Loren Data Corp.




3rd SVS/SVK, Bldg 6-920, Elmendorf AFB, AK 99506-2550

G -- SPONSORSHIP FOR IN-KIND DONATIONS FOR THE YOUTH CENTER'S FAMILY SPRING FLING AND EASTER EGG SCRAMBLE SOL 193-00 DUE 070400 POC Mary M. Rall, (907) 552-9249/5473, FAX (907) 552-9250 WEB: Screamn' Eagle News Letter/3rd Services Squadron, http//www.topcover.af.mil/web1/service/. E-MAIL: 3rd Servies Marketing and Publicity Office, mary.rall@elmendorf.af.mil. We are seeking in-kind sponsorship/donations for Elmendorf Air Force Base's Youth Center's Family Spring Fling and Easter Egg Scramble to be conducted April 22, 2000. We are seeking sponsorship/donations for enough wrapped candy to fill 8,000 Easter eggs, prizes for "prize" eggs for children from 0-12 years old, and prizes for 14 game booths. We would accept all or part donations depending on the sponsor and what they are willing to provide. Advertising will be done at all areeas of the base. Sponsors may set up booths and display banners at the event. Representaton by the sponsor at the event will be accepted and encouraged. All offers will considered. Requests for this solicitation may be requested no later then April 7, 2000. This is a solicitation by a nonappropriated funds instrumentality of the United States Government. It does not obligate funds of the governmnet.***** Posted 01/03/00 (W-SN412658). (0003)

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