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Department of the Air Force, Air Force Materiel Command, SMC -- Space & Missiles System Center, 2420 Vela Way, Suite 2420, El Segundo, CA, 90245-4659

C -- ICBM ADVISORY AND ASSISTANCE SERVICES SOL F04701-99-R-8003 DUE 011700 POC Martin Baca, Contracts Manager, Phone 505-853-6690, Email martin.baca@comanche.plk.af.mil -- Karen Ross, Contracting Officer, Phone (505)846-8502, Fax (505)846-4990, Email rosskl@comanche.plk.af.mil WEB: Visit this URL for the latest information about this, http://www.eps.gov/cgi-bin/WebObjects/EPS?ACode=R&;ProjID=F04701-99-R-8 003&LocID=901. E-MAIL: Martin Baca, martin.baca@comanche.plk.af.mil. The Launch Test Program (LTP) office at Kirtland AFB, NM is contemplating an award of a multiyear contract to provide advisory and assistance services (systems engineering and technical assistance_SETA) in support of the Rocket Systems Launch Program (RSLP). This announcement is for information and planning purposes only. This procurement will replace a portion of the existing Systems Engineering Contract with TRW, which expires in September 2000. The RSLP_s specifically known systems, and or programs, to be supported are Launch Test Programs, Ballistic Missile Technology (BMT)/Advanced Missile Technology, Countermeasures Hands-On Project, Force Applications Mission area, Titan IV, Minuteman, and Peacekeeper. Locations currently requiring full-time support are Kirtland AFB NM, Hill AFB UT, Los Angeles AFB CA, Peterson AFB CO, and Vandenberg AFB CA. Any resulting contract will include an organizational conflict of interest clause covering access to other companies proprietary information and will restrict performance and related activities as a prime contractor, first tier subcontractor or a consultant for any other contracts awarded by the Launch Test Program Office (SMC/TEB). Offerors shall have extensive knowledge and experience in the following areas: 1) Minuteman and Peacekeeper ICBM systems to include propulsion, ordnance, control systems, mechanical systems, electrical systems, thrust vector control systems, support equipment, flight termination systems, flight environments and aerodynamics; 2) Reentry vehicle technology; 3) Design, development and the testing of penetration aids to include CAD and operational testing; 4) Launch systems and related disciplines including guidance and control systems and current technologies; 5) Experience in the development of Mission Need Statements, Operational Requirements documents, Analysis of Alternative, and experience and knowledge of weapon system force applications; 6) Evaluation of ICBM accuracy and reliability, to include experience in aging and surveillance programs. Using the authority of 10 U.S.C. 2304(c)(1), pursuant to FAR 6.302-1(a)(2)(iii), the Launch Test Program Office anticipates that this effort will be available only from the original source, (TRW), in the case of this follow-on effort for the continued provision of highly specialized services. This is predicated upon the belief that it is likely that award to any other source would result in substantial duplication of cost to the Government that is not expected to be recovered through competition. Key reasons the Launch Test Program Office believes this to be a sole-source effort relate to early (1954 Air Force Scientific Advisory Committee) decisions that the ICBM systems would be acquired with the intent of having contractor support for the ICBM system life, both development and sustainment phases. The decision also was to have advisory and assistance services (A&AS), and associate contractors, retain the necessary data and expertise. Due to these seminal decisions, the Government did not procure full documentation and does not maintain a complete expertise base. TRW is the original SE/TA contractor and has developed and maintains the required data and expertise to provide this continuing support. Due to the complex nature of the systems involved, where misevaluations or incomplete analysis could lead to catastrophic results endangering life and property, new offerors will have to demonstrate requisite knowledge and experience with the subject systems, without having access to TRW's proprietary database. This database contains approximately 40 years of technical data of past flights and static tests which can be used to predict performance, aging surveillance, understand and reduce possible inherent risk and identify historical performance trends. These trends are critical in completing fault trees and determining failure modes for any motor failure that may occur. The statement of capability shall convincingly demonstrate that safety and mission success will not be compromised and that engineering support will not be sacrificed without the use of this proprietary database. Interested sources must submit a statement of capabilities (SOC) package to this office. The SOC should not only discuss in detail how your firm would be able to provide the needed information, but more importantly, it shall convincingly demonstrate upon what data the analysis will be based_given that you will not have access to the incumbent's proprietary database. The SOC shall contain a detailed discussion demonstrating the ability to meet the following technical requirements: 1) Ability to assist in review of contractor technical performance. Review contractor and other agency activities, in-plant practices and procedures, records, tests, and technical results to evaluate compliance with technical guidelines and requirements. Review and evaluate contractor plans, specifications, designs, analyses, drawings, test procedures, and reports; 2) Ability to perform analyses and trade studies to define mission requirements, support mission planning, and evaluate launch vehicle configurations. Conduct payload integration activities to ensure