Loren Data Corp.




FBI/TCAU, 14800 Conference Center Drive, Suite 300, Chantilly, VA 20151

R -- CENTRALIZED ON-LINE CREDIT REPORTING SERVICES SOL RFQ 759820 POC Deanna D. Davis, Contract Specialist This is a combined synopsis/solicitation for commercial items prepared in accordance with the format in Subpart 12.6, as supplemented with additional information included in this notice. This announcement constitutes the only solicitation; proposals are being requested and a written solicitation will not be issued. This solicitation is being issued as Request for Quotation (RFQ) 759820 and this number shall be referenced on all quotes. This RFQ is issued under Simplified Acquisition Procedures (SAP) and is a 100% Small Business Set-Aside under the Test Program in accordance with Subpart 13.5. The Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code is 7323 and Business Size Standard is $5 million. Solicitation documents and incorporated provisions and clauses are those in effect through Federal Acquisition Circular 97-15. FBI Headquarters has a requirement for nationwide on-line credit reporting services for investigative and employment purposes. The resulting aggregate award of a Firm Fixed Price, IndefiniteDelivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract will be based on a "Best Value" determination. It is anticipated that the IDIQ contract will include a minimum of 250 reports and a maximum of 150,000 reports for a base year and four (4) one-year options. Pricing per report shall be calculated by including all cost associated with producing a report such as: direct cost (credit bureau charges), labor cost, administrative cost, etc. Pricing shall be as follows: Base Year CLIN 0001 0-500 per month $_____, CLIN 0002 501 -- 1500 per month $_____ and CLIN 0003 Over -- 1500 per month $_____; Option Year 1 CLIN 1001 0 -- 500 per month $ _____, CLIN 1002 501 -- 1500 per month $ _____, CLIN 1003 Over 1500 per month $_____; Option Year 2 CLIN 2001 0 -- 500 per month $_____, CLIN 2002 501 -- 1500 per month $_____, CLIN 2003 Over 1500 per month $_____; Option Year 3 CLIN 3001 0- 500 per month $_____, CLIN 3002 501 -- 1500 per month $_____, CLIN 3003 Over 1500 per month $_____; Option Year 4 CLIN 4001 0—500 per month $_____, CLIN 4002 501 -- 1500 per month $_____, CLIN 4003 Over 1500 per month $_____. The services shall include the following: (1) The contractor shall provide personnel to physically perform services at FBI Headquarters, 935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20535-0001, except in specific cases where expeditious service is required. Requests for expeditious service may be transmitted to a contractor's central office at the sole discretion of the FBI; (2) The contractor shall also designate personnel within their company structure to directly supervise the personnel working at FBI Headquarters. (3) The contractor shall make available factual data (consumer credit reports/files) of the firm, subcontractor and/or cooperating/affiliated firms for examination, abstraction from Section 604 of the Fair Credit Reporting Act of any person residing in the Continental United States, Hawaii, Alaska and Puerto Rico; (4) The contractor shall provide credit reports based upon information provided by the FBI on subjects of interest. The information provided by the FBI will consist of the following: Subject's Name (First, Middle or Initial, and Last), Other name(s) used, Maiden Name, if appropriate, Date of Birth, Current Address or last known U.S. Address and Social Security Account Number; (5) The contractor shall provide an acceptable response to requests with the necessary credit report and/or data within the time frame specified on the request such as: twenty four (24) hours, three (3) or five (5) days, etc.; (6) Upon receipt of the FBI's request for a credit report the contractor will appropriately code the request and return the completed request with all available data to the requester within the required response period; (7) The contractor will ensure that all credit reports submitted to the FBI pertain to the subject of the FBI's inquiry. Prior to release to the FBI, the contractor must review any "record" report received in response to an inquiry made to a credit bureau to determine whether the credit file(s) being reported pertain to the subject of the FBI's inquiry. If the first response from the national credit system does not pertain to the FBI subject the contractor must take action to ensure removal of the FBI inquiry that was posted in error and so indicate on the report before it is delivered to the authorized FBI representative. The FBI will not be liable for additional charges where the contractor failed to enter complete and accurate data. If a "no record" response to an inquiry is received, the contractor must review the inquiry prior to release to ensure complete and accurate personal identifying data on the subject of inquiry was entered. The FBI shall not be liable for any reports where the contractor made errors and/or omissions of pertinent identifying data. Any costs associated with a report that has to be reprocessed due to errors made by the contractor must also be borne by the contractor; (8) The contractor will review every credit bureau report to ensure coverage of all names and addresses indicated by the FBI, prior to release to the Government; (9) The contractor shall query two (2) of the three (3) major credit bureau databases for the basic charge. The contractor will specify which two (2) credit bureaus will be queried. The remaining credit bureau will be queried for an additional charge, if requested by the FBI; (10) The contractor must provide the correct name and address of any creditor, collection agency, public record location, or credit bureau reporting information about the subject of the inquiry; (11) Any report(s) returned to the contractor as a "possible erroneous credit report" (a report that appears to contain the records of more than one person mixed into one file) must have all designated accounts and/or public record items verified as to whether