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National Park Service, Southeast Field Area, 1924 Building, 100 Alabama, SW, Atlanta, Georgia 30303

B -- COMPREHENSIVE STUDY SOL RP2675000134 DUE 030900 POC Kimberly Washington (404)562-3163X572 WEB: National Park Service, kim_washington@nps. gov. E-MAIL: National Park Service, kim_washington@nps.gov. Under the authority of FAR 6.302, The National Park Service(NPS) is proposing to negotiate a sole source contract with the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) to conduct a study on how the Law Enforcement Program within the NPS is being managed. The study will evaluate the degree to which NPS law enforcement goals, objectives and operations conform to the statutory requirement of the NPS, Department of the Interior and the expectations of park visitors and users. Evaluate how well the NPS is organized to conduct operations and project future law enforcement workload and NPS demands. Interested parties may submit a letter which specifies their qualifications and abilities or submit proposals. This notice of intent is not a request for competitive proposals, however, all proposals received within 30 days after date of publication of this synopsis will be considered by the Government. A determination by the Government not to compete this proposed contract based upon responses to this notice is solely within the discretion of the Government. Information received will normally be considered soley for the purpose of determining whether to conduct competitive procurement. Proposal shall be mailed to the following address: National Park Service, 100 Alabama Street, SW, 1924 Bldg., Atlanta, GA 30303. Posted 02/08/00 (W-SN423027). (0039)

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