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Defense Supply Center Philadelphia, Directorate of Medical Materiel, Bldg 6, 700 Robbins Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111

Q -- PHARMACEUTICAL, MEDICAL/SURGICAL PLANNED PRODUCERS DUE 123120 POC Maureen Keating phone 215-737-4174, WEB: DSCP MEDICAL HOME PAGE, http://www.dscp.dla/mil/medical/medmain.html. E-MAIL: Contracting Officer, Maureen Keating, DSCP MRII Medical, mkeating@dscp.dla.mil. Broad Agency Announcement (BAA)establishes a closing date of 31 Dec 2001 for the submissions of concept papers of BAA dated March 13, 1997. This BAA is restricted to Industrial Planned Producers, or manufacturers who intoend to become planned producers for medical items. The Defense Supply Center Philadelphia (DSCP)seeks unique and innovative concept papers regarding the support and availability of planned medical defense items to be used during mobilization or for contingencies. Contingencies include national emergencies, humanitarian actions or when otherwise authorized. Specifically, the DSCP wishes to maintain and/or expand a viable industrial base with sufficinet sustqinment capability to meet DoD requiements for planned producer items. Sustainment is considered to be the ongoing resupply of material to the Armed Forces deployed to meet mobilization or contingency requirements. The sustainment program includes items which have been identified by the military services as potential shsortfalls to readiness, and includes medical planned producer items and items needed for personnel support, as well as some military-unique medical items. The objective of the BAA is to solict ideas on how to develop new strategies utilizing advance manufacturing and inventory management techniques to improve the ability of the industrial base to quickly respond to increased dustomer demands, and to ensure that the services are planning for the right items. The goal of the concept is to effectively reduce the overall cost to the government whle maintaining the availability of, and access to, sufficient quantities of planned defense tiems to cover the services' requirments. DPSC is lookingfor coverage, on the broadest possible range, for the planned items,accurate on-line inventory visibilityof the range of items, optimal responsivenesss to high-volume requirements for each of those items and a minimum of u-front pre-delivery government expenditure. This announcement also seeks solutions to achieve an inteface with planned producers to that the military planning process is updated with information reqarding emerging product-of-choice changes or the reduced usage of an obslolete item. This data is ciritical to maintain planning lists with current items and for supporting operations with the latest technology. The concept paper must focus on and discuss seven main areas. In response to this BAA, concpets will be individually evauated based on the followint criteria: 1)The incopration and use of Electronic Commerce (EC) and Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) as the means of data transfer. EDI is the computer to compouter orcomputer to VAN transmission of business data in ANSI-X12 format. This announcement seeks electronic solutions to achieve a paperless exchange of information for inventory mangement as well as for purchasing and distribution processes for the planned items. 2)Product Range. Planned Producers's ability to cover a wide range of planned items. The list of planned items will be furnighed upon request, to the DSCP point of contact, in Excel or Access format. The planned producers ability to provide access to a wide range of tems in a product line which exceeds the current planned items will be favorably considered. 3)Sustainment Capability. A planned producer's capability to meet the government's sustained requirementsfor the range of planned items. A manufacturer's ability to supply quantities to DoD which are within theircurrent production capacity, as well as in excess of their normal production capablity, will be evaluated. Only those firms which demonstrate the capablity to provide large volumes of medical items in a timely mannerwill be considered. 4) Financial Commitment. Planned Producers must demonstrate how inventories will be manage to handle sustaiment items and hwo stock will be rotated to ensure the dating of commercial material will be within teh guidelines of commerically acceptable business proactices. Planned producers are required to minimize DoD's financial commitment to support incr3eased inventory levels or contingenct arrangements. DoD is prepared to invest funds to procure stock or components to be held and stored at the planned producer's facility to enure timely delivery of quantities suffieient to meet the military services' sustaiment needs. However, those sources willing to make a financial investment will be considered more favorable than those that require significant goverment assistance. 5) Management System. DSCP is looking for those manufactureres proposing innovative approaches in the areas of stocking, inventory control, inventory rotation, asset visiblity, andline item trend analysis. Asset visiblity should include inventory levels and slaes volumes for the planned items, as well as the potential for visiblity of other product lines, in order to conduct effective trend analysis and readiness planning. 6)Distribution System. The planned porducer meust donstrate an ordering and shipping system which supports EDI adn provides intransit visiblity. 7) Universal Product Number (UPN) or National Drug Code (NDC). In order to maintain accurate data and cross references. all items in this kprogram must have an UPN or NDC assigned. Upon receipt evaluatin of concept papers DSCP may decide to award contracts to those intereste source who have submitted ideas which appea to be strategically advantages to DSCP. Planned producers are not competing against one another, rather,they are attempting to demonstrate that tehir proposed approach has potential application to the DSCP corporate mission requirements. There may be mulitple awards. The decision to award will be based ont ehtecnical merit of each individaul concept as evauated itn the seven areas delineated above. Concept papers may be submitted by intered sources at any time durng which the BAA is ineffect (CLOSING 31 Dec 2001) Faxed concept papers will not be accepted. During the effective period of this BAA, respondents may submit more than one concept paper to provide alternate concepts or additional planned items not previously submitted for consideration. Please submit concpt papers to: DSCP MRII, Bldg 6, Maureen Keating, 700 Robbins Avenue, Philadlephia Pa 19111. After assessing the merits of the concept papers, participation will be restricted to those submittals who offer an opportunity for significant supportfo the overall program objectives of expanding the industrial base for mobilization and contingency purposes, and providing asset visibility for planning analysis. Contracts may be negotiated withone or more sources capable of providing similar products in order to meet total sustaiment level quantities. Discussions concerning the technical aspects of the proposed concepts wil be strictly controlled to ensure governemt personnel do not disclose any information to other firms which might help impore the technical quality of thier submissions or provide specific detaisl or technical approaches which may have been submitted on the same item(s). A long term stable business relationship with planned produers is sought. Therefore, a contract with a base yaear and nine option years will be proposed. Contracts awarded to test concepts proposed under this BAA will specify measureable program objectives and contractor reporting requiements which will be used to monitor progress and assess the probability of long term success of the business practices applied. All respoinsible sources may submit offers which DSCP shall consider. All discussions and inquiries concerning this announcement shall be conducted throught the DSCP point of contact, Maureen Keating, Contracting Officer, Telephone 215-737-4174, fax 215-737-5555. address as above. Any planned producer wishing additional clarification of the concpt may submit to the POC, in writing or tlelphonically, a Request For Information visit to your facitlity and a briefing may be arranged. email address mkeating@dscp.dla.mil Posted 12/22/99 (W-SN411060). (0356)

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