Loren Data Corp.




US Army Corps of Engineers, Engineering and Support Center Huntsville, 4820 University Square, Huntsville, AL 35816-1822

B -- DIGITAL GEOPHYSICAL MAPPING SERVICES SOL DACA87-00-Q-0005 DUE 012100 POC Evelyn Kelley, Contract Specialist, (256)895-1317 E-MAIL: Lydia.B.Tadesse@HND01.usace.army.mil, Evelyn.H.Kelly@HND01.usace.army.mil. Amendment 03 to Solicitation DACA87-00-Q-0005 17. References CDB Submission No. 410641, submitted December 21, 1999, CBD Submission No. 410927 submitted December 22, 1999 and CBD submission No. 415774 submitted January 13, 2000. The purpose of this amendment is to provide additional responses to questions submitted. All other terms and conditions remain as stated in the original CBD, Amendments 01 and 02. Question 30. CLIN 5a and 5b request daily and hourly rates for geophysical survey systems. We assume these costs would be for the detector and positioning system only, and do not include operator and/or other associated personnel labor rates. Is this assumption correct? Or should the prices for these CLINS reflect costs for a fully equipped survey team (labor plus equipment)? Answer: Yes, 005a and 005b include equipment only. CLIN 005c includes labor for standby time. Question 31. The answer to previous question 18 states "traditional incidental services to support surface avoidance should be included in the cost of field surveys". We are interpreting this to mean that an EOD qualified UXO specialist would be required to escort geophysical operator(s) in the field at all times, and we are including the costs for the UXO specialist in all the prices for the field survey CLINS. Is this correct? Answer: No. An EOD qualified UXO Tech II may be utilized when appropriate, but will not be needed at all times. In most instances, the site will already be surfaced cleared by others. Costs for an UXO escort when needed should be priced under CLIN 006 or CLIN 007. Question 32. I have one question regarding the Huntsville RFQ DACA87-00-Q-0005: In addition to the personnel synopsis presented within the forty page limit, are we allowed to forward an appendix showing the full resources of proposed staff? Answer: You may include the information, but it will be counted in the 40-page limit. Question 33. How can we find out about future questions and answers? Answer: Check the two web addresses posted in Amendment 02 for answers to future questions received prior to the cut-off date specified in Amendment 02. Posted 01/18/00 (W-SN416699). (0018)

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