Loren Data Corp.




National Imagery And Mapping Agency, PCE Mail Stop D-88, 4600 Sangamore Road, Bethesda, MD 20816-5003

A -- TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT CONTRACT (TSC) SOL NMA202-00-R-2000 POC Tamara J. verdon, Contracting Officer, (301)227-7824, verdont@nima.mil WEB: Click here to access the TSC Webpage, http://www.acquisitioncenter.com/tsc. E-MAIL: Click here to contact the TSC Contracting Officer, verdont@nima.mil. The National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA) is soliciting proposals for technology support services in support of the NIMA Technology Office (TE). The mission of the NIMA TE is to identify, research, develop, assess and transition technical solutions and processes, and to provide expertise that enables NIMA to meet its strategic goals and objectives. NIMA is soliciting proposals on a full and open competitive basis with the intention of awarding multiple Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (ID/IQ) Task Order contracts to contractors, or contractor teams, that have been evaluated by the Government and determined to provide the best value to the Government. Selected contractors, or contractor teams, must be able to satisfy all the requirements of the solicitation in order to be considered for award. To assure that TE program initiatives meet NIMA's agency vision and mission requirements, TE has identified several key functional areas that will require technology support. To fully support TE's mission, TE recognizes support efforts in functional areas that are not specifically identified herein may also be required. The following key functional areas have been identified: advanced research and development; infrastructure; programs and planning; technical support to operations; motion imagery; digital media management system; and digital gateway. Technology support efforts may include, but are not limited to: (i) providing services addressing the technologies involved in the management of requirements for collecting raw imagery and geospatial data; tasking the sensors; the sensors themselves; generating geodetic locational information; and supporting infrastructure of launch and sensor platforms; (ii) providing services addressing the technologies that provide the capabilities to store imagery and geospatial products and to facilitate the identification and retrieval of those products; the communications to move the products to the user; the compression technologies applied to enhance the speed of retrieval and dissemination; as well as the technologies used to ensure the security of the data being stored and moved; (iii) providing services addressing the technologies applied to raw imagery or geospatial data to identify the specific information contained therein; to select what is required by the user; to analyze that information; and to transform the information into a product that responds to the user's requirement; and (iv) providing services addressing the technologies of information management, image science, image quality, exercise/experiments & demonstrations, computer aided design, collection tasking and geodesy & geophysics. Once the basic contracts are awarded, individual task orders will be competed among qualified awardees. Information and procedures regarding fair opportunity to compete for task orders are delineated in the solicitation document and will be included in resultant contracts. The Government reserves the right to award a single contract if, after proposal evaluation, the Government receives only one acceptable proposal. Additionally, if none of the proposals received by the Government are acceptable, the Government reserves the right to make zero awards under this solicitation. The timely transition of technology support efforts from current NIMA contracts to TSC task orders is crucial for the continued success of NIMA's agency mission, therefore, NIMA is taking actions to support an expedited competition and award of several TSC task orders, thereby minimizing adverse program impacts. NIMA intends to solicit several task order proposals in parallel with soliciting proposals for the basic contract. Guidance and instructions regarding the expedited competition of these task orders is located in the contract solicitation document. NIMA has established a Technology Support Contract (TSC) webpage at www.acquisitioncenter.com/tsc. The TSC webpage will be used to publish all solicitation documents, schedules, notices, and will provide a forum for offerors to submit questions to the Contracting Officer. This webpage will be available to all potential offerors; however, it will have a password-controlled access. To request a password and login ID, the offeror must access the TSC webpage, click on the "Request Login" icon on the left side of the page, and complete the required information. The TSC webpage administrator will respond to the offeror via e-mail with a password and user ID. NIMA anticipates that formal soliciation documents will be available on the TSC webpage o/a 14 January 00. The proposal due date is predicated on the actual release date. The proposal due date will be identified in the solication document. Posted 01/13/00 (W-SN415644). (0013)

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