COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF FEBRUARY 14,2000 PSA#2536Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), Contract Management
Directorate (CMD), 3701 N. Fairfax Dr., Arlington, VA 22203-1714 A -- VIRTUAL ELECTROMAGNETIC TESTRANGE SOL BAA 00-28 DUE 060700 POC
Dr. Dennis Healy, DARPA/DSO, Fax (703) 696-3999 VIRTUAL ELECTROMAGNETIC
TESTRANGE SOL: BAA 00-28, DUE: 06-07-00 POC: Dr. Dennis Healy, Jr.,
DARPA/DSO, FAX: (703) 696-3999 EMAIL: BAA00-28@darpa.mil, URL:
http://www.darpa.mil/dso/. The Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency (DARPA) seeks innovative mathematical modeling and algorithmic
research leading to significant advances in capability for fast,
accurate computational electromagnetic modeling (CEM) in support of
DARPA's Virtual Electromagnetic Testrange (VET) initiative. VET seeks
to develop and demonstrate CEM innovations enabling dramatic reductions
in cost and time associated with accurate predictions of radar cross
section (RCS) for full-size air vehicles with realistic material
treatments and details/components including cavities, thin edges, and
embedded antennae. Significant technical challenges are posed by the
required extension of current candidate fast and accurate CEM
algorithms to scattering problems involving realistic material
treatments, by the need to further improve the speed of these
algorithms, and by requirements posed by complicated geometries such as
those associated with edges, cracks, and ducts. A major systems level
challenge is posed by the need for integration with existing
Computer-Aided Design (CAD) systems into an easily used design tool. To
meet these challenges, DARPA is soliciting significant algorithmic
advances with the following features: a) Well-conditioned problem
formulation; b) High-order convergence; c) Fast, scalable computation;
d) Memory-efficiency; e) Mathematical error control; and f) Automatic
(as much as possible) numerical discretization scheme(s) for complex
configurations. DARPA intends to transition successful innovations from
this research into an associated advanced development activity as
results reach an appropriate level of maturity. DARPA is particularly
interested in proposals addressing VET program goals and requirements
through research in one or more of the following topics. Topic 1- Wide
Band CEM Techniques: Novel fast, accurate time-domain CEM techniques
are sought in order to enable wideband applications of Department of
Defense (DoD) interest. Issues include formulation and its effect on
stability of discretization, fast and accurate means for enforcing
boundary conditions of a finite computational domain, and fast schemes
for dealing with special geometries and structures. Topic 2- Geometry
Representation and Discretization for High-Order Methods: Innovations
in mathematical geometry representations and meshing strategies are
needed to provide dramatic reductions in time and cost of geometry
preparation and discretization for fast and accurate, high-order
analysis codes. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to: a)
Elimination of geometry and topology artifacts while observing
constraints of actual singularities of a scatterer; b) Generation of
body-conforming surface grids to accommodate higher order methods; c)
Generation of volume grids to accommodate high-order volume elements
for anisotropic and inhomogeneous volume materials modeling; d)
Generation of mixed surface and volume grids for improved geometry
handling flexibility; and e) Assignment of material property to
individual grid cells. Topic 3 -- Fast Solvers for Volume Scatterers:
General utility CEM codes should handle both perfectly conducting
surface regions and penetrable material volume regions of a scatterer.
Innovative techniques and mathematical analyses are sought to address
issues posed by controllable accuracy requirements in prediction of
scattering from large volume regions filled with arbitrary materials.
In particular, the investigation of the volume integral equation using
fast solvers is of interest. GENERAL INFORMATION: Proposers must
obtain a Proposer Information Pamphlet (PIP) which provides detailed
information on program objectives, areas of interest, submission,
evaluation, funding processes, proposal formats, and other program
information. This may be obtained by fax, electronic mail (e-mail) or
mail requests to the administrative contact address given below, or
from the World Wide Web (WWW) at URL: http://www.darpa.mil/dso/.
