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Fluor Daniel Fernald, P.O. Box 538704, Cincinnati, OH 45253-8704

Y -- DESIGN/BUILD/OPERATE/DECONTAMINATE AND DECOMMISSION FULL-SCALE REMEDIATION FACILITY FOR SILOS 1 AND 2 MATERIAL DUE 030700 POC Bill Hensley, 513-648-4478 -- Fluor Fernald, Inc., Prime Contractor for the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Fernald Environmental Management Project (FEMP), Fernald, Hamilton County, Ohio, seeks QUALIFIED SOURCE(s) to provide onsite chemical stabilization or vitrification services for the treatment of approximately 10,000 tons (dry weight) of Atomic Energy Act (AEA) 11(e)(2) byproduct material stored in Silos 1 and 2 at the FEMP Operable Unit 4 (OU4) in accordance with the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act, as amended (CERCLA). An integrated CERCLA/National Environmental Policy Act Record of Decision (ROD) Amendment is currently under development, which will formally document the decision making process to select a treatment remedy for Silos 1 and 2. DOE has issued a draft Proposed Plan (PP) for Remedial Actions at Silos 1 and 2 identifying onsite chemical stabilization as the preferred remedy. The PP is under formal review by the EPA. Following EPA approval and the public comment period on the PP, the final selected remedy will be documented in a ROD Amendment. This announcement is not a request for proposal or solicitation. This announcement is an advance notification to determine interest in the proposed RFP. The RFP will reflect the final selected remedy (chemical stabilization or vitrification) documented in the ROD Amendment. For purposes of this announcement, chemical stabilization is defined to be a non-thermal treatment process involving mixing Silos 1 and 2 material (including BentoGrout ) with a variety of inorganic chemical additive formulations to accomplish chemical reduction in leachability and physical binding of the constituents of concern. Vitrification is defined as a treatment process involving the blending of waste with glass forming constituents and applying heat to form a stable glass wasteform. These processes shall provide reduction in mobility of Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, as amended, (RCRA) metals. The Silos 1 and 2 material is primarily a wet, silty, clay-like material containing significant concentrations of radionuclides including thorium-230, radium (Ra)-226, and their daughter products, lead-210, polonium-210 and uranium, as well as other heavy metals including lead (up to 12 percent by weight), barium, and arsenic compounds. Due to the significant concentration of Ra-226 (~500 nCi/gram), there is a large quantity of radon (Rn)-222 which requires control and treatment. The 10,000 tons of Silos 1 and 2 material includes approximately 220 tons (dry weight) of BentoGrout, a clay-like material, which was placed in the silos to control Rn-222 emanation. The moisture content of the Silos 1 and 2 material (including BentoGrout ) as stored in the Transfer Tank Area (TTA), is estimated to be 50 percent by weight. The Silos 1 and 2 material is classified as byproduct material, as defined in the AEA, Section 11(e)(2) and therefore is excluded from regulation under RCRA, in accordance with 40 CFR Part 261.4 (a)(4). The ROD Amendment will require the selected treatment remedy to treat RCRA metals to levels below the Toxicity Characteristic limits in order to meet the Nevada Test Site Waste Acceptance Criteria (NTS WAC). The RFP scope will include the documentation, engineering, design, fabrication, testing, delivery, installation and system operability testing of all equipment and systems for the treatment of the Silos 1 and 2 material. In addition, the successful offeror will perform process validation testing, provide start-up/training assistance, perform treatment operations, and maintenance activities, perform decontamination and demolition (D&D) and disposal of all at- or above-grade remediation facilities. Major components of the system shall include but not be limited to: i) Waste Retrieval from the TTA, ii) Pretreatment and Mixing Equipment, iii) Process Ventilation Systems and/or Off-gas Treatment Systems, iv) Feed System, v) Instrumentation and Controls (local with remote capabilities), vi) Radon Control System, vii) Utilities Distribution, viii) Product/Material Handling, ix) Waste Packaging and Temporary Storage, x) Secondary Waste(s) Treatment, Packaging and Disposal, xi) Building(s) and support structures, and xii) Laboratory facilities for sample analysis. It is anticipated that the period of performance for this project will be four to five years. The facility will be required to treat all the Silos 1 and 2 material within a maximum two-year operational period. The successful offeror will be solely responsible for the retrieval and transfer from the TTA and the treatment and packaging of all the Silos 1 and 2 material to meet the NTS WAC. The successful offeror will be responsible for the proper treatment and disposal of all secondary wastes generated during the execution of the contract. Fluor Fernald will arrange shipment of the treated waste after the successful offeror demonstrates that the treated waste meets the NTS WAC. It is planned that the treated Silos 1 and 2 material will be packaged and transported off-site by direct truck or intermodal shipments to the NTS. The shipping/disposal containers will be provided by the successful offeror and will meet Department of Transportation design and performance requirements in 49 CFR Part 173.411 for shipping low specific activity type II material and the NTS WAC. The successful offeror will be required, in accordance with the labor agreement between Fluor Fernald and the Fernald Atomic Trades and Labor Council (FAT&LC), to use the FEMP-supplied union labor workforce to accomplish operation, maintenance and support activities at the FEMP. The FAT&LC workforce will be supervised by Fluor Fernald supervisors, who will take technical direction from the successful offeror's technical personnel. Fluor Fernald will pay the FAT&LC labor workforce. In addition, the successful offeror will be required, in accordance with the Project Labor Agreement between Fluor Fernald and the Greater Cincinnati Building and Construction Trades Council (GCBCTC), to employ and train a union labor workforce to performconstruction, D&D and other related activities at the FEMP. The GCBCTC workforce will work directly for the successful offeror. The successful offeror will have payroll responsibilities, including benefits, for the GCBCTC labor workforce. Interested parties are