COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF FEBRUARY 22,2000 PSA#2541USA Materiel Command Acqiuisition Center, Yuma Proving Ground Contracts
Division, ATTN: AMSSB-ACY/Bldg. 2100, Yuma, AZ 85365-9106 70 -- DEC ALPH SYSTEM SOL w81r8t00250101 DUE 022300 POC Jacklyn
Wengstrom (520) 328-6656 or Pamela Nevels (520) 328-6154 E-MAIL:
jackie.wengstrom@yuma-exch1.army.mil. The United States Army Yuma
Proving Ground (USAYPG), Yuma Arizona, intends to negotiate a contract
with Encore Computer Corp. 729 Windwillow Way, Simi Valley, Ca. 93065
for 480mHZ 256mb DEC ALPHA CPU Mdl XPV_480A-3210, to incluce:i960,
w/s/w lic, Digital UNIX (2user lic.) PCI-RMS w/s/w lic., Encore r/t s/w
lic., infinity real-time modular cabinet Mdl 2512-2, Infinity real-time
modular chassis Mdl 2526-2, DEC ALPHA Moto Chassis, I/O transition kit
Mdl 118-113160-002, 4mm DAT Tape w/5.25 inch enclosure Mdl 2517-2, CD
ROM Drive w/5.25 inch enclosure Mdl 2518-1, 4GB,SCSI-2, 3.5 INCH Drive
w/5.25 inch enclosure Mdl 8837R-312. Required delivery time is 30 days
after receipt of order. This acquisition shall be conducted under FAR
Part 12 and 13 under the Simplified Acquisition Procedures (SAP) for
a Commercial Item. Responses other than the above source may identify
their capabilities to provide the requirement by submitting a proposal
in writing. Proposal shall include compete mailing address, point of
contact, phone number, facsimile number and business size. Responses
shall be receiver by 2:00 P.M.MST on 23 February 2000. Posted 02/17/00
(W-SN426399). (0048) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0285 20000222\70-0009.SOL)
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