Loren Data Corp.




Defense Distribution Center, Procurement Division, ATTN: DDC-AA, 2001 Mission Drive, Building 81, New Cumberland, PA 17070-5001

39 -- BULK CLOTH HANDLING SYSTEM SOL SP310000R0013 DUE 051700 POC Mona Holtry, Contract Specialist, 717-770-6145 The specification covers the furnishing of all necessary materials, equipment, supplies, labor, software, hardware, integration, transportation and performance to reconfigure the existing Bulk Cloth Handling System at the Defense Distribution Depot, Albany, GA. Under the existing system, rolls of cloth are received in enclosed vans. The rolls are stacked lengthwise to the truck with the ends facing the rear of the truck. The rolls are stacked from as low as 2 ft. high to 6 ft high. The operator shall traverse the extendable conveyor to the material inside the trailer and place the cloth rolls on the conveyor. The cloth rolls then proceed to the powered accumulation conveyor section awaiting weighing at the workstation just behind CP1 (Conveyor Panel 1)(Bay B-6). There data is input by the workstation operator into the computer. Once the roll is processed the operator will activate a control on CP1 that pushes off the roll onto the 20 inch wide belt conveyor and will then activate the pusher to divert the material to one of six out-loading workstations. After the material is diverted and rolls down the chute to the workstations, the operator will pick up the roll by an overhead bridge crane system. The crane system is equipped with a vacuum assisted lifting devise that grabs around the roll. After inspecting the cloth rolls, the inspector(s) at this station will then place the material using the vacuum lift device into the stacking frames which are staged at the end of the inspection station. For the out-loading system, the pallet stacking frames are staged adjacent to the out-loading conveyor underneath the overhead bridge crane. The operator will lift the cloth rolls using the overhead bridge crane system onto the conveyor and the roll will travel to the end of the extendable conveyor to be off-loaded into the truck. Under the reconfigured system, the material will proceed to the location of the old in-check workstation just after CP1 and will automatically divert to chutes 1 through 6 starting with chute1 until it wills up and then the material will be diverted to the next available chute until that particular chute fills up. The divert sequence to the workstations will be automatic and the material will not stop at the in-check workstation to key in the data to prevent the back-up of material between the old in-check workstation which will be eliminated and the extendable conveyor. In addition, the contractor shall change the gripping system of the overhead bridge crane system to make the off-loading of the cloth rolls into the stacking frame more efficient and less labor intensive. For the out-loading system, a forklift operator will place the material on a lift/tilt table conveyor section which will allow the operator to lift the cloth roll and to slide the roll onto the conveyor. The conveyor will then transport the roll to the extendable conveyor for off-loading into the van. NOTE: ALL SOURCES MUST BE REGISTERED IN THE CENTRAL CONTRACTOR DATA REGISTSRATION (CCR) DATABASE. INFORMATION ON REGISTRATION MAY BE OBTAINED BY CALLING 1-888-227-2423 OR VIA THE INTERNET AT http://ccr/edi/disa/mil. Interested contractors should request the Request for Proposal via FAX to Mona Holtry, FAX: 717-770-5689. Please reference the solicitation number, and provide your company name, address, point of contact, phone and fax numbers on your request. Posted 03/16/00 (W-SN435141). (0076)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0210 20000320\39-0001.SOL)

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