invited to review applicable information at the Public Environmental Information Center, mail address: 10995 Hamilton-Cleves Highway, Harrison, Ohio 45030, telephone: 513-648-7480/7481. Interested Qualified Offerors shall respond to this announcement with by completing Standard Form SF254, Architect-Engineer and Related Services Questionnaire and Standard Form SF255 Architect-Engineer and Related Services Questionnaire for Specific Project including the following information: 1) Items 1a through 1f are considered to be minimum requirements an offeror must demonstrate. Potential offerors unable to demonstrate these items will not be considered. a) The offeror must establish that it possesses a suitable safety record and recent safe work performanceby the submittal of documentation demonstrating a current interstate workers compensation insurance experience modification rate (EMR) of less than or equal to 1.00; or the trend for the past three years is downward and none of the past three years having an interstate EMR greater than 1.15; b) Disclosure that the offeror possesses experience with the chemical stabilization or vitrification process, and the process has been technically developed and successfully utilized on a commercial basis through previous remediation experience; c) Disclosure that the offeror possesses radiological waste experience by demonstrating at least one project summary experience under DOE radiological engineering, monitoring, control and ALARA compliance programs; d) Disclosure that the offeror possesses CERCLA remediation experience and ability by demonstrating at least one project summary experience in performing remediation activities at a CERCLA site; e) Disclosure that the offeror possesses experience and ability in the useof union labor by demonstrating at least one project summary experience in performing remediation activities with the use of union labor; and f) Disclosure that the offeror possesses experience with packaging radioactive material. 2) Provide a copy of the latest 10-K and annual report and demonstrate the offeror's ability to finance this project. 3) Disclosure of at least five projects considered by the potential offeror to be most analogous to what will be required at the FEMP to execute the project described above. Responses in Section 10 of the SF255 are limited to 40 pages of text or less and should include description of experience relative to the chemical stabilization or vitrification process and the treatment of material that is similar to the Silos 1 and 2 material. For each of the project summary experiences the offeror should identify: a) Definition of untreated waste characterization; b) Definition of product specification; c) Summary of treatment objectives; d) Provide a system description of major components of the system referring to the extent possible to items (i) through (xii) above, identify the scale and the degree of remote operations; e) Summary of process chemistry (including treatment mechanism, additives used, key process parameters); f) Provide a simple block diagram, identify estimated mass flow rates, and identify process throughput in tons/day; g) Describe product packaging requirements, packaging concept and transportation mode used; h) Discuss project baseline schedule, actual schedule and explain any schedule variance; i) Discuss project baseline cost (capital and operating expenses), actual costs and explain any cost variances; j) Identify the percentage and describe the scope of the project for which the offeror was responsible; k) Describe insitu vs. final waste disposal volumes, describe secondary wastestreams (i.e., type, treatment, volumes), discuss process philosophy with regard to recycling and waste minimization; l) Identify required utilities to support treatment process; m) The summary of relevant project experience should include the engineering, design, procurement, fabrication, construction, start-up, operation, maintenance, D&D and wastewater treatment; n) Describe any experience in controlling the emissions of Rn-222; and o) Describe staffing, labor resources and arrangements required to complete the project. 4) Based on the summary project experiences provided in Item 3 above, the offeror shall identify the treatment process and describe its application to the remediation of the Silos 1 and 2 material at the required scale. The description shall be limited to 10 pages and follow the same outline in items 3a through 3o, as applicable. Based upon expressions of interest indicated and capabilities presented and after finalization of the ROD Amendment, Fluor Fernald, intends to issue a RFP to qualified offerors. A qualified offeror is one whose response to this request for an expression of interest demonstrates that the offeror possesses the requisite knowledge and experience, the treatment method has been commercially demonstrated on a similar scale and on material similar to the Silos 1 and 2 material, and that treatment of the OU4 Silos 1 and 2 material by the offeror will be in accordance with FEMP requirements, the NTS WAC and all DOE, state and federal requirements identified in the approved OU4 ROD, as amended. The offeror will finance all necessary facilities, equipment, material, supplies and services to treat and package the Silos 1 and 2 material at the FEMP site, in accordance with the terms of a Firm Fixed Price/Firm Fixed Unit Price Contract. The offeror will be reimbursed in accordance with a pay item schedule based on treated Silos 1 and 2 material accepted for disposal and specified deliverables. The estimated magnitude of this project is $150 million to $250 million (U.S. dollars). Offerors may submit more than one expression of interest. Each expression of interest shall be separate and limited to the discussion of only one technology (chemical stabilization or vitrification). Expressions of interest with required information must be submitted in writing to Fluor Fernald, ATTN: Mr. Bill Hensley (MS44-0), 7400 Willey Road, Hamilton, Ohio 45013-9402 or P.O. Box 538704, Cincinnati, Ohio 45253-8704 by March 7, 2000. Expressions of interest must state the subject, complete company name, point of contact, address, area code and telephone number, and facsimile number. The issue date for the RFP is anticipated for November 2000. The anticipated award date is August 2001. This CBD notice does not commit the U.S. Government and/or Fluor Fernald, to pay for any costs incurred prior to the execution of a subcontract. Telephone requests will not be accepted. Posted 02/02/00 (W-SN420915). (0033)

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