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A -- ORBITAL EXPRESS ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY DEMONSTRATION DRAFT SOLICITATION AND INDUSTRY DAY The DARPA Tactical Technology Office (DARPA/TTO) has issued a draft solicitation for the Orbital Express Advanced Technology Demonstration (ATD) program. The draft solicitation is available in electronic form only, and is posted on the DARPA/TTO web page (http://www.darpa.mil/tto/solicitations.html). DARPA invites industry comment on the draft solicitation in advance of Industry Day (See below). The period for comment on the draft solicitation closes at 3:00 pm Eastern Time, 3 April 2000. Questions and comments should be referred to Mr. Thomas Lyon, e-mail: tlyon@darpa.mil. Answers to questions and comments on the draft solicitation will be posted on the DARPA/TTO web page. The Orbital Express ATD program will define, design, develop, integrate and demonstrate on-orbit a new space architecture enabling routine autonomous satellite servicing (preplanned electronics upgrade, refueling and reconfiguration of satellites) in the post-2010 timeframe that will support the broadest possible range of future U.S. national security, civil and commercial space programs. The Orbital Express ATD program will be executed as an "Other Transaction for Prototypes," using DARPA's authority under Section 845, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1994, as amended. DARPA currently plans the Orbital Express ATD program to be executed in two distinct phases. Phase I duration is expected to be 14-months; Phase II is expected to last approximately 38 months. Phase I awardees must be capable of executing both Phase I and Phase II. For Phase I, DARPA plans to award two or more, 14-month, Section 845 agreements. The Phase I solicitation seeks proposals for the identification, definition and analysis of requirements for on-orbit satellite servicing, performance of utility, cost effectiveness and life-cycle cost analysis, nomination of a baseline satellite servicing mission, definition of an Operational System Concept (OSC) and a servicing CONOPS, conduct of risk reduction R&D activities, development of a conceptual design for an Operational System, and, completion of a preliminary design of an Orbital Express Demonstration System (i.e., prototype satellite-to-satellite servicing interfaces, prototype Automated Guidance, Navigation and Control (Auto -- GN&C) subsystem, a prototype servicing spacecraft, a spacecraft functionally emulating the prototype servicing architectures of both a serviceable satellite and an on-orbit depot spacecraft, and ground facility support for on-orbit testing). The Demonstration System is intended to validate the Operational System conceptual design and concept of operations in an on-orbit demonstration during Phase II. At the conclusion of Phase I, DARPA will determine whether to enter Phase II or conclude the program. Only Phase I teams will be eligible to compete for Phase II. If DARPA decides to proceed with Phase II, one industry team will be selected to complete the Demonstration System design; continue risk reduction R&D activities; develop, fabricate, integrate and test, and space-qualify the Demonstration System; support spacecraft / launch vehicle integration; arrange ground facility support for on-orbit test operations; and, conduct an on-orbit satellite servicing demonstration using the Demonstration System to perform multiple satellite servicing cycles involving automated satellite-to-satellite transfers of both fluids and hardware. (Demonstration System space launch vehicle manifesting is not an element of the Orbital Express ATD program.) At the end of Phase II, residual on-orbit Demonstration System hardware will be transitioned to the Air Force to support follow-on risk reduction and operational evaluation activities necessary to support a Defense Acquisition Board (DAB) Milestone II decision to initiate an Orbital Express acquisition program and enter Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD). DARPA/TTO will host a one-day unclassified review of the Orbital Express ATD program for interested representatives of Government and industry, on 29 Mar 2000, at the Crystal Forum at 1999 Jefferson Davis Hwy, Arlington, VA. The intent of hosting an Industry Day conference is to inform industry of Government motivation, objectives and planning related to the Orbital Express ATD program, discuss the Orbital Express draft solicitation, review contracting procedures relevant to DARPA's Section 845 agreement and to hold a "poster session/capability exposition" for prospective program participants to encourage and facilitate industry teaming. Only persons with confirmed advanced registration will be admitted to the Orbital Express Industry Day conference and "poster session". Organizations wishing their representatives to attend the Industry Day conference should submit attendance requests, via e-mail, to Mr. Warren McCrary, SRS Technologies, at, warren.mccrary@wg.srs.com. Registration applications must be received NLT 3:00 pm Eastern Time, 24 Mar 2000. Registrations will be confirmed via e-mail NLT 5:00 pm Eastern Time, 27 Mar 2000. Each organization must submit the following information for their requested attendees, in a Microsoft EXCEL file, in the following format: last name, first name, business title, organization, full street address, city, state, zip code, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address. Each organization should specify a single point of contact for Industry Day registration issues. A conference registration fee of $85.00 per individual must be paid at the conference site by each attendee. No group/organization checks will be accepted. Checks are to be made payable to SRS Technologies. Organizations wishing to reserve exhibit space at the a "poster session / capability exposition" following Industry Day presentations should submit exhibit requests separate from their attendance applications. Exhibit requests should be clearly identified as such, and should be submitted, via e-mail, to Mr. Warren McCrary, SRS Technologies, at, warren.mccrary@wg.srs.com. Each organization will be restricted to one exhibit space. As space is limited, exhibit requests will be honored in the sequence received. Exhibit spaces are 6ft x 6ft in area, include one cloth-covered 6ft x 3ft display table, and two chairs. Electrical power will not be available for exhibitors. Additional exhibit setup information will be provided electronically with exhibit confirmation notices. Exhibit requests must be received NLT 3:00 pm Eastern Time, 24 Mar 2000. Exhibit confirmations will be provided via e-mail NLT 5:00 pm Eastern Time, 27 Mar 2000. The Crystal Forum is one block from the Crystal City Metro Stop on both the Blue and Yellow lines and the Virginia Railway Express (VRE) blue and red lines. Hotel accommodations are left up to attendees. A Continental Breakfast will be provided between 7:00 am and 8:00 am. Refreshments will be provided throughout the conference, but lunch will be left up to attendees. Registered attendees should check in between 7:00 am and 8:00 am. Industry Day presentations will begin at 8:00 am. The "poster session/capability exhibition" will open at 4:00 pm and close at 6:00 pm. POC for Industry Day information: Mr. Warren McCrary, SRS Technologies, (703) 284-7788, e-mail: warren.mccrary@wg.srs.com; or Mr. Phil Barger, SRS Technologies, (703) 284-7789, e-mail: phil.barger@wg.srs.com. Technical POC: Mr. Samuel B. Wilson, III, DARPA/TTO. DARPA/CMO POC is Mr. Thomas Lyons, e-mail: tlyon@darpa.mil. Posted 03/20/00 (W-SN436170).

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