TEAMING: Emphasis will be placed on integrated approaches, i.e.,
efforts developing innovative CEM technologies that substantively
address the requirements of specific DoD applications and of the VET
program, as detailed in the PIP. To ensure that advances in
computational mathematics closely address DoD needs and can be readily
integrated into useful practice, proposers may wish to consider
teaming arrangements. To assist this process, an interactive web site
has been established at URL: www.sainc.com/darpa/vet. Individual
researchers and organizations with specific, applicable expertise or
capabilities may provide non-proprietary descriptions of their
capabilities and interests. The web site will remain active from the
date of issuance of this Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) until June 7,
2000. Specific information content, communications, networking, and
team formation are the sole responsibilities of the participants. DARPA
will not participate in these activities other than to provide the web
site forum to enable others to initiate communications. WHITE PAPERS:
Submission and review of white papers are intended to minimize
unnecessary effort in proposal preparation and review. All white paper
submissions will be evaluated for responsiveness to the stated goals
and objectives of this BAA. Those meeting the criteria of this BAA will
be asked to submit a full proposal. Proposers must submit an original
and five (5) copies of the white paper to DARPA/DSO, ATTN: BAA 00-28,
3701 North Fairfax Drive, Arlington, VA 22203-1714 on or before 4:00 PM
ET, March 22, 2000. White papers must meet the objective and format
guidelines as described in the PIP in order to be considered. White
papers are limited to eleven (11) pages including cover sheet and
should contain: 1) Concepts for addressing the technical topics of this
VET solicitation; 2) Program plan with technical milestones for
developing algorithm components; 3) Integration of these components
into CEM systems for DoD applications, 4) Projected impact of these
developments on DoD applications; 5) Proposed funding level for the
effort; and 6) Descriptions of experience and expertise of prime
contractor and sub-contractors. Within ten (10) business days, DARPA
will acknowledge receipt of white papers and assign a control number
that should be used in all further correspondence. Recommendations for
full proposal submission will be made within approximately thirty (30)
days of receipt. All full proposals will be evaluated regardless of the
disposition of the white paper. FULL PROPOSALS: Proposals should
provide a detailed description of a coherent effort addressing one or
more of the specific topics of interest in a manner consistent with the
overall program goals. Proposers must submit an original and five (5)
copies of the proposal to DARPA/DSO, ATTN: BAA 00-28, 3701 North
Fairfax Drive, Arlington, VA 22203-1714 on or before 4:00 PM ET, June
7, 2000. Full proposals must meet the objective and format guidelines
as described in the PIP. Each proposal should present the following
technical content: 1) Description of the proposed algorithmic and
system developments, technical rationale, approach, demonstrations, and
plan for accomplishment of program goals; 2) Detailed discussion of the
major technical innovations and their responsiveness to VET program
goals and criteria; 3) Discussion of software development and tests
needed to implement the proposed CEM algorithm components; 4)
Discussion on the development of supporting technologies needed to
achieve operational impact in DoD CEM applications; 5) Description of
testing and validation procedures that will adequately evaluate
algorithmic components under development; 6) Discussion of technology
transition plan for incorporating program developments into actual
military systems; and 7) Elaboration of the capabilities and role of
each of the team members. Proposals shall consist of two volumes; a
technical volume and a cost volume. Both volumes should be printed on
8-1/2 by 11 inch pages with 1-inch margins and type not smaller than 12
point. Further details on specific content and format are found in the
PIP. Volume 2, the cost proposal, should be valid for a period of six
(6) months after the date of submission. Where the effort consists of
multiple portions that could reasonably be partitioned for purposes of
funding, these should be identified with separate cost estimates for
each. Details of any cost sharing should also be included. EVALUATION
PROCEDURES: Within approximately ten (10) business days of receipt of
full proposals, DARPA will acknowledge receipt of the submission and
assign a control number that should be used in all further
correspondence regarding the proposal. DARPA reserves the right to
select for award specific sections of any proposed effort and/or to
encourage teaming between competing proposers. DARPA's intent is to
review proposals as soon as possible after they arrive. Evaluation of
white papers and full proposals will be accomplished through a
technical review of each proposal using the following criteria: (l)
Scientific and technical merit of the proposed program; (2) Impact of
the successful development on defense systems; (3) Offeror's
capabilities and past related experience, including personnel,
facilities, equipment and data; and (4) Cost realism. Cost sharing is
encouraged and collaboration with other existing research activities
that complement the proposed research is encouraged. All proposals and
white papers will be reviewed by Government officials only. Input on
purely technical aspects of white papers and proposals may be solicited
by DARPA from non-Government consultants/experts bound by appropriate
non-disclosure requirements. Non-Government technical consultants will
not have access to submissions that are labeled by the offerors as
"GOVERNMENT ONLY." Restrictive notices notwithstanding, white papers
and proposals may be handled, for administrative purposes only, by a
support contractor. The contractor is bound by appropriate
non-disclosure requirements. Early submission of proposals is
encouraged; selections may be made at any time during the process. Not
all proposals deemed selectable may be funded. Proposals may be
considered for funding for a period of up to one year. The Government
reserves the right to select for award all, some, or none of the
proposals received. Proposals identified for funding may result in a
contract, grant, cooperative agreement, or "Technology Investment
Agreement (TIA)," depending upon the nature of the work proposed, the
required degree of interaction between parties, and other factors. The
offeror must submit a separate list of all technical data or computer
software that will be furnished to the Government with other than
unlimited rights (see DFARS Part 227). All administrative
correspondence and questions on this solicitation, including requests
for information on how to submit a proposal to this BAA, should be
directed to DARPA/DSO, BAA 00-28, fax: (703) 696-3999, electronicmail
(e-mail): BAA00-28@darpa.mil or mail: DARPA/DSO, ATTN: BAA 00-28, 3701
North Fairfax Drive, Arlington, VA 22203-1714, e-mail or fax is
preferred. Proposals submitted by fax or e-mail will be disregarded.
This notice, in conjunction with the BAA 00-28 PIP, constitutes the
total BAA. No additional information is available, nor will a formal
RFP or other solicitation regarding this announcement be issued.
Requests for the same will be disregarded. Historically Black Colleges
and Universities (HBCUs) and Minority Institutions (MIs) are
encouraged to submit proposals and join others in submitting proposals.
However, no portion of this BAA will be set aside for HBCUs and MIs
specifically. Posted 02/10/00 (W-SN424286). (0041) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0010 20000214\A-0010.SOL)
A - Research and Development Index Page