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Corpus Christi Army Depot, Directorate of Contracting, 308 Crecy Street, Bldg 129, Stop 7, Corpus Christi, Texas 78419-5260

M -- BASE OPERATIONS SUPPORT AT CORPUS CHRISTI ARMY DEPOT UNDER OMB A-76 PROCEDURES SOL DAAH13-00-R-0001 POC Claude Adams, Contracting Officer, (361)961-3957 or Olga B. Albornoz, Contract Specialist, (361)961-3750 FAX (361)937-1126 E-MAIL: ERROR --, oalborno@ccad.army.mil. This is the second notice of Sources Sought for the purpose of identifying potential sources for Base Operations Support at the Corpus Christi Army Depot (CCAD), under the guidelines and procedures of OMB Circular A-76. The intent of the cost comparison is to determine the most efficient and cost effective method of providing Base Operations Support functions at CCAD. If the result of the Cost Comparison Study results in award of a contract, the contract will be a firm fixed price contract, with one (1) base year including a transition period and four (4) option years. A contract will not be awarded if Government performance is determined to be more advantageous. A Sources Sought was advertised January 21, 1999 under DAAH13-99-R-0000, at the beginning of the Study. This second Sources Sought is being advertised under DAAH13-00-R-0001 as a single multi-function solicitation for (1) Information Technology Support and (2) Facilities Support. The Standard Industrial Classification Codes are 8744 and 7376. (1) The Information Technology Support Group's representative services include: technology insertion; Y2K compliance; system change requests; customer support to include troubleshooting, problem resolution, and deploying and processing client equipment; electronic information access to include domain access and email services; network services to include wide area and local area networks; operating systems environment to include UNIX, Windows NT, Mainframe OS 390, and client; applications systems to include server, client, database, and standard depot system; computer operations to include mainframe, minicomputer and file servers; telecommunications; visual information to include photography, video production, graphics art, audio-visual, and video teleconferencing; records management to include army recordkeeping, mail, and management information requirements; and library, publications, and printing services. (2) The Facilities Support Group's representative services include: work reception; work classification; and facility trades services to include electrical, air conditioning, mechanical, pipe-fitting/plumbing, painting, and carpentry services. This request for information is not to be construed as a commitment by the Government, nor will the Government pay for the information solicited. The Solicitation is not available at this time. Sources interested may send the company name, address, phone, fax or email address to Corpus Christi Army Depot, Contracting Division, Attn: Olga B. Albornoz, Contract Specialist, at FAX (361) 937-1126, or email: oalborno@ccad.army.mil. Responses shall be dated no later than February 3, 2000. Posted 01/18/00 (W-SN416716). (0018)

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