COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF JANUARY 19,2000 PSA#2518Arnold Engineering Development Center, Attn: AEDC PKP, 100 Kindel
Drive, Suite A332, Arnold AFB TN 37389-1332 43 -- REBUILD AND MODIFY PUMP POC Alan Fudge, Cotracting Officer,
931-454-4406 E-MAIL: fudge@arnold.af.mil, fudge@arnold.af.mil. This is
a notice of intent to negotiate a purchase order with Fairbanks Morse
Pump Co. to rebuild and modify an 18", 2 stage figure #6360 pump,
s/nPS6413. the pump must be rebuilt to original factory specifications.
The modification consists of shortening the length of the pump assembly
by 10".This synopsis is for a sole source action as authorized in FAR
6.302-1 (supplies or services are available from only one source). No
solicitation will be issued. However, an interested source may identify
their interest by providing proof of their capability by providing
detailed pricing and technical data demonstrating their ability to meet
this requirement. Only responses containing full and complete data will
be considered for the purpose of whether to conduct a competitive
procurement. No award will be made on the basis of response to this
synopsis. If no favorable responses are received within 15 calendar
days from the date of this notice, a purchase order will be negotiated
with the above named source. Posted 01/14/00 (W-SN416264). (0014) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0212 20000119\43-0002.SOL)
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