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USAID/Kyiv, 19 Nyzhniy Val St., 254071 Kiev, Ukraine

U -- UKRAINE ANTI-TRAFFICKING TELEVISION DOCUDRAMA SERIES SOL USAID/Kyiv RFP 00-04 DUE 033100 POC Winifred J. Mulligan, E-mail: wmulligan@usaid.gov, Tel: 380-44-462-5678, Fax: 380-44-462-5834, Contracting Officer: Catherine A. Mallay, cmallay@usaid.gov WEB: http://www.info.usaid.gov/procurement_bus_opp/procurement/announce/cbd, http://www.info.usaid.gov. E-MAIL: http://www.info.usaid.gov, wmulligan@usaid.gov or cmallay@usaid.gov. Correction: This notice supercedes the CBD notice published on February 1, 2000 (for USAID/Kiev RFP no.99-05 and is an up-dated version of a previous CBD notice posted on the CBD web on February 1, 1999 and published on February 16, 1999 (for USAID/Kiev RFP no. 99-05). Although the contract was originally estimated at a substantially higher value, the number of planned episodes of the docudrama has been reduced. It is now estimated that the contract will not exceed USD 200,000. The U.S. Agency for International Development plans to award a contract with a Ukrainian or U.S. entity to provide an anti-trafficking docudrama series as summarized below. This pre-solicitation notice will be followed by a formal Request for Proposal (RFP), containing additional detail. USAID expects to issue the RFP via the USAID website (information below) by the end of February 2000. If you or your organization would like to be listed in the RFP as having expressed interest in this competition, then please notify the USAID/Kiev contact person via email or fax within two weeks of this notice, even if you responded to the previous notice in 1999. The contract will provide for the creation and broadcast on Ukrainian television of a docudrama series which will result in greater awareness of the potential tragic consequences to victims of trafficking women and girls abroad for sexual and labor purposes. The anticipated result of this greater awareness is to discourage young women from becoming involved in the risky types of behaviors that could potentially lead to their being victims of trafficking. The series must detail the trafficking problem in a realistic manner and provide information about ways women and girls can protect themselves if they choose to accept job offers abroad. The contractor will be responsible for production of the docudrama and assuring its broadcast to a national viewing audience. For maximum impact, USAID anticipates the series should consist of a minimum of three episodes presented during prime viewing time. The contractor will be required to make best efforts to secure additional non-U.S. Government sponsorship (e.g. corporate, private foundation, etc.) that would result in improved overall quality of the program and/or an increase in the total number of episodes broadcast. This CBD notice can be viewed and downloaded using the USAID Web Site. The RFP, once issued, can be downloaded from the Agency web site. The Worldwide Web address is http://www.info.usaid.gov. Select Business and Procurement Opportunities from the home page, then "USAID Procurements." On the following screen, select "Download Available USAID Solicitations." It is the responsibility of the recipient of this solicitation document to ensure that it has been received from INTERNET in its entirety and USAID bears no responsibility for data errors resulting from transmission or conversion processes. Any interested party requesting a hard copy or diskette of the solicitation must submit a written request (fax or email is acceptable) to the contact person noted above and must make its own arrangements to get the solicitation (mail, courier, etc.); USAID/Kyiv will not bear the cost for this purpose of courier service or other special pickup or delivery services. Posted 02/07/00 (W-SN422611). (0038)

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