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Defense Information Systems Agency, DITCO-NCR, 701 South Court House Road, Arlington, VA 22204-2199

D -- JSC ENGINEERING SUPPORT SERVICES SOL DCA100-00-R-4008 DUE 031700 POC Contact Boyd E. Blevins, 703-607-6743 Department of Defense (DOD) Joint Spectrum Center (JSC) Engineering Support Services Contract (ESSC) Draft Request for Proposal (DRFP), SOL DCA 100-00-R-4008, POC Contracting Officer Boyd Blevins, 703 607-6743. The Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) intends to issue a DRFP for Engineering Support Services (ESS) to support the DOD JSC. The JSC mission is to ensure the DOD's effective use of the electromagnetic spectrum in support of national security and military objectives. The JSC serves as the DOD center of excellence for electromagnetic spectrum matters in support of Unified Commands, Military Departments and Defense Agencies in planning, acquisition, training and operations. In support of its mission the JSC: (1) Provides spectrum policy support to the Joint Staff (J6), Office of Assistant Secretary of Defense, Command Control Communications and Intelligence and the Military Departments; (2) Provides operational spectrum support to the Joint Staff, CINCs, Joint Task Force Commanders and component commands to insure spectrum supremacy during exercises, Operations Other Than War and contingency operations; (3) Develops and maintains standard information systems supporting DOD electromagnetic spectrum-related activities and processes; (4) Develops, maintains and distributes EMC analysis capabilities and databases; (5) Develops and coordinates the DOD Joint Electromagnetic Environmental Effects (E3) program in cooperation with the Military Departments and Defense Agencies; and (6) Provides E3 support to users on a customer funded basis. This acquisition will provide the labor hours to support a wide range of JSC technical and facility support services covering the general areas of: (1) Electromagnetic spectrum planning assistance; (2) Spectrum management support for operational commands; (3) Development and execution of the DOD E3 Program; (4) Resolution of spectrum interference issues; (5) Operation, maintenance, and further development of the JSC's electromagnetic spectrum-related data bases and computer-based E3 analysis capabilities; (6) Performance of E3 studies and analysis projects on spectrum dependent systems; (7) Development and configuration control of software systems for spectrum management and E3 analysis; (8) Provision of expert consultation on E3, EW, frequency allocation, and spectrum use issues to DOD and other Government agencies on a customer funded basis; and (9) E3 and spectrum management training. The type of contract is anticipated to be a cost plus award fee (CPAF) contract. In addition, organizational conflict of interest provisions will be included in accordance with FAR 9.505-2 and 9.505-4 to allow the JSC to provide technical support to Government program managers. The period of performance, including options, is expected to be 60 months. The draft portions will be posted on the DITCO web site at http://www.ditco.disa.mil/asp/news.asp by 10 March 2000. All firms interested in this acquisition are invited to review the DRFP and provide comments to the identified Contracting Officer. All comments should be submitted no later than 17 March 2000. The JSC response to industry comments will be posted on the DITCO web site. The JSC may incorporate industry comments in part or in whole into future releases of the RFP, including the Statement of Work (SOW). The Government is not soliciting proposals at this time. All inquiries and comments should reference the applicable section, clause number and title, and specific paragraph in the DRFP. All such communications should be submitted electronically by email to blevinsb@ncr.disa.mil with copy to myers@jsc.mil. A Pre-solicitation Conference is being planned for 20 March 2000 at the JSC, 2004 Turbot Landing, David Taylor Research Center, Annapolis, Maryland. Attendance will be limited to three (3) attendees from each interested organization. Each organization planning to attend this conference is to provide NLT 17 March 2000 the name of each attendee via email to blevins@ncr.disa.mil with copy to myers@jsc.mil. One-on-One Discussions (reference FAR Part 15.201(c)(4)) between appropriate government personnel and potential offerors will be conducted in 90 minute time blocks on 21, 22, 23, and 24 March 2000 at the JSC, 2004 Turbot Landing, David Taylor Research Center, Annapolis, Maryland. Participation will be restricted to those potential offerors who are interested in bidding as prime contractors for the JSC ESSC, and discussions will be restricted to the clarification of any questions concerning the JSC. Each potential offeror will be limited to a maximum of six (6) attendees. Appointments for One-on-One Discussions will be scheduled in the order the requests are received. Requests for appointment must be made via email to beard@jsc.mil with copy to myers@jsc.mil not later than 12PM 17 March 2000. Names of the attendees are to be included in the request. Appointment time will be confirmed via return email. An RFP Reference Room will be available to potential offerors. Information in the Reference Room may only be used for the express purpose ofthe contract competition. The potential offerors will comply with the following information and rules as they pertain to the JSC Reference Room: (1) The Reference Room will open 13 March 2000. The room will close on the date established in the RFP as the date proposals are due. The room will be located at the Joint Spectrum Center, 2004 Turbot Landing, David Taylor Research Center, Annapolis, Maryland. Hours of operation will be from 12:30 PM to 4:00 PM Monday through Friday, excluding government holidays. Requests for an appointment should be made at least three days in advance of the desired appointment date. Access to the Reference Room will be granted only by advance appointment. Written requests should be addressed to JSC/J00 (Ms Vicki Beard), 2004 Turbot Landing, Annapolis, MD 21402-5064, or via email at beard@jsc.mil with copy to myers@jsc.mil. Telephone requests can be made to Ms Vicki Beard at (410) 293-2456; (2) Up to four individuals associated with a single organization will be allowed access during any scheduled appointment. Only one organization will be allowed access during any one time period. Time periods will be scheduled in two hour increments. In order to allow equal opportunity for all potential offerors to use the Reference Room, only two periods a week will normally be granted for each organization. However, additional time may be available and will be allocated on an equitable basis for those requesting it. A first come first served policy will be employed for scheduling appointment times; (3) The Reference Room will be located in a secure area; however, security clearances will not be required. Personnel entering the JSC building will be required to sign in and obtain a visitor's pass. Briefcases, purses, etc. will be subject to a security check upon entering and leaving the premises. No cameras or other reproduction equipment will be allowed. A government escort will remain with the contractor personnel while in the JSC building. All personnel will also be required to sign in and out ona visitor's log located in the Reference Room; (4) Individuals visiting the Reference Room can take notes. Reference Room material will not be available for checkout. A copying machine will be available for reproducing a limited number of copies within the scheduled appointment time. Appropriate forms will be made available for requesting copies of documentation to be made during the scheduled appointment or to be mailed to or picked up by the requestor at a later date. Copies of documents readily available from established sources will not be provided. Copies of documents for which copying is prohibited will not be provided; (5) Documents resident in the Reference Room may be superseded, updated, revised, or new ones added during the period the room is available. An index of all documents in the Reference Room will be posted on the DITCO web site at http://www.ditco.disa.mil/asp/news.asp and will also be maintained in the Reference Room. Changes occurring in a calendar week will be posted by 10 a.m. every Monday. It will be the responsibility of each potential offeror to maintain awareness of such changes, should they occur. Information regarding such changes can also be obtained by calling Ms Beard at (410) 293-2456). The Solicitation for this effort is expected to be issued by 14 April 2000 with a 16 May 2000 deadline for the submittal of proposals. The contract award is planned for 24 July 2000. Please note there will be a contract transition period immediately following contract award with a duration of approximately 60 days. Full contract performance is expected to begin on 1 October 2000 with the full period of contract performance of five years thereafter including the exercise of options. Posted 03/08/00 (W-SN432529). (0068)

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