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SP -- INDUSTRY INFORMATION EXCHANGE DAY INDUSTRY INFORMATION EXCHANGE DAY The Wichita Falls Board of Commerce and Industry is hosting an Industry Information Exchange Day in support of the upcoming Pick-A-Base A-76 Cost Comparison Study at Sheppard AFB, Tx. All businesses are invited to attend this opportunity to learn about the A-76 Cost Study process. Wichita Falls Radisson Hotel Tuesday, March 7, 2000 11:30 AM -- 5:00 PM This will provide an excellent opportunity to pair potential prime bidders with potential sub-contractors as well as to receive procurement assistance and market research information. A reception will follow. The cost to attend is $25.00 per person for the seminar and lunch. CONTACT JEFF SANFORD AT(940) 723-2741 OR EMAIL sandford@wf.net FOR A REGISTRATION FORM OR FURTHER INFORMATION. To attend, the completed registration form and check is due to the Board of Commerce & Industry at PO Box 1860, Wichita Falls, TX 76307 by March 1, 2000 COMPETITIVE SOURCING Competitive Sourcing, or outsourcing, is an initiative to: free up resources (money and manpower); take advantage of available technology from the private sector; and allow the Air Force to concentrate on its core functions. Over the past several years, the Air Force has streamlined its combat forces. Now, they are concentrating on making their base operations support more efficient. Under competitive sourcing, the Air Force takes an activity that had been performed in-house and competes it between public and private industry. However, the Air Force still retains full control and responsibility through oversight of service contracts of the recurring services or functions. Two methods can be used to transfer federal functions to commercial activities within the Office of Management and Budget_s Circular A-76: cost comparison and direct conversion. In a direct conversion, an activity containing 10 or fewer civilians can be converted directly to contract once cost effectiveness is proven. Any function with more than 10 civilians must undergo a cost comparison -- the second type of study. In a cost comparison, the government develops a most efficient organization, or MEO, to compete against the private sector, as opposed to the direct conversion scenario where the government _bid_ is the current operating cost of the function. WEB: Visit this URL for the latest information about this, http://www.eps.gov/cgi-bin/WebObjects/EPS?ACode=S&ProjID=Reference-Num ber-F41612&LocID=563. E-MAIL: Colleen Phipps, Colleen.Phipps@sheppard.af.mil. Posted 02/15/00 (D-SN425576).

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