas, with minimum mapping units ranging from approximately 0.1
hectares for very small parks, to 1.5 hectares for large parks. The
anticipated work may include, but is not limited to, the following:
acquisition of aerial photography and/or remotely-sensed imagery;
pre-classification field work involving collection and compilation of
new and existing field data related to vegetation, fire fuels, and
other resources; stratification of landscapes based on existing spatial
data; development of classification schemes for vegetation and other
data layers (e.g., geology, soils), including classification
descriptions and characteristics; interpretation of aerial photography;
image processing; digitizing; description and documentation of
vegetation and other data layers; use of GPS technology; field
verification of spatial products; comprehensive accuracy assessments
using conventional and/or "fuzzy logic" methods; and general digital
data processing, including FGDC-compliant digital metadata preparation.
Photography will usually be limited to color infrared (CIR) or natural
color where appropriate, representing present leaf-on conditions, with
scales typically ranging between 1:6,000 and 1:30,000 based on the
minimum mapping unit required for the specific park, and other
cost-benefit considerations. Field work will include pre-classification
(initial scoping and collection of site specific information) which
will focus upon locations of examples of the expected classes, and
post-classification (accuracy assessment) which will focus on
quantifying the accuracy of each mapping project. The field data will
be entered by the contractor into a digital data base management system
(DBMS) meeting NPS requirements. All data shall be geocoded and
delivered in ArcInfo 8.x (or latest version) coverages, or per other
instructions specified by the NPS or designated representative. All
final products will be required to meet the spatial accuracy of the
National Mapping Accuracy Standards (NMAS) for the appropriate scale
products. For vegetation mapping, classification accuracy of the
interpretation shall be >80% for each individual vegetation class
using conventional methods of accuracy assessment. Accuracy assessment
requirements using "fuzzy logic" methods shall be determined on a
park-by-park basis. All parks must be mapped at least to the plant
association/cover type level, and must be able to be re-aggregated to
the FGDC vegetation classification scheme. Deliverable products may
include: -- digital files of vegetation and other data layers in
ArcInfo coverage format; -- FGDC-compliant digital metadata files for
all digital data layers delivered; -- textual description of vegetation
or other data layer classes; -- classification accuracy verification
(contingency tables); -- spatial accuracy verification and calculated
RMSE (root mean square error); -- field data entered into a DBMS; --
analog and digital field notes and site descriptions; -- location of
field sites including labeling on aerial photographs used in the
project; -- annotated field site photographs; -- interim
interpretations; -- quarterly progress reports; -- documented final
project report in digital format; -- all photography, maps, and
supplies initially furnished by the NPS, or acquired under this
contract. All work will be guided by NPS policies and directives.
Projects will require coordination with other mapping efforts, park and
other NPS personnel, and various review and planning entities,
including the U. S. Geological Survey, Biological Resources Division.
This solicitation is being issued as Full and Open Competition. The
Evaluation Criteria will be listed in the solicitation. Award will be
made to the offerer which in the Government's opinion offers the best
value. All inquiries regarding this announcement shall be submitted in
writing. No telephone calls will be accepted. Please correspond in
writing to be included on the bidders mailing list, and include company
name, address, telephone number, point of contact, size of business
(Large or Small), and whether or not your firm is disadvantaged owned.
Posted 12/10/99 (D-SN407552). (0344) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0077 19991214\T-0001.SOL)
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