COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF JANUARY 11,2000 PSA#2513National Institutes of Environmental Health Sciences, Research
Contracts Branch, DERT, P.O. Box 12874, Building 4401, Research
Commons, 79 T.W. Alexander Drive, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 A -- POTENTIAL FOR ENVIRONMENTAL AND THERAPEUTIC AGENTS TO INDUCE
IMMUNOTOXICITY. SOL NIH-ES-00-23 DUE 022200 POC Howard Hill, Contract
Specialist, (919) 541-4971 WEB: NONE, NONE. E-MAIL: NONE, NONE. The
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), National
Institutes of Health (NIH), is soliciting proposals from offerors that
have these capabilities and facilities: Task I, demonstrate
proficiency in the performance of the Immune Testing Assays required by
the EIG to detect chemical-induced immune alteration. The sub-task I-A
Immunosuppression shall involve Immunopathology, Humoral Mediated
Immunity, Cell Mediated Immunity, Cell Quantification, Non-specific
Immunity and Host Resistance Assays and sub-task 1-B Hypersensitivity
Assays shall involve Mouse ear swelling test (MEST) and Local lymph
node assay (LLNA). Task II-A, upon demonstration of proficiency, the
contractor shall test four xenobiotics per year using tests described
in Task I-A.1, I-A.2 and I-A.4. Task II-B, the contractor shall test
two xenobiotics per year thereafter. Task II-C shall test 2 xenobiotics
per year for their potential to produce skin hypersentivity in the
mouse. Task II-D, the contractor shall test 1 xenobiotic per year for
the potential to influence autoimmune disease. Task III, Evaluation of
Additional Xenobiotics on an "As Needed Basis" (Options 1-3) that will
not exceed 35% of the total yearly level of effort to conduct
additional Task II studies. Task IV, Development and/or Evaluation of
New and Improved Technology (Option 4), for example, it may be
necessary to evaluate methods to assess the relevance of changes in
cytokine levels, monitor additional cell surface markers or quantitate
certain biomedical changes in chemical models of autoimmune disease.
Activities performed under this task shall not exceed 8% of the basic
contract effort. The Government estimates that the base contract
excluding options will require approximately 1.4 professional
person-years, 1.8 senior technical person years, 0.5 technical person
years and .25 for administrative person years per contract year. The
level of effort for the options shall be explained in the RFP. The
estimated period of performance is 5 years. Requests must reference RFP
No. NIH-ES-00-23 and must be directed to the office listed above. All
responsible sources may submit a proposal which shall be considered by
the Agency. Posted 01/07/00 (W-SN414243). (0007) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0004 20000111\A-0004.SOL)
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