they were accurately posted to the credit file or whether they actually pertain to another individual. A corrected report must be issued if discrepancies are revealed. These requests may be processed by ordering an"updated" report on the subject of the Government's investigation to replace the "possible erroneous credit bureau report." If the initial report is proven to have been erroneous, the Government will be given billing credit for the erroneous report provided by the contractor; (12) The contractor shall code report information in a manner acceptable to the FBI. Sample coding and a glossary or training manual must be provided and submitted to the FBI for final approval and acceptance; (13) The contractor must submit a sample report format for approval and acceptance by the FBI; (14) The contractor shall provide identification of trade references on the report when requested by the FBI; (15) In accordance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) a user end code is required to identify the entity making an inquiry on a subject's record. For security purposes the contractor shall not use or associate the initials "FBI" with any requests. The end user code recorded on all credit bureau inquiries shall be "Dept. ofJustice." Inquires regarding records so marked shall be directed to the following address: U.S. Department of Justice, Security Programs, Room 4246, 935 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20535-0001; Security Requirements are as follows: (1) Upon award, all contractors, subcontractors, key supervisory personnel and other contract individuals designated by the FBI who require access to any FBI facility or property must accurately complete forms SF-86, "Questionnaire for National Security Positions" and two copies of FD-258 (Fingerprint Card). All other contract individuals must furnish requested biographical information to appropriate FBI personnel and accurately complete FD-484 (Privacy Act) and two copies of form FD-258 (Fingerprint Card); (2) A background investigation, the scope of which will be at the discretion of the FBI, will be conducted on these individuals. At the discretion of the FBI, contract individuals may also be interviewed by the FBI regarding foreign travel, associates, residencesor other matters of concern to the FBI in deciding whether to grant access to its facilities or property and may be requested to undergo a polygraph examination to fully resolve any security concerns. Refusal or failure to accurately complete forms, to be interviewed, or undergo a polygraph examination to resolve questionable matters will be deemed reasonable cause for denial of access to FBI facilities or property; (3) Access to FBI facilities or property will be granted only where such access is clearly consistent with the mission and responsibilities of the FBI. If a contract individual is denied access for any reason the FBI will not disclose to the contractor the reason for denial, nor will the FBI be liable for any expense in the replacement of the individual or any costs incurred by the contractor as a result of such denial; (4) The FBI reserves the right to revoke any contract personnel's access to its facilities or property where such access is no longer clearly consistent with the FBI's mission andresponsibilities and the contractor agrees to immediate removal of that individual from the work site in such circumstances. In cases of access revocation the FBI will inform the individual of the basis for the revocation unless to do so would reveal classified or sensitive information and give the individual an opportunity to explain, rebut or refute such basis in writing. Access will remain revoked pending prompt review of any such submission by the individual; (5) The FBI also reserves the right to reinvestigate contract individuals on a periodic basis (usually five years) or where facts or information indicates continued access may no longer be clearly consistent with the FBI's mission and responsibilities. The scope of any reinvestigation will be at the sole discretion of the FBI. Refusal or failure to accurately complete forms, to be interviewed or undergo a polygraph examination to resolve questionable matters during a reinvestigation will be deemed reasonable cause for denial of access to FBI facilities or property; (6) Appropriate badges may be furnished by the FBI to facilitate access to FBI facilities and property. Any badges or identification cards must be maintained and displayed in accordance with FBI policy applicable to all employees and contractors. Badges will remain the property of the FBI and must be surrendered upon demand. Any loss, theft or misplacement of any issued badge(s) must be promptly reported to the FBI; (7) All other contractor personnel will be permitted only escorted access to FBI space at the convenience of the FBI and only on an emergency basis. The contractor will provide a 20 day notice of an employee turnover to ensure background investigations and security clearance processing can be conducted prior to new employee(s) needing access to the facility/property. Any escort costs incurred by the FBI, shall be computed at a GS-4 pay and benefits, due to the contractor's failure to comply with the 20-day notice will be deducted by the FBI from the contractor's billing payments; (8) The contractor will not remove, mail or otherwise transmit from FBI controlled space any information, except what is necessary to conduct individual credit inquiries, which would tend to identify individuals or groups of individuals upon whom the FBI has requested credit checks; (9) The contractor will not notify any individual, organization or agency of the numbers or nature of FBI credit checks except as provided by the FCRA or other Federal statute or specifically approved in writing by the FBI; (10) The contractor will ensure appropriate employees, including alternates are available for duty to meet established response criteria; (11) Upon written request, the contractor will provide written physical security procedures and countermeasures to prevent illegal or