Loren Data Corp.




Bureau of Reclamation, PO Box 36900, Billings, Montana 59107-6900

Z -- DAM NO. 2 STRUCTURE REPLACEMENT, DES LACS NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE, GARRISON DIVERSION UNIT, PICK-SLOAN MISSOURI BASIN PROGRAM, NORTH DAKOTA SOL 00SI600570 POC Hart BlackEagle, 406/247-7803 or Dean Cave, Contracting Officer, 406/247-7646 E-MAIL: Hart BlackEagle at the Great Plains Region, Bureau, hblackeagle@gp.usbr.gov. The principal features of the work include the following: (1) Demolition and removal of the existing 13-foot 3-inch wide by 10-foot high by 29-foot long concrete low water structure through Dam No. 2, approximately 50 feet of concrete spillway section and approximately 42 feet of concrete stoplog structure along with the rock/masonry abutments on each end; (2) furnishing and installing a double cell precast reinforced concrete box culvert low water control structure (each cell 5 feet wide by 12 feet high by 42 feet long) with sloped end sections and stoplog grooves, through Dam No. 2; (3) furnishing and installing ten 6-foot sections of double cell precast reinforced concrete box culvert structure (each cell 5 feet wide by 6 feet high by 6 feet long) with flared end sections and stoplog grooves, along the centerline of Dam No. 2; (4) earthwork and gravel surfacing for approximatley 200 feet of access road; (5) furnishing and placing riprap upstream and downstream of the new structure along the access road sideslopes; (6) gravel bedding under the box culverts; and (7) furnishing and installing wooden stoplogs and miscellaneous metalwork consisting of handrails and safety grating. The estimated price range of the work is $100,000 to $250,000. The work is located about 2 miles northwest of Kenmare, North Dakota in Ward County. Solicitation packages are anticipated to be available 02/04/2000. Requests for solicitations should be received on or before 02/22/2000. The bid opening is tentatively scheduled for 03/07/2000, at the Bureau of Reclamation, Dakotas Area Office, 304 East Broadway Avenue, Bismarck, North Dakota, 58502. The contract is to be completed within approximately 120 days. There is no charge for the first copy of the solicitation, additional sets will be provided upon receipt of a nonrefundable check or money order of $9.00 each. After issuance, the solicitation may be viewed, without charge, at the Bureau of Reclamation, Great Plains Regional Office, Room 2031, 316 North 26th Street, Billings, Montana; or the Bureau of Reclamation, Dakotas Area Office, 304 East Broadway Avenue, Bismarck, North Dakota. All responsible sources may submit a bid which shall be considered by the Bureau of Reclamation. The small business size standard is $17,000,000 and the standard industrial classification is 1629. Posted 01/03/00 (W-SN412642). (0003)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0096 20000105\Z-0012.SOL)

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