compatibility between the payload and launch vehicle including electrical interfaces, electromagnetic interference effects, mechanical/envelope interfaces, support equipment requirements, thermal effects, dynamic loads and structural margins, and payload environments. Perform trajectory, stability, control, mass properties, and post-boost deployment performance analyses, and perform bending analyses to support targeting and controls. Conduct break-up analyses and hazards to support Range Safety requirements. Aid in pre-flight qualification of on-board software via computer simulation. Support launch operations, post-flight analyses and mishap/anomaly investigations; 3) Support booster processing including inspection, nondestructive testing, and refurbishment activities to ensure Government assets are flight worthy. Develop facility, transportation, and handling equipment requirements for excess ballistic missile storage. Have 5 years or extensive knowledge with aging and surveillance programs, to include knowledge in the chemistry of aging and surveillance of Minuteman and Peacekeeper solid propellant and related ordnance and the knowledge of how aging impacts system performance. Support the design, test, and checkout of new and modified equipment. Support environmental assessments, hazards analyses, and safety plans associated with the acquisition of additional storage facilities; Perform technology trade studies in the areas of Ballistic Missile Guidance and Missile Electronics, Reentry Vehicle Technologies, Ballistic Missile Propulsion. Evaluate advanced system options on the basis of mission compatibility, performance potential, relative cost including reliability, maintainability, and producibility and technology maturity; and 5) Support long range planning in the Force Applications Mission Area. Recommend Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Science and Technology investments that best meet the needs of the Force Applications mission area. Perform mission objective analyses with Air Force Space Command and other appropriate agencies to define user requirements and to integrate AFRL 6.2 and 6.3 technologies. Define time phased technology projects that can be integrated into planned programmed development projects and provide opportunities for technology insertion 6) Must have resident engineering and management for customer support at Kirtland AFB SMC/TEB, and Vandenberg AFB SMC/TEV. This support must be in place at contract award. In addition, the SOC package shall also contain pertinent and specific information addressing the following areas: 1) Experience: proposed policy for complying with organizational conflict of interest requirements and an outline of previous efforts, specific work previously performed and any in-house effort, relevant to the specific task areas of this effort; 2) Personnel: name, professional qualifications, and specific experience of scientific and engineering personnel who will be assigned to work in areas of the subject effort, and management personnel who might be assigned to work in areas of the subject effort; and 3) Facilities: a statement regarding industrial security clearance and facilities to support work at the TOP SECRET/Sensitive Compartmented Information level. The SOC must be submitted within 30 calendar days of this publication, and is limited to 25 pages, excluding resumes. All replies to this synopsis must reference this sources sought synopsis and number F04701-99-R-8003. Submit only unclassified information. All responses shall include company size status under the Standard Industrial Classification code identified below. Submit all responses to Mr. Martin Baca (505-853-6690) or Major John Seamon (505-846-4634). Firms responding should indicate if they are a small business, a socially and economically disadvantaged business, an 8(a) firm, a historically black college or university, a woman owned, or a minority institution. The government reserves the right to set this acquisition or portions thereof, aside for small businesses, socially and economically disadvantaged businesses, 8(a) firms, historically black college or universities, woman owned, or minority institutions. For this proposed acquisition, the definitions in FAR 19.001 and small business size standard SIC 8711, size standard $20 million in annual receipts, apply. Foreign firms are advised that they will not be allowed to participate in this acquisition at the prime contractor level. It does not constitute an RFP and is not to be construed as a commitment by the Government. An Ombudsman has been appointed to hear concerns from potential offerors during the proposal development phase of this acquisition. The purpose of the Ombudsman is to receive and communicate serious concerns from potential offerors when an offeror prefers not to use established channels during the proposal development phase of this acquisition. Potential offerors should communicate first with the Contracting Officer, Ms. Karen Ross, SMC/TEKB; 3550 Aberdeen Ave SE, Bldg. 415, Room 114; Kirtland AFB, NM 87116-5776, (505) 846-5103, FAX (505) 846-5152, to request information, pose questions, and voice concerns before contacting the Ombudsman. In those instances where offerors cannot obtain resolution from the Contracting Officer, they are invited to contact Mr. Leslie Bordelon, (310) 363-3818. For contracting issues, please contact Ms. Karen Ross at the number above or Mr. Martin Baca, Contract Manager, (505) 853-6690, e-mail Martin.Baca@comanche.plk.af.mil or Major John Seamon, Contract Manager, (505) 846-4634 email John.Seamon@commanche.plk.af.mil. Information on this procurement can be accessed on the World Wide Web on the Electronic Posting System at www.eps.gov and at www.te.plk.af.mil under Procurements. Posted 12/15/99 (D-SN408934). (0349)

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