unauthorized entry or loitering at the FBI work site by any person. Government furnished property: (1) The FBI will provide adequate physical space for the contractor at its Headquarters located at 935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20535; (2) The FBI will also furnish basic office furniture, electricity, heating and air conditioning, three telephone lines and a time stamp. All costs associated with the use of the telephone shall be the responsibility of the contractor; (3) The contractor shall provide an maintain automated data processing and telecommunications (ADPT) equipment and software to input, access and output credit reports information. The contractor is responsible for compliance with license agreements associated with any hardware or software used in performance of this contract. Any ADPT equipment furnished by the contractor shall be installed and maintained in accordance with applicable FBI security policy and will be subject to security checks at the time of installation and periodic examinations thereafter. Prior to removal from FBI control any storage media must be cleared and sanitized of FBI information in accordance with FBI security policy; (4) The contractor may be required to maintain all records and information regarding credit inquiries in approved security containers (safes) provided by the FBI. Space provided by the FBI may be equipped with intrusion detection and/or other security devices at the discretion of the FBI; (5) The contractor shall maintain a daily backup log of all credit inquiries in order to reconstruct each day's inquiries in the event of a system failure; (6) The FBI will provide limited technical assistance in the installation of equipment to perform credit checks; (7) The contractor and employees will comply with all applicable FBI and U.S. Government fire, safety and security regulations. Working Hours and Standards of Conduct: (1) All work will be performed on site at FBI Headquarters, 935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20535. Work performed at this location will be limited to FBI matters; (2) The FBI does not require contract employees to be on duty on a full-time basis (40 hours per week), but employees must be available to meet the established response criteria. There may be situations where an expeditious response is required after the contract employee(s) has left for the day. The contractor shall provide for credit check requests to be submitted to a central office via facsimile or other mutually agreed upon means. Use of this system for transmitting requests shall be limited to specific cases and used at the sole discretion of the FBI. Reports submitted shall be of the same type as normally provided to the FBI as described in this solicitation; (3) The contractor personnel must perform work during established Government duty hours (ranging from 8:00 a.m. -- 6:00 p.m.). Any deviation from this schedule such as after hours or weekend work must be requested in writing and approved by the FBI in advance; and (4) The contractor's personnel are required to conform to established government rules and regulations regarding personal conduct and standards of dress while performing duties at the government facility. Contractor personnel must also comply with building codes and regulations andwill also be provided necessary briefings/debriefings regarding FBI security policies and procedures. The following FAR provisions and clauses are incorporated by reference and apply to this solicitation. FAR Provision 52.212-1 Instructions to Offerors-Commercial Items (NOV 1999), FAR Provision 52.212-3 Offeror Representations and Certifications Commercial Items (FEB 2000), FAR Clause 52.212-4 Contract Terms and Conditions-Commercial Items (MAY 1999), FAR Clause 52.212-5 Contract Terms and Conditions Required to Implement Statutes or Executive Orders-Commercial Items (FEB 2000), FAR Clause 52.222-41 Service Contract Act of 1965, as Amended (MAY 1989), FAR Clause 52.217-8 Option to Extend Services (NOV 1999), FAR Clause 52.217-9 Option to Extend the Term of the Contract (NOV 1999), FAR Clause 52.216-18 Ordering (OCT 1995) and FAR Clause 52.216-22 Indefinite Quantity Clause (OCT 1995). Offerors will be evaluated in accordance with FAR Provision 52.212-2 Evaluation-Commercial Items (JAN 1999). All FAR clauses and provisions may be obtained from the General Services Administration's, Federal Acquisition Regulation website at Internet address http://www.arnet.gov/far/. Award will be made to the responsive, responsible offeror whose quote conforms to this solicitation and is the most advantageous to the Government. The following evaluation factors in descending order of importance will be used to evaluate offers: (1) technical capability (2) price and (3) past performance. In order to evaluate past performance, submit three (3) references for similar contracts (preferably government) within the past three (3) years. Include the name and address of the organization, name and telephone number of point of contact and a brief description of the services rendered. All quotes shall be on company letterhead, accompanied by completed representations and certifications, clearly marked RFQ 759820 and submitted to the address listed above no later than 4:00 p.m., EST, March 14, 2000. Offerors responding to this solicitation mustprovide their DUNS and Tax Identification Numbers. The awardee shall also be required to submit a completed Form SF-3881, Automated Clearing House Vendor/Miscellaneous Payment Enrollment Form, in accordance with FAR Clause 52.232-33 Payment by Electronic Funds Transfer -- Central Contractor Registration. All quotes must be mailed and received at the above address on or before the date/time specified in this announcement. Offerors are hereby notified that if your quote is not received by the date/time and at the location specified in this announcement, it will be considered late and shall be handled in accordance with FAR Provision 52.212-1(f) (JUN 1999). Posted 02/28/00 (W-SN429028). (0059)

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