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Natchez Trace Parkway, 2680 Natchez Trace Parkway, Tupelo, MS 38801

Z -- REPAIRS AND ANNUAL MAINTENANCE FOR A 50,000-GALLON ELEVATED WATER STORAGE TANK SOL RP5570-00-001 DUE 031700 POC Dale Wilkerson, Contracting Officer, 662-680-4009 E-MAIL: CO's email, dale_wilkerson@nps.gov. The National Park Service, Natchez Trace Parkway owns and operates a 50,000-gallon elevated water storage tank, located at the Tupelo, MS, Headquarters section of the Parkway. The Government requires repair of the tank, and then desires to place the upkeep of this tank under an Annual Maintenance Program. There are two parts to this contract: Part 1, Major Maintenance, includes all work necessary to bring the condition of the tank up to a level whereby the tank will be accepted into the contractor's tank maintenance program. This work includes sandblasting, cleaning, repairing, and painting the interior and exterior of the tank. The contractor shall complete all work required under Part 1 within 60 calendar days after receipt of the Notice to Proceed. Under Part 2, Annual Maintenance Contract, the contractor shall assume responsibility for maintaining the tank under an annual maintenance contract. Such services are commonly referred to in the industry as "Ongoing Maintenance," "Managed Tank Care," "Perpetual Care Program," etc. The "Annual Maintenance Contract" maintenance plan is designed so that the contractor provides all services necessary to keep the tank in good repair and working order, as long as the contract is in force. The initial period for the "Annual Maintenance Contract" maintenance plan is one calendar year, and there are four one-year option periods in the contract to keep this service in force. While the instant contract is legally limited to a total duration of not more than five years, the Government recognizes and has planned for the fact that "Annual Maintenance Contract" maintenance programs require an investment which extends beyond a five-year period. The procurement is being conducted under Simplified Acquisition Procedures and the Government intends to make a comparative Best Value analysis between all proposals received. However, in order to qualify contractors must provide references and positive evidence that they will perform both Parts 1 and 2 of this contract and that they have at least five other "Annual Maintenance Contract" maintenance plan contracts in force at the time of their proposal. Magnitude of this project is $25,000 to $100,000. Procurement is being conducted under full and open competition procedures. Solicitation package will be available o/a February 28, 2000. Requests for solicitation must be in written or electronic form, and may be sent to the address listed in this notice, FAXed to (662) 680-4033, or E-Mailed to dale_wilkerson@nps.gov Posted 02/08/00 (W-SN423044). (0039)

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