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Office of Naval Research, 800 North Quincy St., Arlington, VA 22217-5660

A -- AFFORDABLE RELIABLE PRECISION NAVIGATION AND TIMING SOL 00-006 DUE 041900 POC Glynis Fisher, ONR 251, E-mail: fisherg@onr.navy.mil, FAX (703) 696-3365 & Technical Point of Contract: Dr. William Stachnik, ONR 313, E-mail: stachnw@onr.navy.mil, FAX (703) 696-1331 The following BAA on Affordable Reliable Precision Navigation and Timing, as it appears below and in the Commerce Business Daily (CBD) can be found at the ONR Home Page www.onr.navy.mil/02/baa. Background: Precision navigation and timing are essential for many modern defense systems, and generally speaking it is essential that navigation and timing services be made available to platforms and weapons at the highest level of accuracy and with the highest possible confidence at reasonable cost. Lack of reliable navigation and timing technologies may jeopardize the success of military operations. For example, the Global Positioning System (GPS) provides highly accurate position/time information at low cost and so GPS has become the technology of choice for many users. Unfortunately, the GPS signal is a low-power signal that is susceptible to interference. Therefore there is a need for both (1) affordable approaches to make GPS more reliable/robust, and (2) affordable reliable precision navigation/timing alternatives to GPS. Objective: The Office of Naval Research (ONR 313) seeks proposal for efforts that aim to develop and demonstrate technologies for affordable reliable precision navigation and timing. Specific areas of interest include the Global Positioning System (GPS) and in particular GPS User Equipment, Inertial Navigation Systems (INS), celestial navigation systems, small stable clocks, and the integration of multiple navigation/timing technologies/systems in unified communications/navigation/identification (CNI) architectures. Focussed and/or multidisciplinary concepts that develop/apply new antenna/array technologies, advanced digital processor and receiver designs, micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS), and improved algorithms are welcome, as are other ideas for reliable, affordable, precision navigation and timing not included in the above discussion. Proposal Timing: Potential offerors are encouraged to submit white papers by 25 FEB 2000. The technical part of the white paper shouldnot exceed 10 pages. The white papers should focus on proposed technical concept and approach. Interested offerors should submit white papers to Ms. Sheila Richardson by the above due date. White papers should be unclassified. The government anticipates providing feedback to the offerors based on the evaluation of the white papers by 24 MAR 2000. Offerors submitting the most promising white papers will be particularly encouraged to submit full technical and cost proposals. Full proposals should be submitted by 19 APR 2000. This BAA provides no funds for white paper or proposed development costs. Proposals should be accompanied by a completed certification package. The package can be accessed on the ONR Home Page at www.onr.navy.mil/02/certifications.htm for grant and cooperative agreement proposals and www.onr.navy.mil/02/repcert.htm for contract proposals. The technical portion of the full proposal should follow the following format: 1) List of Project Manager(s) and a Description of Programmatic Structure (including Subcontractors if any); 2) Technical Objective and Expected Payoff, Quantified to the Extent Possible; 3) Naval/Military Problem/Deficiency Thereby Addressed and Resulting Capability Enhancements; 4) Proposed Technical Approach; 5) Schedule/Milestones; 6) Proposed Funding Profile; 7) Relationship to Other Projects in Which the Offeror Participates; and 8) Summary of Qualifications/Experience of Key Personnel (including formal resumes). The technical portion of the full proposal, including the resumes, should not exceed 40 pages in length. Font should be Times New Roman, 12 point, single-spaced. The page limitation is based on 8.5 x 11 paper with 1" margins. Full proposals should be unclassified. Offerors should submit full proposals to Ms. Sheila Richardson by 19 APR 2000 to be considered for funding. All white papers/full proposals should be submitted as hard copy; ten (10) copies are required. White papers/full proposals submitted electronically will not be considered eligible. Awards to successful offerors may be made at any time throughout the year following the date of this published announcement, based on funding availability. Each offeror should state in its white paper/full proposal that it is submitted in response to this BAA. Proposal Evaluation: The evaluation of proposals will be performed by a Review Team of government technical experts drawn from the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (OPNAV), the naval systems command (SYSCOMS) and their associated warfare centers, the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), and other naval and defense activities/agencies. The evaluations of both the white papers and the full proposals will be conducted using the following criteria, which are listed in descending order of importance: 1) Impact of the resulting technologies, if successful, in terms of enhanced naval capabilities; 2) Overall scientific, technical and socio-economic merits of the proposal; 3) Offeror's capabilities, related experience, facilities, techniques, or unique combinations of these which are integral factors for achieving the proposal objectives; 4) Qualifications, capabilities, and experience of the proposed principal investigator or team leader, and the key personnel who are critical in achieving the proposal objectives; 5) Realism of the proposed cost and extent to which the cost effectiveness of the proposed research is diminished by expenditures for unproductive administrative and overhead expenses. Based on the evaluation of the written proposals, selected offerors may be invited, through official ONR notification, to participate in an oral presentation of their proposals to a panel of government evaluators. The evaluators will rank proposals and recommend awards based on the presentations of the proposals, both oral and written. The exact time and location of the oral presentations, if requested, will be provided at a later date. ONR's goal is to have awarded contracts, grants and/or agreements in place by the end of calendar year 2000. Available Funding Levels: Individual proposals are desired in the cost and period of performance range set forth below: Yearly Funding : Up to $750,000/year. Period of Performance: Up to three years. Total Amount of Award: Up to $2.25M. ONR anticipates that funding will be available to make a total of approximately ten (10) such awards using applied research (category 6.2) or advanced technology (category 6.3) funds as appropriate. Proposals for less than the maximum dollar award/performance period are welcome. This notice constitutes ONR's Broad Agency Announcement as contemplated in FAR 6.102 (d)(2). No Request for Proposal (RFP), solicitation or other announcement of this opportunity will be made. Awards may take the form of contracts, grants or cooperative agreements. For awards made as contracts, the socio-economic merits of each proposal will be evaluated based on the commitment to provide meaningful subcontracting opportunities for small business, historically underutilized business zone (HUBZone) small business, small disadvantaged business, women-owned business concerns, historically black colleges and universities, and minority institutions. The standard industrial classification code is 8731 with the small business size standard of 500. Large businesses, universities and nonprofit organizations submitting proposals of $500,000.00 or more shall also submit its Small Business Subcontracting Plan in accordance with FAR 52.219-9. RESTRICTION ON DISCLOSURE AND USE OF DATA: Offerors will apply the restrictive notice prescription of FAR 52.215-12, Restriction on Disclosure and Use of Data, to trade secrets or privileged commercial and financial information contained in their proposals. It is the Navy's intention to procure data rights in connection with contracts awarded under this BAA. Posted 01/21/00 (W-SN417487). (0021)

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